Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Tornado is the Unlimitrix DNA sample of an unknown alien from an unknown planet


Tornado is a humanoid winged alien. his wings are covered with feather. His color is brown and white

powers and abilities[]

  • Tornadoes power : Tornado can close his wings and spin himself to create a tornado
  • Wind Attack : Tornado can push things and smash it with wind attacks
  • Wind breath : his breath can create wind.
  • Super speed : Tornado can reach the speed of wind.


  • if a bomb got inside the tornado it will push him and make more damage
  • if his wings are wet he can't fly. although he can dry them but it will make him late.


  • The way of troubles (debut)
  • Don't touch my water