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The Two Men Dressed in Black and White
The Two Men Dressed in Black and White
General Information
Release Date October 23, 2023
Series Omniverse: At Night
Season 5
Episode Number 2
Overall Episode Number 42
Written by Benzarro85
Story by Benzarro85
Directed by Benzarro85
Episode Guide
Previous episode Clown Factor
Next episode A Story of a Broken Dream Turned into a Nightmare

The Two Men Dressed in Black and White is the forty-second episode of Omniverse: At Night.


The episode begins with a bright, white pocket dimension-like area, as well as a dark, black pocket dimension-like area creating a spiral. A floating sandtimer was counting down, while two figures, wearing full white and black, would observe over the Earth after casting a projection. Continuing to observe over the Earth, the entity in black wishes to enter the Earth in order to perform a task with a limited time limit. The entity in white agrees, soon disposes of their projection as they would initiate their task for Ben Tennyson.

Cutting to Earth, Ben is seen running after a rogue Vaxasaurian female known as Suemungousaur. Suemungousaur would rip off the lamppost as she launches it directly at Ben, who dodges barely and transforms into Buzzshock, who would jump directly at the female Vaxasaurian as he would tease her by zapping her and traversing in all directions by becoming electricity to become faster. The Nosedeenian would continue to toy with Suemungousaur, just before the two deities, dressed in black and white, spawn in with a flash of their respective colours, cutting the fight to a halt. Buzzshock transforms back as he would be introduced to the deities, who introduce themselves as Unus and Annus. They explain that their name is Latin for "One Year". Confused, Ben would question their purpose. Unus explains that both he and Annus are deities, made to task anyone with the power enough to finish their tasks. Annus confirms that since Ben has the Omnitrix, with said powers, he is the chosen one in his timeline to cooperate with said tasks. Ben would ask how difficult they are, as both Unus and Annus would mention that they start easy, and would progressively get harder within each task.

The scene transitions to a burning building that was being put out by some firefighters. Unus, Annus and Ben teleport to scene as Unus tasks Ben to put out the fire without using Water Hazard, calling him the Orishan. Ben remembers putting out fires before as Stinkfly, as he transforms into the mentioned Lepidopterran. Flying directly at the burning building, Stinkfly exiles his goo to help put out the flames. Stinkfly would exile his goo at some flames as they would be extinguished, while Unus and Annus examined from nearby, soon commenting at how Ben could be worthy for their future task for him. Annus summons a sandtimer as he would cause the clocks to tick, telling Unus that whenever their final task comes into play, Ben has only a limited amount of time, with Unus calling this a sabotage, smirking.

Eventually putting out the fires, Stinkfly is thanked by Madison and her father as the Lepidopterran transforms back into Ben. Unus and Annus congratulate Ben for successfully putting out the fires as Stinkfly as they would soon initiate their second task. The scene transitions to Undertown; a bus goes on a rampage after Bubble Helmet, Liam and Tummyhead are keeping Toby Monitor hostage as well as the attendants. Unus, Annus and Ben teleport in as Annus gives Ben the task to stop the bus as any alien that either is elastic enough, or is able to rewire the tech in order to get it to halt faster without causing more damage. Ben accepts the challenge as he dials the Omnitrix and transforms into Grey Matter. Grey Matter would sprint over as he soon jumps onto the rampaging bus as he slides down and ambushes the three foes, who laugh at Ben's choice of form.

The Galvan would begin to sort out the rampaging bus by rewiring the technology in order to get the bus to halt faster. It succeeds, as every passenger exits the bus while the three antagonists would escape. Toby Monitor thanks Ben as Grey Matter would quick change into Wildvine. Without any effort whatsoever, Wildvine successfully traps the three antagonists while Unus and Annus observed. Annus initiates a plan to get their plan to full motion as Unus would soon teleport Wildvine, as well as themselves, into a their original spiralling pocket dimension. Wildvine transforms back into Ben as he is confused as to what seemed to be happening as of right now. A sandtimer is seen ticking as Unus and Annus would explain that his missions were successful and how they were proud of him, however, they express that Ben needs another challenge in order for their service to be finished. Ben is interested, as Annus tells Ben that his last task is to defeat the two of them before his entire universe is destroyed.

