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To Beat the Heat
General Information
Release Date Dec. 02 2021
Series A Hero of 10; Rebooted
Season 1
Episode Number 1
Overall Episode Number 1
Written by Dreamer
Story by Dreamer
Directed by Dreamer
Episode Guide
Next episode Animo Instincts


The scene opens with viewing a beautiful sunny day, it pans across the screen then zooms into a window and onto Azlin sitting in class doodling while waiting for the bell to ring...

Azlin was softly humming a tune about all the fun she was going to have over the summer.

The focus shifts to view her doodles on her math paper, filled with oodles of doodles and very little of the work done.

The camera pans over to her right wrist and there we see a most interesting watch.

"Hmm, hmmm, hm, hmm..." she hums as she tells a sort of tall tale with her drawings, people talked non stop about strange sightings around town

"Alright, class, before we say our farewells for the summer I have some very important announcements..." the teacher spoke as she got up from (his/her) seat "First is about your summer reading...." the teacher just talked and Azlin paid no mind to them.

Eventually, school ended and everyone handed in their papers as they left. She did the same but was called back to be lectured about focusing on her work along with her two best friends getting a talking to with her.

Scene changes to Azlin hiding from school's and town's biggest and baddest bully, Eric.

"Stealth mode, activate..." she whispers, at first she might just use Bug-a-Boo, but people have grown suspicious and especially Eric. and she only had the watch for six months now.

She wasn't going to let her summer vacation start off with a wedgie or locker stuffing... not like last year, even if she can now escape with ease.

The focus changes to see Eric making his rounds and was with his partner and friend Kevin.

This was trouble for Azlin but right now they were dealing with a local space nerd who is also her best friend, Ben Tennyson.

"Cough it up Freak," Eric says as he and Kevin corner her best friends, the two crack a smile as they scare off even Cash and JT who were walking by.

"Come on Tennyson, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the fun way?" Kevin says and grabs Theo's hoodie "Where'd you think you're going, bozo"

Theo wasn't scared but he wasn't exactly happy either, "Nowhere, just... just need to meet up with my sister is all, hehe heh...." he says with a cheeky smile.

"I should help them, but I don't want to be late, " Azlin states as she watches her friends, she was left with a choice to help her friends or play it low and leave them.

Down the hall, Eric was smirking like an idiot wondering about what he was going to do. "Just how do you wanna go out today, Tennyson? Wedgie? Swirly? Maybe one of the hidden wonders of pain?" Eric states and laughs with such venom.

"Come on Tennyson, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the fun way!" Kevin says as he holds onto Theo, "Okay, now where is that Glitter Goodie one?" He asked to know well that the three of them are always together.

"She'll show up, she always does," Eric says as he torments his prey so helpless in his clutches.

Azlin looks at the Magitrix, she really wants to use it but knows that she is not supposed to keep suspicion down.

"I know I shouldn't but... my friends need my help" Azlin contemplates breaking her promise to her family or herself.

She looks towards her friends and at the watch, she was conflicted upon what her next move should be.

Just as she made her decision there was an explosion in the middle of where she was and the Bullies bullying her friends.

"What the Hell was that?" Eric asked as he was clearly confused and their prey seems to be getting away now.

"How the f*** would I know? I didn't cause it... This time" Kevin says as a good chunk of people know he has powers.

"Great, they got away..." Eric growls clearly upset he didn't get any cash from them.

The two boys bicker as a mysterious person walks through the smoke and dust, "gah, this is so boring" a raspy girlish voice says as they approach the trophy case.

"All this for some useless piece of junk, I could have robbed a bank, now that would be fun" the stranger says, busting open the trophy case by shattering the glass.

"I know that voice, what the f***k does she want?" Eric says clearly aware of who was invading the school.

"Is that Erik Saber I hear? My, my, you truly love living in filth," The stranger says teasing him.

The dust was starting to settle and there was an alien girl stealing a trophy, she clearly has history with Eric.

"Go to Hell Hana, We are not interested and we never were," Eric shouts coughing a little from the smoke and dust that he was breathing in.

"Aw, you still remember us, " Hana teased as Eric turned red, flustered with both rage and embarrassment.

"Would you just shut up! For f**** sake just shut up already, " Eric shouts

Hana just laughed at him, but Azlin knew that this was as good a time as any to break her lying low promise. She looks at the Magitrix and activates the selection menu.

Scrolling through the options, of which there was plenty to choose from. "Come on, Give me something good" she says, carefully making a choice.

