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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki


Toepick (Battle Ben-OH)

Toepick is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Deforniom from an unknown planet.


Toepick is a greenish yellow-skinned, ogre-like alien with long and misshapen arms that have weed-like spikes coming out of them with pointy fingertips. He wears green and black chest armor and shorts, which are connected via a lock. His eyes are glowing green and can be seen through the openings of a dark green metal cage helmet worn on his head. Inside his helmet is Toepick's terrifying face, which is supposed to resemble an eldritch horror.

Toepick's helmet has two horns protruding from the sides and seven pores on the front of his helmet to release his gas. The cage's door has five openings, one showing each of his five eyes. It opens by splitting up the mask. He also has tentacles-like hair coming from his armpits.

Toepick's Omnitrix symbol is on the top of the helmet.

Powers and Abilities[]

Toepick's only known way of defeating his enemies is with his extremely scary face, which taps into the primordial fears locked in all beings' subconscious and primitive brains. Toepick's face is so hideously horrifying that almost no being in the known universe can look at it without being scared to the point of turning pale white.

The sight of Toepick's face can cause adverse effects. The most common of these effects are the inducement of terror and insanity, as a Dwarf Star-powered Psyphon was so terrified by Toepick's face that he begged him to stay away in-between screams of terror.

Toepick's face can also induce nausea, as shown when Argit vomited several things he had eaten, and counteract forces that feed on fear, as Zombozo found it impossible not to be scared of his face.

Even Celestialsapiens can be terrified by Toepick's face.

In addition to his face, Toepick can also produce a series of horrifying sounds for extra terror.

When Toepick's helmet prepares to open, it releases a small amount of green gases.


Toepick can be scared by his own face if he looks into anything reflective. In fact, Ken found Toepick's face to be so gross that he did not want to turn into him.

Due to him being too heavy, Toepick can easily lose balance.

Blind or deaf beings would be immune to Toepick's face or sounds.

Beings that lack sapient emotion or survival instincts, such as drones and robots, would be immune to Toepick's face and sounds as well. However, it would invoke some sort of defensive reaction from them.

Apart from his incredibly scary face and sounds, Toepick seems to have no other skills in combat, making it possible to sneak up on him and attack before he has time to open his cage.

Ma Vreedle is not scared of Toepick because "she's seen worse".





Older Versions:

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