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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

The Revengers is the fourteenth episode of Ben 10: Biomniverse, and the third episode of Season 2.

Initially created on June 26, 2014. Re-scripted on December 21, 2016.

Previous Episode: Gone Discoverin'

Next Episode (continuity): The Shrouding

Next Episode (title): He Has Landed


An alarm is heard in a jail and two criminals are shown to be escaping; they each get in a respective limo.

(Billy Billions): (revealed as the first criminal) Thanks for rescuing me, Mazuma!

(Mazuma): (in the driver's seat of the limo) Of course, Master. Anything for you.

(Billy): Glad to hear it. You got the coordinates?

(Mazuma): Affirmative. (They dirve away and Billy looks behind him.) 

(Billy): Say, who's the other guy who escaped? With the other limo?

(Mazuma): No clue. (They drive off as Carl Nesmith is shown to be entering the second limo.)

(Nesmith): (closes the door behind him) That was a close one, Jenn!

(Jennifer Nocturne): (revealed to be the driver of his limo) I know, right! Come on, let's get out of here! (They zoom off as Nesmith ponders something.)

(Nesmith): Who was the other guy with the nicer limo?

(Nocturne): I do not know.

(Nesmith): Why are we following them?

(Nocturne): Must be a coincidence. I'm going to the coordinates.

(Nesmith): Good.

(Billy): (looking behind him) Are they following us or something?

(Mazuma): I do not know.

(Billy): Are we there yet?

(Mazuma): Yes, here is the warehouse. (Both limos stop.)

(Billy): Psst. Mazuma. I don't like the looks of this. Go around the back.

(Mazuma): Okay. (They do so as Nesmith's limo pulls up to the front.)

(Nocturne): See? A coincidence!

(Nesmith): Good. I'm going in, follow me. (They walk inside as Billy and Mazuma walk through the back.)

(Billy): See? They're here! But they don't see me, so I'll attack now while I have the advantage of surprise! (He puts on an armored suit with a "B" on the front and jumps on Nesmith, who dodges the attack.) Darn it! This guy's good!

(Nesmith): Well of course I am! I was a superhero for 20 years! (He reveals his suit and fires a gauntlet at Billy, who uses his jetpack to dodge it.) 

(Billy): Ha! Can't touch this! (He punches Nesmith, who barely flinches, and instead launches a grappling hook at him and flings Billy across the room.)

(Mazuma): Master! (She runs at Nesmith and punches him across the room this time, and when he shoots a laser, she dodges and runs at him to scratch him with her claws.)

(Nocturne): Get off of him! (She jumps on Mazuma, bringing her to the ground.)

(Voice): Ladies! Please! (The two females stop fighting as Nesmith and Billy get up.) Richie Rich! Overlord! Calm yourselves, I sent both of you these coordinates.

(Billy): You did?

(Nesmith): Why?

(Voice): Why to induct you 4 in my new superhero team, of course!

(Mazuma): Huh?

(Nocturne): What?

(Voice): Us 5 are going to be the greatest team the world has ever seen!

(Nesmith): In that case, we need a name!

(Nocturne): It should be something colorful and dramatic like... the Revengers, or...

(Nesmith): "Or" nothing! That's it! The Revengers!!

(Billy): We'll fight together, or seperately, if need be!

(Mazuma): I pity the guy who tries to beat us!

(Voice): We'll never be beaten! For we are... The Revengers!

(Theme song.)

Ben and Rook are seen at Pakmar's new intergalactic food store.

(Ben): So where's the Alpha Team?

(Rook): On a mission at Rushmore. I volunteered to stay behind in case something happens. We rotate like that now.

(Ben): It's kind of nice to be just the two of us, don't you agree?

(Rook): Yes, but, no offense, being with the Alpha Team is much cooler!

(Ben): I agree, no offense taken.

(Rook): I mean, my favorite 3 humans on Earth! Wouldn't you believe it?

(Ben): Yeah. Thanks.

(Rook): Oh, besides you, of course. Heh heh. Ben-Dude. (He looks around the room for a distraction.) Oh! Is that Amber Ogia!

(Pakmar): (rushing over) Of course, enthusiastic customer! Here, have a free sample! (Rook takes a bite.) Good, right? (He looks at Ben.) Gah! Tennyson, here! Oh no... this store is about to be destroyed, isn't it?

(Ben): Relax, Pakmar. No one even wants to go here. Who besides a Revonnahgander likes this stuff?

(K8-E): (coming in) Ooh! Amber Ogia! That's reccomended on my new diet!

(Pakmar): Have a free sample!

(K8-E): I don't need to! I'll buy some!

(Ben): Aren't you supposed to be with The Resistance or something?

(K8-E): They're off on a mission somewhere. I volunteered to stay behind in case something happens. We rotate like that now.

(Ben): ...of course you do.