She selects Splitter, locks it and spressed the faceplate in triggering the transformation...

... light envelopes Azlin as she slowly begins to shrink, her hair seems to become hard but still soft like cartilage bone and turns black with a pink sheen. Her skin pales to a pink-toned of white, while her clothes becomes more skin-tight and grey. Upon completion, she opens her eyes and is completely dark blue with a light blue to white pupils to light shine...

... the transformation ended. It always felt long but it was only a few seconds and a flash of pink and white light.

"Divide and CONQUER!" She says and splits into a dozen of herself and comes out to confront Hana.

"Huh? What the hell is a splixson doing here..." Hana asked out loud, confused until she saw a rather well known emblem on Azlin.

"Idiot, get out of here!" Eric shouts but who it was addressed to was lost in the crowd, if there was a crowd.

"I was just about to, so sweet for you to remember and care for me," Hana says with a smirk, clearly more calm in the situation which means she knows what she's doing or is just that confident.

"Not you, the so-called hero that always shows up when freaks and or lunatics are involved" He says and was pissed off more than usual.

Hana carefully looks around for a way to make her exit, she spots a pipe in the wall, "ooo, that will do," she says and

Hana uses her dark magic to create yet another diversion but Azlin saw through this trick, after all she did it herself quite a few times before.

Azlin quickly splits apart and rolls out after her in a wheel of her copies.

The chase was on, and so was the attention of the public again, aliens are pretty much a normal thing by now but her secret was not.

Hana seemed to be causing a ruckus and blasting magic back at Azlin, even when she missed it still did damage to something or one.

No matter the numbers of Splitter she made, there wasn't enough of her to go around or to keep up with this eccentric witch.

Azlin eventually times out and loses track of Hana, she was going to get an earful when she got home for sure.

"Azlin Lucilia Jones!" A rather angry Emilia shouts from behind her, it appears she stopped in front of home by sheer luck alone.

"Hiya sis... how was your day?" Azlin sheepishly says with a smile turning around to look at her little sister like she didn't break the promise.

"You promised Grampy that you lay low," Emilia says, showing her phone off with a news report of the Splitter and Hana "as if you weren't in big trouble already, you are gonna get this time for sure."

"I know... but I couldn't just let her get away with this, I am a hero after all, the cutest hero to ever save the day!" Azlin beamed feeling proud of herself, only to be smacked upside the head by Emilia.

"Once again what the f*** is wrong with you, how are you the older responsible one!" Emilia rages on and torments her sisters.

Meanwhile across the street there is a young man treating three misfit kids to an after school snack in a diner.

"So what did you think of that fight, Eric?" Kevin asked his best friend in existence, next to Erik the nerdy twin brother.

"It was amazing, I can't believe stuff like that happens here." Eric says waiting for Ryan to come back with the food.

"Calm down Eric, or else you'll be sent to boarding school like our other brother."  Erik says trying to reign in his hyper and educationally challenged brother, all while looking over his books.

"What's wrong with him getting hyped for the best summer ever? Lighten up already." Kevin laughs, taking his books away.

"Hey, give it back!" Erik shouts while the two of them laugh.

Just as Ryan comes back with the food.

"Settle down you three, I brought the goods." Ryan says, putting the tray of food down and taking a seat next to Erik.

"Yo, Eric.... How ya like some alien beef of your own?" Kevin asked curiously with hidden motives.

"I would kill to have alien powers too!" Eric shouts and that made Kevin smirk and Ryan grow worried with concern for the boys well being.

Back with the Jones Sisters, the two of them listen to any reports regarding Hana.

"This is boring, can't we just go alien and track her?" Azlin asked, looking over her Magitrix.

"Lying low, remember or do I need to teach you that lesson for the hundredth time already?" Emila says coldly and looks at her sister very pissed off.

"Fine, but it better work soon!" Azlin admits defeatedly, and lays down on the ground, bored as can be.

The two of them waited well, Emilia did, for Azlin snuck away to do things her way the quick way.

Azlin walks about looking at her watch wonder what alien would be best against Hana and or to track her down.

The struggle was real, well real enough to her.

After much debate she turns into a fan favorite alien of hers, one she enjoys using too...

As light Encased her, Azlin put her left hand to the sky and snapped and soon her hand began to change.

Her skin turned blue and her body also began to morph, she started to grow a tail and her hair became a helmet of sorts.

