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Ben 10: Haunted
Season 1, Episode 52
Written by Ghost King001
Directed by Ghost King001
Episode Guide
Fear in the Forest
An Alien`s Best Food


Ghost King was still running throughout the woods as Tailypo, he hadn`t taken a break since the night before so he could distance himself from Ben. He then collapsed from exhaustion until he then heard footsteps coming and panicked, climbing up into a tree.

???: Hey Clem, you think we`ll find that Bigfoot we saw earlier?

???: Maybe Earl, then we`ll bag him and make millions!

Tailypo slowly crept his way to the end of a tree branch to look at these two men. He saw they had guns and he growled. He then snapped off a large tree limb and threw it at them, angrily.

Clem: Yow!

Earl: The hell!?

Both looked up to see Tailypo growling at them. They screamed and fired their guns willy-nilly at the beast as the scene went black.

Theme song!

Hours later, the news would be in the woods to interview the two hunters.

Clem: We come here for a vacation from our home in New Jersey to get away from the craziness, and then that THING attacked us out of nowhere!

Earl: We fired about 12 rounds each at it but it just regenerated the wounds...the thing is immortal or something!

Reporter: I see, thanks for your time. Reports from these woods have also included the Mothman, the Jersey Devil who is one state away from home and Bigfoot. A reward has been placed on these creatures, happy hunting and be safe.

The Saturdays would watch this from their airship.

Zak: Looks like we`re going on an adventure.

Doc: We? You`re still grounded for your little stunt with the Ningen.

Zak: All I did was throw a snowball at it. Fisk dared me to.

Fisk looked shocked that Zak blamed this on him and began yelling at him in his language.

Drew: It doesn`t matter, your father and I are going on a recon mission and that`s final. Stay here and be safe.

She would kiss Zak`s forehead before she and Doc went into the woods from the Airship`s ladder.

Drew: What do you think that mysterious fourth bogey was, Doc?

Doc: Only thing close to it in the database is a Wampus Beast, but even that doesn`t have a reptilian body and a long neck, nor does it stand hunched. Maybe a variation or mutation?

They then heard a twig snap, Drew clutched her fire sword and Doc would power up his gauntlet. Meanwhile, Ghost King had been busy all day scaring foolish hunters with a few cryptids in his watch. He heard movement in the woods and switched to an alien. The form he chose was new, he had never seen it before. It was white with two long, skinny legs and pure black eyes.

???: (In his mind since he had no mouth) What kind of alien is this?

He stumbled, not being used to the extremely skinny legs as he stepped on a twig. He would see intense glowing before he was punched hard by Doc.

Doc: A Nightwalker? In New York?

He then noticed the Omnitrix symbol and grunted.

Doc: It`s just that ghost with his own Omnitrix.

Ghost King tried to stand up in this form but couldn`t since it was too difficult due to having no arms in his current form.

Drew: Let me guess, you`re the other cryptids too? You should be ashamed of yourself.

He then kicks his Omnitrix so he can turn back.

Ghost King: Look, I know I`m not on your good list but right now I`m scaring away hunters because they`re after a Sasquatch clan.

Drew: And why should we believe you?

Ghost King: Because, I`m trying to help these animals before they go extinct, remember what I did at Loch Ness? In case you don`t, I knew Argost was going to poach Nessies so I rallied them to defend themselves. Jersey Devil? He`s like a son to me, of course I`m going to help him as much as I can! Various other cryptids Argost abducted? Fought him for their freedom. Now I`m helping the Sasquatches, so either get out of my way or fight me. Your choice.

Doc and Drew exchanged glances, they both saw in his eyes he was telling the truth.

Doc: Ok, we believe you. For now.

Drew: But why attack the humans?

Ghost King: I tried to reason with a few, they blasted me to kingdom come...but fortunately I was an apparently invulnerable alien form at the time. So I`m done talking and I resorted to scare tactics? Can you blame me?

Doc: No, not really. Humans can be scared easily by what they don`t understand.

Ghost King: You`re telling ME?

Suddenly a wood knock could be heard. All three went quiet, Ghost King picked up a branch and knocked back.

Ghost King: They know we`re here. Looks like we`re working together for the greater good, huh?

Doc: Seems so. We have our eye on you, don`t try anything funny.

Ghost King made a cross sign over his chest as a non-verbal promise, the trio began to walk as silently as they could. They eventually saw a Bigfoot knocking against a tree. Ghost King attempted to walk towards it, but it screamed and fell on it`s but.

"Bigfoot": What the hell are you!?

Ghost King: Ugh, it`s a hoaxer. Can I beat her up?

Drew unmasked the hoaxer to reveal the Reporter from earlier.

Drew: Ratings ploy?

Reporter: So what? Bigfoot doesn`t exist!

Suddenly a long man-like howl can be heard in the woods.

Doc: You were saying?

The Reporter then got up and ran away. A real Bigfoot arrived and looked agitated. It let out a roar before gunshots could be heard, Ghost King then looked and Doc and Drew.

Ghost King: Get it out of here, I`ll distract them!

Drew: How?!

Ghost King scanned the Sasquatch with his watch before turning into one, he then began to talk to it in it`s language. The confused Bigfoot nodded and began to briskly walk away.

Bigfoot Form G.K.: Follow him, I`ll draw the fire of the hunters!

Doc: But-.

Ghost King glared at them, they sighed and nodded.

Both: Good luck.

They ran after the Bigfoot to make sure it would be safe. Ghost King let out a loud roar, a bullet flew over his head as he ran off in the opposite direction. More gunfire could be heard as Doc and Drew followed the Sasquatch.

Drew: Do you think he`ll be alright?

Doc: Him? Why wouldn`t he be?

They then watched as Bigfoot got into it`s cave, it turned and waved at them. Both would wave back as the beast vanished into the cave system. They then heard hunters screaming as they rushed back to where they were. They saw the hunters on the ground, scared and looking at Ghost King in his Nightwalker form.

???: It`s an alien! It wants to probe us!

Doc: No, but it`s really ticked you`re all hunting cryptids. If I were you, I`d run and NEVER do this again.

The hunters nodded and ran away, screaming.

Drew: You did good.

Ghost King turned back.

Ghost King: Thanks, I guess.

Doc: You know what? You were brave doing what you did. Why don`t you drop your evil ways and join us in protecting cryptids?

Ghost King stared at them, then shook his head.

Ghost King: Evil? You humans are all the same.

He grunted and turned into Omen, flying away into the night.


Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • Ghost King and the Saturdays team up to protect a population of Sasquatch.
  • Ghost King unlocks two new forms.

Minor Events[]

  • Clem and Earl from "Pine Barrens Panic" return.
  • Zak is currently grounded for throwing a snowball at a Ningen during an expedition to Antartica.


  • Clem
  • Earl
  • Doc Saturday
  • Drew Saturday
  • Zak Saturday
  • Fisk Saturday
  • Ghost King
  • Sasquatch


  • Reporter
  • Hunters

Aliens Used[]

  • Tailypo
  • Leeds (Offscreen)
  • Fake Jersey Devil Transformation (Offscreen)
  • Omen
  • Nightwalker transformation
  • Sasquatch/Bigfoot Transformation



  • This takes place one day after Fear in the Forest.
  • Pine Barrens Panic, Mess at Loch Ness and Revenge of the Devil are referenced.
  • Ghost King genuinely cares for the Cryptids of Earth.
  • The Plant Monster was intended to appear in a scrapped storyline.
  • Much like the Tailypo in the story, Ghost King survived a barrage of bullets as Tailypo due to enhanced regeneration and possibly the ability to reattach lost body parts.