Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
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                      This is an episode of the series Evfnye 10.

The Secret of Black Magic is the twelfth episode of Evfnye 10.


Evfnye is relaxing at his HQ, when all of a sudden a thought passes throught his head. He then gets sucked in a strange world.

He wakes up to find out the 9th Omnitrix doesn't work as it's supposed to, and is black instead of green. He tries to turn it on, but it doesn't react. He starts to panic, but a strange man in black shows up. He uses his magic abilities to capture Evfnye and tells him his powers won't work here, revealing this is his dimension. He then proposes Evfnye to learn magic and he agrees.

After a long work, the man in black claims he has learned everything, and Evfnye wants to leave this dimension, but he stops him, and prepares to destroy him, turning out to be a villain. Evfnye tries to use what he learned, but it doesn't work. He then makes the exact opposite of what he learned, and it does work, because the mage was unprepared. He continues doing the opposite, and this makes him escape. He wakes up, relieved to see the Omnitrix works again, and decides to relax and use the computer.

Noteworthy Events[]

  • Evfnye has an ultra-realistic dream.




  • Black Mage

Aliens Used[]


  • Evfnye makes an almost invisible racist joke.


  • This is the first Evfnye 10 episode in which Evfnye didn't use the Omnitrix on-screen. However, he used Capebolt unconsciously while sleeping.