Her shows changed to be that of reptilian clawed-feet of balls, her hands also became clawed as well while both lost some digits.

Finally an outfit shift, as she was in what looked to be a one-piece track suit  of her favorite colors.

When the light fades she smirked, flipped her pink visor on and zoomed across Keysville to look for Hana.

She looked up, down and pretty everywhere to find Hana, until she ended up in the spooky part of town.

"Why do they always hide in this part of Keysville?" Azlin says with a gulp of fear as she slowly moves into the spooky area.

In and out of each building she went, nothing until she was in front of the old Tattler Morgue and funeral parlor.

"It had to be one of the top three scariest places here." She says entering it, it was dark and smelled nasty inside.

She walks over to one of the old coffins from the fire that shut this place down, it was full of junk, one of which was a trophy from school.

"So you managed to find me, did ya? Well done, well done indeed,"  Hana says and slow-claps her way out of the shadows "it's a shame I have to break that cute face of yours now."

"Y-you don't ss-s-scare me!" Azlin says clearly, scared senseless, this made Hana laugh.

"Oh you poor thing, you poor sugary repulsive thing!" Hana taunts and gives her best flirty smirk and weaves an electro-web of mana.

She then proceeded to fling it at Azlin who just zip out of the way, this turned Hana on as she loves when others play hard to get.

"Gotta be faster than that to catch me." She giggles and zip around the room as Hana tries her best to restrain her.

Hana grew tired of this after a minute or two and let out a burst of dark energy, "stay still for f*** sake! You ugly little brat!!!" Hana screams as the energy sent Alzin through a wall, "okay that works..."

Hana leaps out to get close to Azlin and drain her dry of energy like her father and grandfather have done for millennia, for something wasn't right about her since reeks of energy yet has never been on Hana's radar.

"Time to say your prayer.... Huh?" Hana goes in for the kill only to be face to face with a strange pink haired girl who quickly took hana by surprise by headbutting her and then flipping her over.

"I always save the best form for last!" Azlin says and bites Hana, it was quite slobbery since she has a thing about getting under one's skin with little effort.

"Get off of me! Get off! Get off! GET OFF!!!" Hana shouts just in time for her family to arrive, Hana was pissed but more so disgusted by the cuteness and slobbering of Azlin.

"I think she's had enough Azlin, you can let go now." Grampy says and puts power damper cuffs on Hana.

"I knew I would find her without help... b-but why is it always the spooky part of town?" Azlin says freaking out when she realizes she is in the bad part of town again.

"Cause baddies are as cliche as you." Emilia teased as she gave Hana a devilish smirk, one that left her perplexed as to why this child had such a dark aura and an even darker soul.

Grampy drove them back to jail to let Madame LeClair take care of Hana, only to surprise his grandkids with an RV and some packed suitcases of theirs.

"This summer we are going on an adventure, what do you say girls?" Grampy smiled as his two favorite grandkids went up to hug him.

"You are the best grandpa in the whole world, Grampy!" Azlin says with a warm smile.

"Well this is going to be an eventful summer." Emilia says getting onto the RV, Azlin was right behind her just itching to hug pounce from excitement.

"Don't even think about it, let's get going." Emilia says coldly with a hint of sarcasm and closes the door after Azlin stepped in, and with that the summer had officially begun.

—Foreshadowing Epilogue—

Meanwhile a madman was tinkering away on his latest contraption.

"Eureka! I finally completed it, now to hunt down some very special specimens..." he says looking at photos, videos and more of Aliens owned by one very particular little girl, after that he laughs maniacally into the open air.

Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • We meet meet Hana Alain, a pest knows for magical explosions and polygamy yandere love.
  • We meet the Chaos Crew of Kevin Levin, Erik Saber, Eric Saber.
    • and poor Ryan who has to put up with them.
  • We alluded to what is to come in the next episode

Character Debuts[]

  • Azlin Jones
  • Emilia Jones
  • Arthur L. Jones
  • Hana Alain
  • Erik Saber
  • Eric Saber
  • Kevin Levin
  • Ben Tennyson
  • Theodore LeClair
  • Ryan

Omnitrix Alien Debuts[]

Minor Events[]

  • Emilia subtly threatens Hana.



Aliens Used[]



  • Testing...
  • Testing...
  • One, two, three...


Author notes[]

Spelling, Grammar, and punctiation help is much appreciated, as a fresh pair of eyes are better at proofreading and helping with my shortcommings with writing, thank you.
