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The Hunter is a movie written by Paperluigi ttyd. It is part of Phase One of the BTFF Cinematic Universe along with The Black Knight, Tiger Rage, Energy Revolt. After all these movies, a crossover titled Heroes will be released. The movie was written, directed by, and produced by Paperluigi ttyd. It was released on April 29, 2013.
On May 21, 2013, a sequel was confirmed for release in August 2013.
[Open slowly with a view of a forest. Pan forward, slowly at a steady rate. A dark shadow of a house can be seen in the distance. The closer it is the more it can be seen until the house comes into full view. It is tall a tall house of two stories, plus a concealed basement. There is an attached garage with a car parked outside of it. A large, dark window is on the lower level of the house with another large, dark window next to it. One large, lit-up window is on the upper level of the house. The house is white in color with a dark colored roof.]
[Two shadows can be seen in the lit window. One is sitting down and the other is standing up and moving around. The figure that is standing up suddenly sits down next to the other figure and falls back onto a bed.]
[The two figures can now clearly be seen. The figure who was sitting originally is TYLER KANE. He is 31 years old, Caucasian, with no facial hair. He has jet black hair with brown eyes. He is wearing a complete police uniform with all his equipment: a belt with a night stick and a pistol, as well as a bottle of pepper-spray, two pairs of handcuffs, and a taser. A badge with the words "T. Kane" on it. There is a police cap on the side.]
[The figure who is now lying down is RACHEL SANCHEZ. She is 31 years old, Hispanic, with blonde hair and green eyes. She is wearing black pants and a yellow dress that goes down to her knees. Her hair is pulled back. She is smiling at TYLER while he smiles at her. They are silent for a moment.]
Rachel Tomorrow's the big day, huh?
Tyler I've been waiting for this day for two years.
[He lays back and places his hand on top of RACHEL'S. She grabs his hand.]
Rachel Me too... I can't wait to get away from everything.
[She turns to the side and looks at TYLER. She leans in and kisses him on the cheek. TYLER places his hand behind her head and then kisses her on the lips. She lays on him as he leans back. They stay for a moment before Rachel leans back off of him.]
Tyler It's moments like that... Moments like that make me love you so much...
Rachel I know...
[She smiles at him and then stands up on the ground. TYLER stands up and grabs his hat. They hold hands as they walk down the stairs. The camera follows them from behind as they walk out of the house and into the car.]
[TYLER puts his car key into the car. He backs the car out of the drive way and then turns down a road and drives. The camera follows the car from behind. Inside the car, there is silence, but not for long.]
Rachel I remember it like it was yesterday...
Tyler (enthusiastic) Do you now...?
Rachel (half dreaming, half amazed) I do... It was about 2 years ago. We had been dating for a few months... Summer had just begun... We went out and were walking along the pier... