Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Tommy 12: Trapped Inside the Net is a movie in Tommy 12.



Have you ever wondered about how it would feel like to be inside the internet? Well, let's say Tommy finds out the hard way.


Tommy was sleepwalking. He transformed into Upgrade. A body appeared in front of Upgrade.

(Body): I am-- No wait, that would be a spoiler- A mechamorph-Osmosian hybrid.

The Mechamorph threw Upgrade into the computer.

The next day...

Tommy woke up. He noticed he wasn't in his bed.

(Tommy): What the...

Tommy transformed into Viral.


Viral reverted.

(Tommy): Ooh look a trash can!

Tommy dove into the trash can.

(Booming Voice): Now to empty the trash!

Tommy ran out of the trash with a file in his hand.

(Tommy): My diary folder!

(Booming Voice): What the duck!?

Tommy transformed into Tiny Dasher.

(TD): I'm in a computer!

Safari opened up.

(TD): Wow! The Apple screen!

TD typed Ben 10 Fan Fiction in the search bar. He arrived on chat.

Jrshipey: 1:28

I'm bored.

                         ~ Tiny Dasher has landed on planet Chaturn. ~

Tiny Dasher:

Dead chat. 1:30

                         ~ Jrshipey has left planet Chaturn. ~

Tiny Dasher reverted.

(Tommy): I must have those leather pants!

Tommy transformed into Leather Pants.

(LP): Mwahaha, hahaha, I want those leather pants!

Leather Pants downloaded his own video. Suddenly, a Galvanic Mechamorph-Osmosian hybrid stood before LP.

(LP): Don't absorb my power!

(Galvanic Mechamorph-Osmosian Hybrid): I won't that's why I have these henchmen.

Yami Marik and Yami Bakura stepped out of the shadows.

Meanwhile in the real world....

Jason was listening to Runnin with A Gun.

(Jason): Ahh....

In the computer world...

(LP): Teenage Wasteland time!


(LP): Fine, we'll do Leather Pants.

YM, YB, and LP sang Leather Pants.

(GM-O Hybird): WTFudge

LP reverted, then transformed into Female Rath.

(Female Rath): Ooh I have a tail!

FR chased her tail. The GM-O Hybrid absorbed FR. FR reverted.

(Tommy): Oh well.

Tommy transformed into Epic Upgrade.

(Epic Upgrade): Sorry for being so epic!

(GM-O Hybrid): That's why I am evil! I was never as awesome as Upgrade.... SO I ABSORBED HIM! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am Retaliator Jr.!

(Epic Upgrade): NOOOOOOO!

Epic Upgrade transformed into Roleplay.

(Retaliator Jr.): Oh wowzers.

Retaliator Jr. absorbed Roleplay's powers. Tommy was Viral again.

(Viral): Time to delete this freak!

Viral used her powers to send Yami Yugi, Yami Marik, Yami Bakura, and Retaliator Jr. out of the internet.

(Viral): Mwahahaha!

Viral escaped from the Twelvtrix. Tommy reverted.

(Tommy): Who are you?

(Viral): I am Viral, now empress of this dimension! MWAHAHAHA!

Viral sent Tommy to the Ultimate Roleplay Wiki.

(Viral): Now... I CAN RULE BTFF!

Viral started to edit articles.

(Viral): Now to bring some more humans into the internet.... MWAHAHAHA!

In the world.....


To be continued...