(Rook): Whoa! A 4 for 5 sale! This store is great!

(Ben): Uggh! Please, someone come in who I can fight!

(Pakmar): No! You probably just jynxed it!

(Ben): Yeah, right! Who would actually come in here?

(Bubble Helmet): (coming in) Ooh! Amber Ogia! (He sees Ben.) You!

(Ben): Yes!

(Pakmar): No!

(Bubble Helmet): Grr! (He takes out two staffs and swings them at Ben, who dodges.)

(Ben): You're gonna have to do better than that! (He slams the Omnitrix on his right arm.)

(Ben): (transforms) XLR8!

(K8-E): Whoop! Represent! Kincelerans Forevs!

(Rook): Ben, no!

(Ben): I know what I'm doing! (Bubble Helmet shoots lasers at Ben with the staffs.) Watch this! (He runs while dodging and knocks the staffs out of Bubble Helmet's hands.) That the best you got? (Bubble Helmet flies up in the air with a jetpack and pulls out a laser gun.) Uh-oh. (He shoots at XLR8, who runs across the store, and many items get shot and destroyed in the process.)

(Pakmar): I knew it! Please, someone save me!

(Billy): Never fear, concerned citizen! The Revengers are here! (He, Nesmith, Nocturne in an armored suit, and Mazuma arrive.) Revengers, Rectify!

(Rook): What?

(K8-E): Huh?

(Bubble Helmet): Ah, come on! More heroes?

(Pakmar): My saviors!

(Ben): Why is Nesmith's face back to normal? Also, why are they here at all?

(Billy): We're here to set things right, or rectify!

(Ben): What are you, a dictionary now?

(Billy): I would attack you for that under normal circumstances, but we're heroes now!

(Ben): What? Who would support you guys?

(Billy): Everyone, once they see Pakmar's surveillance video!

(Ben): (looks at the camera and destroys it) Now what?

(Billy): You harmed private property! You're a villain now! Revengers, Rectify! (It shows Bubble Helmet handucffed and surrounded by the other 3 members, who now turn around to attack Ben.)

(Ben): Uh-Oh. (He prepares to attack when Rook stops him.)

(Rook): Ben, no! Not now!

(Ben): Why not? They're all villains!

(Rook): We do not know that. They may have turned over new leaves. They defeated Bubble Helmet, whereas you and he destroyed Pakmar's store, you destroyed his security camera, and are about to attack these heroes.

(Ben): They were about to attack me, though!

(Rook): Also, K8-E recorded the whole thing on her camera. (Everyone looks at her as she winks.)

(Ben): Let me guess. Already on social media?

(K8-E): Yep!

(Ben): Fantastic. (He times himself out.)

(K8-E): (looking at her phone) Oh wow! So many reposts! People really like the Revengers!

(Ben): What?!

(Pakmar): I do too! In fact, I idolize them! Not you, Tennyson. Get out of my store!

(Ben): Fine, let's go, Rook. (The two walk out and so does K8-E, who zooms away.) Man, I can't believe this. (He sees a crowd gathered outside cheering.) There we go! No need to thank me, folks!

(Rook): Uh, Ben. They're cheering for the ones behind you.

(Ben): What?! (He turns to see Mazuma dragging a handcuffed Bubble Helmet, with the other Revengers behind her.) No way! (The Revengers push him aside as they walk Bubble Helmet towards the Undertown jail, with the crowd following them.) This stinks!

(Rook): And I have a feeling this isn't over yet!

(Pakmar): And I think I should put up a sign not allowing you in!

The scene shifts to Will Harangue's show, where the Revengers are being interviewed.

(Harangue): Amazing! First you saved Pakmar's store and stopped that awful Tennyson, resuced those construction workers, saved that car from the sinkhole, and have had the most reposted video in the history of... well, ever!

(Billy): Thank, you. As the leader of the Revengers, I-

(Harangue): A kid like you? Hah! Yeah... you aren't the leader. Is he even here?

(Mazuma): No.

(Nocturne): He isn't.

(Harangue): It is a he? Splendid! Now Overlord-

(Nesmith): Please, Will. I'm a superhero again. It's Captain Nemesis, me being the nemesis of criminals.

(Harangue): Of course, Captain. How'd you fix your face?

(Nesmith): Our leader is rich, with more money than Billy, here.

(Harangue):  Sounds like an awesome guy!

(Nesmith): Also, why are you an alien now?

(Harangue): ...We'll be right back after this commercial break!

(Ben): (shuts off a TV) This is ridiculous! It's only been a day!

(Rook): Well they have become quite popular since yesterday.

(Ben): I was supposed to be the hero of yesterday! I arrested Animo yesterday!

(Rook): And that's great, Ben. Come on, let's go back to Undertown, I'm sure that'll cheer you up.

