Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Jax 10 (Rebooted)
Season 1, Episode 7
Episode Guide
Hunted (Jax 10)
Space Journey: Part 1


Jax and Zack are eating at Taco Queen when a ship lands nearby.

(Zack): Whoa! Do you think's an Evil Alien?

(Jax): We should not jump to the conclusion that all aliens are evil. I mean come on who would make such a dumb mistake. I bet he's friendly.

(Zack): It could be a she.

A Diamondhead steps out.

(Tetrax): Wielder of the Omnitrix. I am Tetrax and I require Chromastone.

(Jax): Chromastone? Why?

(Tetrax): No time to explain. Give me him!

(Jax): I don't how.

Tetrax slams the Omnitrix.

(Chromastone): Chromastone!

Jax then times out. But Chromastone is still there.

(Jax): Huh?

The Chromastone flies off.

(Jax): Chromastone

(Tetrax): Yes. Yes he can.

(Jax): But. I need Chromastone!

(Tetrax): Not as much as I need him. You see those three stars alined like that. If I try I can reanimate the lengendary Petropia which was destroyed by a foolish Petrosapian.

(Zack): Is that shooting star part of it too?

Then a shooting star flies over and flis toward them.

(Tetrax): That's no star.

The "shooting star" lands.

(Vilgax): I am Vilgax! And I have come for the Omnitrix and the traitor!

(Tetrax): You destroyed my home!

(Vilgax): And maybe I'll destroy this one too. Once I get the Mini-Sun Generator.

(Tetrax): You're not getting anything!

Jax transforms.

(Diamondhead): Alright, you two calm down.

(Vilgax): No!

Vilgax punches Diamondhead and Tetrax.

(Vilgax): Now give it! Or I can more pain for you.

Diamondhead slices Vilgax's face but Vilgax ignores him.

(Diamondhead): Whoa! He's tough!

Vilgax punches Tetrax 8 times.

(Vilgax): Had enough, Traitor?

Jax as Gi-Ant punches Vilgax into Taco Queen.

(Gi-Ant): Oh yeah, the punch of JUSTICE.

(Vilgax): You'll have to be more powerfull to beat me boy!

(Gi-Ant): Yeah well.

Vilgax punches Gi-Ant.

(Gi-Ant): Owch!

Tetrax grabs Zack and runs into his ship Gi-Ant quickly follows. Then they take off.

(Tetrax): That was close.

(Zack, sounding like Vilgax): Indeed it was.

Zack shape-shifts into Vilgax.

(Vilgax): Hahahahahahahaha!!

(Jax): Zack!

(Vilgax): You left him on Earth. Now give me my Generator and my Omnitrix.

Jax transforms.

(Diamondhead): Chromastone!

(Tetrax): I took Chromastone remember!

(Diamondhead): Right.

Diamondhead shoots diamond shards at Vilgax which miss and hit the air lock button. Vilgax is sucked away. The airlock closes and the ship goes into hyperdrive.

(Diamondhead): *panting* So where are we going *gasp* again?

(Tetrax): Petropia.

Later on Petropia...

(Jax): Wow. This place is messed up.

(Chromastone): And I must fix it.

(Jax): Chromastone.

(Chromastone): Tetrax, do you have the Mini-Sun?

(Tetrax, handing the generator): Right here.

(Chromastone): Thank you.

Chromastone absorbs the Mini-Sun.

(Chromastone): Tetrax, you have redeemed yourself in my eyes.

(Tetrax): ...Thanks.

Chromastone is blasted by Vilgax.

(Vilgax): You absorbed the Mini-Sun Generator! Very well, I still want the Omnitrix. And the Crystalsapian dead.

(Jax): Not on my watch!

Jax transforms.

(Chromastone): Buzzshock! I mean...Chromastone! Yeah!

Vilgax blasts Chromastone who absorbs it.

(Chromastone): Ha!

Chromastone then blasts Vilgax.

(Chromastone (Character)): Almost. Done!

Petropia reforms.

(Vilgax): No! Curse you Anderson. I'll be back.

Vilgax teleports.




Aliens used[]
