Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

The Void is anything but the emptiness its name suggests. In Earth-1776 lore, it is the connective tissue that exists on the outer edges of timelines and planes of existence, binding them all together as one cohesive universe. In simpler terms, it is the gaps and divides between the timelines and realities of Earth-1776. It also forms the border between Earth-1776 and other universes in the BTFF Multiverse.

While initially empty, it eventually became a place for lost things and "nothings" from across the universe to go, and is now teeming with its own bizarre, chaotic forms of life.


The Void emerged after the final confrontation of Ben Ten + 0 + Infinite. Ben-42069 used Way Bigger Mecha Edition to summon the primordial god Crabe, who in turn destroyed the Source of Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki (not canon to the multiverse), sending out a wave of energy that eventually corrupted Earth-1776.


The Void is broken down into several "sectors", each identified by their color of their "atmosphere".

  • The Nether Sector, with skies of red and green. It is home to Abaddon, a fierce demonic warlord who leads an unending hurricane of alien insect warriors that could and would devour anything in its path.
  • The Prismatic Sector, by far the nicest and most tranquil area of the void. It has skies of rainbows and white. It has many diverse inhabitants, like the magic man Ignatius M. Cornflower and the boy king Prodigy.
  • The Doomed Sector is cloaked in pure darkness. Somewhere in its depths lies a massive space warship owned by the time god Solmas.
  • The Echo Chamber is a section of the Void that exists as a "culture dump": information databases, servers, and broadcasts that have no home eventually head to the Void. In the Void, robots known as Perpetuatrons communicate this lost information back and forth to ensure that it isn't gone forever. Occasionally, a rogue Perpetuatron gets lost in a hole in the Void and heads to another reality, as is what happened on planet Wrestletopia X.


The Void occasionally "leaks" into the concrete realities of Earth-1776. Sometimes entities leave the Void, other times entities enter the Void.



  • The Void was chiefly inspired by the Furthest Ring of Homestuck, but one can also attribute design inspiration to the Bleed from DC Comics, the Null Void from classic Ben 10 lore, the Distortion World from Pokemon, and the Void from Warframe.
  • The Void is not a "dimension", "timeline" or a "planet", so please do not refer to it or classify it as such. If anything, it is its own distinct reality.
  • Other names for the Void are the barrier between worlds or the universal abyss.
  • lmao i came up this years before loki get rekt marvel kiddos
Sol 101
Main Links
Sol 10 (Abandoned) - Sol 101 - Earth-1776
Main Characters
Sol Masquerade (Sol 101) - Jules - Laika - Crimelord Direhart - Edgelord
Background info
City of Lore - Holy MacGuffins - The Void