(Ben): Alright, alright.

The scene shifts once more to the streets of Undertown, where a kid walks by.

(Ben): Hey kid, want an autograph? I'm feeling nice today.

(Kid): Who are you? (he walks away)

(Ben): ...Grrr! That does it! Billy is definetly their leader, and he's only doing this for the fame! (He hears something in an alley.) Huh? (He and Rook walk into the alley, where Billy and Mazuma are standing in front of a smaller but just as significant crowd.)

(Billy): Yeah, we don't need Tennyson!

(Crowd): Who?

(Billy): Exactly!

(Ben): Oh yeah? I can take care of you chumps easily!

(Billy): (turns around) Give up, Ben! The people don't want or need you around any longer!

(Ben): And they want you, really kid?

(Billy): That does it! Mazuma, attack!

(Ben): Finally!

(Rook): Ben, no!

(Ben): Too late! (He slams the Omnitrix on his right arm.)

(Ben): (transforms) Brainstorm! Now, let me just make some mental calculations... (Holograms pop up.) And the best thing to do is simply shoot lightning to shut down Mazuma and Billy's armor and jetpack. (He does this.) That was easy. (he times himself out)

(Ben): Great superheroing, Billy.

(Billy): No! You'll pay, Tennyson! (Ben and Rook leave as the crowd dispurses.) On to Plan B then. (He reactivates Mazuma.) Did you record the whole thing.

(Mazuma): Of course, sir.

(Billy): Excellent! Now I just need to do some editing...

A few hours later, Ben and Rook turn on the TV again at a new Mr. Smoothies in Undertown.

(Ben): What the?!

(Will): This new viral video, showing Ben attacking two of the Revengers, has been given the appropriate name "Ben Zero." It's clever, really. They took the "1" out of the "10."

(Ben): I can't believe this! People are believing this!

(Rook): Don't worry, Harangue hates you too. Maybe he made the video.

(Ben): I doubt it. (He turns the TV off.) Is this the 23rd or 24th Mr. Smoothies now?

(Rook): Does it matter?

(Ben): I'm not sure. (He sees the alien kid walking by holding a Ben 10 comic book.) Aha! (The kid throws it away and picks up a Revengers comic book.) Rats!

(Rook): Hey, what's that outside? (They look outside and see Billy and Nesmith arguing.)

(Billy): I'm gonna help the next old lady cross the street!

(Nesmith): No! I am!

(Ben): What's with them?

(Rook): I guess that the videos have become so popular, they just want more and more power and fame.

(Nesmith): Why are we even called the Revengers? It sounds evil! We should be the 'Vengers!

(Billy): Do you want a lawsuit? Besides, we are villains, Overlord. I even caused an alien invasion! This is all just a ploy by our leader to destroy Ben's reputation! (He covers his mouth.) Was that too loud?

(Nesmith): Yep.


Time freezes. Look up in the sky and you'll see it. Don't blink or you might miss it. It is most certainly there, you aren't imagining a thing. It's a crack.

(Envisioner): (breaking through the crack in the sky) NOOOOO!!!

Time resumes.

(Ben): What the heck?

(Envisioner): You shut up! All of you just STOP!

Every single sentient thing there is instantly placed into some sort of futuristic handcuffs, tied to their hands, feet, and the ground.

(Ben): Hey!

(Envisioner): Oh god, oh god, oh god. (Looks around in a nervous, panicky manner) What has happened here, what... (Looks at Ben) Ben, tell me for the love of god WHAT YEAR IT IS.

(Ben): That's kinda weird but okay. I know it's 2014.

(Envisioner): Oh right. (Ben's handcuffs disappear) Check your phone to be sure. DO IT.

(Ben): Fine man, whatever. I'm telling you that it's... (Ben checks his phone. His face turns pale.) It's... 2016. The year is 2016.

(Envisioner): 2 and a half years... it's been 2 and a half years...

(Ben): Hang on what?!?! No I'm still 17! No time has passed!

(Envisioner): Not in this show, only in reality. For you guys everything is the same but the physical time.

(Ben): What is going on?!

(Mysterious voice): Oh you'll find out soon enough, fake Tennyson.

(Envisioner): (Turns around horrified) No... NOT YOU!

A cloaked figure with a dazzling scarlet, jewel-encrusted cape appears.

(Mysterious voice): Yes, 'tis I. The Revolutionary! Let's take a trip...

A black hole opens up, and both Ben and The Envisioner are instantly sucked inside.

(Revolutionary): Shall we? (He winks at the audience before he flies into the black hole before it closes.)

For a second, there is a flash of white. And then the show disappears.


Good Guys:



Alpha Squad (mentioned)



The Reistance (mentioned)

The Envisioner 





The Revengers (first appearance)

Bubble Helmet

Other Characters:

The Revolutionary (first appearance)