Ben is tricked into thinking that they were allies as both Unus and Annus dash directly at him. Ben transforms into Ball Weevil as he could exile a slime ball and roll around in it, hoping to make it large enough to chuck directly towards the two deities. This plan fails as Annus fires an energy beam powerful enough to not only cause Ball Weevil's explosive slime ball to explode before Ball Weevil could even do anything, but also revert Ball Weevil back to Ben. Unus tells Ben to give up, as Ben tries again. Ben transforms into Swampfire in an attempt to throw seeds to trap them, but fails, reverting back into Ben. Several failed attempts later, with a brief showing of Ben as Bloxx, Ditto and Rath, Ben expresses his defeat as both Unus and Annus would tell him that his efforts are amusing. With one last attempt, Ben goes for one alien that he never wished to have gone again: Alien X.

Ben transforms into Alien X as both Unus and Annus are in disbelief that Ben would become a Celestialsapien. With Alien X not moving, Annus is amused to find that Ben has not got complete control of his omnipotent alien transformation, as the camera fades to the pocket dimension where Bellicus, Serena and Ben were. Serena greets Ben with a warm welcome as Bellicus scoffs at Ben for only using Alien X in dire situations. Ben discusses that the entire universe is in danger if he does not defeat both Unus and Annus, who are stronger than Ben, who had beaten him as various aliens. Bellicus makes a vote to keep Ben silenced as Serena votes against it, making Ben annoyed that they aren't helping at all.

Unus blasts Alien X with a black energy beam as Alien X is knocked further down the pocket dimension, all while Ben continues to persuade Bellicus and Serena for some help. Ben is asked by Serena if they could ever see Ben again if he becomes Alien X as Ben would try and explain that he can't overuse Alien X as it makes him feel like all his other aliens would be pointless to use. Ben would try and persuade Bellicus and Serena if he could gain full access to Alien X as he makes a deal that they could bicker and debate with each other while Ben could get to work. As Bellicus comes to an agreement that Ben would not interfere with their debates, the motion is carried, as Ben is given full control of Alien X, as Alien X soon rises from the ground, which makes both deities tremble in fear.

Without hesitation, Unus and Annus fire their energy beams at Alien X who would cast an invisible force field to prevent himself from being harmed. The Celestialsapien would zoom directly at the two entities as he began firing celesial energy beams that would damage the two deities with ease. Unus suggests they should fuse, as Annus accepts the offer, fusing together as they become a much more powerful entity, known as Interaptus.

Combining their size and strength, Interaptus would accelerate the time of their sandtimer in order for the destruction of the entire universe to happen faster, telling Alien X that he should give up. Alien X casts a decision by materialising a clone of Alien X to fight Interaptus, while Alien X would rewind time directly at the clock in order to prevent the destruction of the universe. Interaptus would fire a white ray of light directly at Alien X, who bends the ray of light and redirects it at Interaptus. The Alien X clone soon casts a sword from his arm and creates a celestial rift by slicing open the pocket dimension, which would send a wave of air directly out of the pocket dimension, sending Interaptus flying in, while the Alien X clone seals up the rife, leaving the fusion trapped there for an unquantifiable amount of time. Once the Alien X clone ceases to exist, Alien X transforms back into Ben as he is thanked by Paradox who teleports into scene.

Ben asks about Unus and Annus as Paradox admits that he does not know who they are, thinking they are some sort of species that nigh godlike abilities. Ben would then ask about the sandtimer and what would happen since it's going in reverse, rather than normal time. Paradox would suggest keeping it contained in a bubble, which Paradox does exactly that. Paradox would hope that Ben doesn't have to worry about Unus and Annus, along with their fusion ever again, as Ben laughs at the possibility of encountering them a second time. With Paradox taking Ben back to Earth via a portal, Ben would contact Rook and ask if he is up for a smoothy break, as the episode ends.

Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

Minor Events[]



Aliens Used[]


  • The cosmic deities, Unus and Annus, are a reference to the former YouTube channel with the same name, created by Markiplier/Mark Edward Fischbach and CrankGameplays/Ethan Nestor on November 15th, 2019.
    • In addition from this, Unus Annus is Latin for "One Year".
  • Some continuity mentions are scattered throughout this episode:
  • Ben now has full control of Alien X, but Ben would still be hesitant to use him for any future battles. He will only use Alien X when necessary.
  • This is the second time the entire universe is threatened to be destroyed. The first time was in the episode Break In, when Milleous tried to get his hands on the Annihilarrgh.
  • It was Benzarro85's idea for Unus and Annus to fuse.
    • Unus and Annus fusing into Interaptus is a reference to several cartoons and anime that follows the fusion concept, with the main focus being Steven Universe.
      • Interaptus is a fan fusion idea created by Tabbynerdicat on Deviantart, and instead of making a page of this character, Benzarro85 linked it to the DeviantArt post.
        • Interaptus means "joined together".
  • This is the first time Alien X has created a physical copy of himself, which goes to show how powerful a Celestialsapien truly is. This also goes to his power of bending light.
  • This is the first Omniverse: At Night episode where Rook does not appear, aside from the first two episodes, since they mark as the transition from UA to OV.
Omniverse: At Night Episodes
Season One
The Fame that Tore Us Apart · A Lookback at the Past · A Partner in Need · Uprising · Spy · The Alien I Refuse to Name · The Tale of Two Frogs · Unaligned · Fragments of The Flame Keeper's Circle: Part 1 · Fragments of The Flame Keeper's Circle: Part 2
Season Two
The Cartoon Network Tournament · Hunted · A Mystery to Solve · A Soul Fire · Blukic and Driba: Smoothy Night Frights · Sadism · Revonnah · Set Into Motion · Faction: Galvan Prime Assault · Feedback Vs. Malware: Revenge of the Five Year Hiatus
Season Three
Everybody Talks About the Weather · So Glad We Had This Time Together · Introducing Ben 23 · Your Fans and Mine · The Question · Exiled · Escape Plan · Working with the Foe · To'kustar Brawl · Ben Tennyson: Bellwood's Little Superhero
Season Four
The Assembly · Battle in the Great Vault of Sulcus · Feeling Frigid, Humungous and Swampy · Catfight · Your Gas is as Good as Mine · Break In · Digital Lockdown · The Ultimate Heist · Synchronisation · The Final Battle
Season Five
Clown Factor · The Two Men Dressed in Black and White · A Story of a Broken Dream Turned into a Nightmare · Ben Tennyson and Rook Blonko visit the Backrooms · Telling Spooky Stories Whilst on a Podcast · Night of the Living Nightmare · Greetings from the Bottom of the Well · Taking a Trip to a Planet Filled With Monsters · Return of the Mummy and the Werewolf · Lord Transyl: The Vampire Strikes Back
Season Six
Stranded in the Frozen Forest · The Complicated Truth · Too Bad, So Sad · Return of Aggregor · It's a Ben, Ben, Benzarro World · Now You're Only Falling Apart · Yetta on the Loose · The Ben War · Going Back to the Beginning of Everything · So Glad To Have You Back
Season Seven
And Then There Was The Screegit · From Jenga to Tricky Towers · Blukic and Driba: Area 51 Assault · Mystery Box · Gwen Tennyson and the Timeline Tree · While You Were Away · It's Not Easy Being a Mother · Max's Monster · Greetings from Benwood: Part 1 · Greetings from Benwood: Part 2
Season Eight
Play the Part · The Beginning of the End · Cousin Coming Home · Classroom of Callouts · The Return · The Orb of Pumapunku · Here Comes Clyde · Child's Play · What the Duck? · Infultrating the Order of the Exalted Lion