Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Reo 19
Season 1, Episode 5
Air date 27/07/13
Written by Reo
Directed by Reo
Episode Guide
Time Problems PT 2

The Music of the Whampire is the 5th episode of Reo 19.


We see Reo, Mick, and Jim in a spaceship

Reo: where are we going again?

Mick (Looking Sick): More like, why are we Going again?

Jim: we are going to the Anur System

Mick: why?

Reo: Awesome!

Jim: there on Anur Scaros we could find some new species

Reo: the only Anur system planet inhabited by multiple species?

Jim: yes

Reo: Awesome!

Jim: so can that watch of yours can scan to?

Reo: if you set it on Scan mode

Jim: then set it!

Reo: okey! Se- I don't know how!

Jim walks to the pilot seat and sits in it.

Jim: we are about to enter the Anur system. 

Mick: great!?

We see Anur Scaros. The ship lands. The three get out. Mick is Wearing a Jacket and he holds his hand in his pockets

Reo: Awesome!

he/we see a lot of aliens some that aren't even from the Anur System

Jim: isn't this place amaizing?

Reo: It sure is, Jimmy!

Jim: please don't call me like that

Reo: Okay

They walk closser to a coliseum. they walk inside it. there in the Middle, they see a Loban and a Transylian fighting. they take seats. The Transylian eletrocutes the Loban and he falls down. the Transylian wins.

Reo (To Jim): nice place

Jim (To Reo): not where I wanted to take you

Mick: can we go?

Jim: let's go!

They exit the coliseum. they see Zs'Skayr

Jim (To Reo): an Ectonurite DNA sample! that could come in handy

Reo makes Pokerface

Reo: I'll choose my self what I want to turn into and what I don't

Jim: Okay

Reo sees an Endark

Reo: and that is something I want to turn into!

He points at the Endark

Jim: You sure

Reo: Yes, but how

The Ender dark looks at them and spit a portal and walks in. the portal disappears

Reo: Awww!

Jim: yes! I got it!

Reo: Got what, the sample?

Jim: no, but the portal signal.

Reo: really, so if I turn in to a teleporter alien we can follow him?

Jim: yes!

Reo transforms

UltiVerse: now!

They all disappear. we see them in a dark place. REo transforms. then they see a purple hole-like portal.

Jim: we are in the Anur Systems Black hole

Mick: Anur Ender?

Jim: yes!

Reo Get's shocked. then an Ectonurite Appears in front of them

Zs'Skayr: welcome people! I am Zs'Skayr.

Jim: we know

Zs'Skayr (surprised): Jim Jones? what are you doing here?

Jim: vocation!

The Endark from before appears right behind them.

Reo: Amm... Mr....

The Endark: Darend

Reo: Mr. Darend, could I please scan your body, to take a DNA sample?

Darend: of Corse!

Reo Scans Darend.

The Accelertrix: Endark DNA scanned! Transforming now!

Reo Transforms

Darkway: Wow, cool! Hey, Darend, are there any more species I could Scan. and have any ideas for the name?

Darend: How about Darkway? and come with me!

He spits a portal. they all Except Zs'Skayr going to the portal. the portal disappears

Zs'Skayr: I hate them!

We see the portal opening on Anur Transyl.

Darend: Here!

We see Valdats, Endarks, Omerowons, Glaedites, Ectonurites, Transylians, Lobans, Thep Khufans and others

Darend: scan them all!

Reo switches to Scan mode and Starts scanning the aliens. he transforms into Gutrot, Ghostfreak, Frankenstrike, Duskmummy, Howlwolf and then into Whampire. themn Zs'Skayr teleports in 

Zs'Skayr: give me the Accelertrix, or else.

he opens a portal. reo sees it and Shoots a web at him.

Whampire: cool! what else can he do?

Darend: Here try this

He throws a Guitar like axe to Reo. Reo catches and Starts to play  (He plays Skillet - Monster, so the song starts to play in the background). REo Fly's Towards Zs'SKayr and Punches him with the axe. ZsSkayr Shoots a dark energy blast at him. Reo Slashes it with the axe. Zs'Skayr make a dark energy Sword.  they battle. Then Reo turns him self "inside out" and Zs'Skayr gets so afraid he falls in to the portal him self. Reo turns back and High-fives Mick and the song ends. we see them all on the ship.

Jim: so who wants to go on another vocation with me

Reo and Mick both Rise their hands. we see the ship from the outside it goes into hyper speed and Disappears.




