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This is the Christmas Special of T12.

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Squidavio plans to set a laser to melt the North Pole. Will T-12 and co. defeat Squidavio's plan?


This is after Tommmy met Gem and unlocked Diamondhead.


Tommy 12
Season 1, Episode 6
Air date 12-25-11
Written by Jrshipey
Episode Guide
Fighting with Andafight(T-12)

9:00 am Dec. 24

Tommy and co. are fighting the Food Gang.

Cookies Guy: Beat this, boys!

Cookies Guy deshorted.

Sophi: I'll try.

Tommy: I didn't mean literally.

Tommy went Andafight. He morphed a boombox.

Theme Song

Zach: Ha! I get it.

Zach absorbed the sound and blasted it at Cheezter.

Cheezter: I'll be back!

Andafight turned into a Null Void Projector and sent Cheezter and his goons to the Null Void. Andafight went back to Tommy.

Tommy: I hate mornings.

Gem and Jason chatted while Sophi was staring at something.

Zach: What do ya see?

Sophi: Does Earth have giant lasers in space?

Tommy: No. Let's investigate!

Tommy went Pheonruda and went up to the laser. It was giant! So Pheonruda flew back to Sophi.

Pheonruda: It said HEAT on the dial.

Pheonruda went back to Tommy.

Gem: It might be Trenuso.

Tommy went Hackah.

Hackah: Nope, boy-o.

Jason: Is this what you do all day?

Hackah: Sorta, Jase.

Jason: Awesome!

Jason grabbed a rock and tried to threw it at the satellite-laser. It hit the road.

Jason: Worth a try.

Sophi floated up to the laser with her Anodite powers.

Sophi: I will investigate.

Comercial Break

Sophi saw the coordinates read North Pole. She quickly went down to Earth.

Sophi: I suggest we eat and do this in the afternoon.

3:00 PM

Jason, Sophi, Gem, and Zach got on the back of Pheonruda. Pheonruda flew to the space craft.

Jason: (Sarcastically) What a nice Christmas Eve.

Tommy: We need another girl.

Sophi was not amused.

Pheonruda: Last stop, everyone off.

Zach absorbed the metal.

Zach: I never heard of this. It bends like taffy, but is also sturdy.

Pheonruda turned to parrot size and landed on Sophi's arm.


Mechanical soldiers ran out. Zach beat them all up. Pheonixruda shut off all the cameras. Then the Twelvtrix shut off.

Tommy: (Sarcastically)How wonderful.

Comercial Break

Tommy went Sonioll.

Sonioll: Sonioll rocks!

Sonioll sound blasted the new soldiers.

Jason: Too many!

Sonioll: Right now, but that'll soon change.

The Twelvtrix shorted out.

Tommy: Man. This rots.

Tommy, Jason, Sophi, Gem and Zachary ran. The soldiers got on motorbikes and chased after him.

Tommy: I need a new alien. Maybe one called Roadblock. He would save us!

Gem made a crystal wall between them and the soldiers. Team T-12 ran down the hall. Tommy went Camozard. Team T-12 reached the laser.

Squidavio: Cametoruinmyplans?

Gem got a blade arm and charged at Squidavio. Then another alien appeared behind Zachary.

Alien: I'm Nessavio from Lochtopus. Squidavio's big brother.

Squidavio: Mybrothercametodestroyyou!

Zach knocked Nessavio down, Sophi charged at Squidavio, Jason punched Nessavio, Camozard bit Nessavio, and Gem knocked Squidavio against the laser.

Squidavio: Iwillfloodearthbymelyingthenorthpole!

Camozard: Nooooooooooo! I'll miss Christmas!

Camozard got to the laser, changed the setting to petrify, and turned Squidavio into rock.

Gem: Finally!

Camozard aimed the laser at Nessavio. Nessavio knocked the laser, Camozard, and Squidavio to the exit and pushed them off into space. But Camozard got back in.

Nessavio: No! Wait... Self-destruct sequence activate!

Ship: 5 minutes.

Nessavio got in an escape pod and left.

Jason: And a merry Christmas to you, too!

Camozard turned into Pheonruda.

Ship: 4 minutes.

Everyone got one Pheonruda.

Ship: 3 minutes.

Pheonruda departed.

Ship: 2 minutes.

Zach: Faster!

Ship: 1 minute!

Comercial Break

Boom! We see an explosion. But no Pheonruda. Pheonruda made it out in time! And it landed on Earth.

Zach: It's 11 o'clock, guys.

They all went home.

8:00 am Christmas

Sophi woke up.

Sophi: It is Christmas. Did I get what I wanted?

All of a sudden, Sophi regained some of her memory.

Sophi: Nessavio was the one who kidnapped me. I did get what I wanted!

Zach woke up.

Zach: Christmas! I wonder if I got what I wanted...

Zach's Dad: It's a long way home from Iraq.

Zach: I did! Dad!

Jason woke up.

Jason: I bet I did get what I wanted!

Jason's Mom: Yeah, we'll be staying.

Jason: Boo-yah!

Tommy woke up. He checked his Twelvtrix.

Tommy: A new alien! Aerojet is what I'll call it!

Merry Christmas!

I would sing Deck the Halls, but it has a certain word! So, I'll sing, umm, lemme decide.
