Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Appoplexian
Age unknown
Affiliations Ben Tennyson (T63)

The empire

Occupation(s) General
Powers and abilities
Abilities Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Jumping Enhanced Speed Enhanced Agility Sharp Claws Shock Waves

Equipment various weapons
Relatives unknown
Voice Actor David Kaye

Titus is a scar-covered Appoplexian, who acts as Ben's most trusted general, and disciplinary commander in his military.


Resembles Rath, although covered from head to toe with battle scars, has one scarred eye, and wears a military uniform similar to the one belonging to Ben Tennyson(T63).


He along with Sunny was chosen as a general by Ben for his empire and army. Since then, he has helped the empire conquer planet after planet, and making examples of the natives on each new planet.


Like all members of his race, Titus is argumentative, stubborn, and extremely fixated on solving all his problems with violence. He is much like Rath, even down to his speech mannerisms.

Although he loves to battle, once he is beaten he values the honor of the fight and treats his winning opponent with the prize of his retreat. He recognizes ben as a higher authority but shows admiration rather fear.

He values skill and discipline from everyone, seeing it fit to make examples of the native race of each planet the empire conquers.

Powers and Abilities[]

Similar abilities as Rath. He has enhanced strength and agility, enabling them to jump great distances and lift objects heavier than himself. His fighting style is a mixture of wrestling, grappling holds, and sheer brute force, allowing them to power his way through dozens of opponents and smash through tough defenses.

He has a large, retractable claw on each wrist. This claw can be used to stab opponents, or create a shock wave when stabbed into the ground or when objects are cut apart.

His unbridled aggression gives him a psychological edge in combat. There are very few things that he fears and many opponents find it extremely difficult to stop him when he is fully enraged.


Along with Sunny, he was chosen to be a general for the empires army, due to his power and skill. He helped the empire immensely and quickly became Ben's most trusted general along with Sunny.

He was seen with Ben and Sunny as they discussed how to conquer another planet. They agreed to corner the native race into submission and make an example of them. If the race did not cooperate, the planet would be destroyed and their race would be wiped out by the empire. The latter later left the meeting with nothing further to add


Unknown yet


• He is considered by Ben, a great warrior even by Appoplexian standards.

• It is mostly Titus' duty to make sure no conquered race is to revolt. If one does, Titus is to make a example of them to the most severe level.
