Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

The Junkman is a villian from Tomas 10. He is the most common villian and has the most appearences. He is a Putridsapien from the poluted planet.


The Junkman is six feet tall. He is dirty green camolauge skin colored. He has four arms. He has an arsanal of high tech weapons that he creates out of trash he finds.Paradox (Tomas 10) The Junkman also has a pair of eyes on the back of his head.


The Junkman has a mysterious personality. He is usually annoyed and angered at by the presence, even the sight, of Tomas. He is one of the most devious and evil aliens on the planet and will stop at nothing until reaching his goal.

The Junkman

The Junkman

Tomas 10[]

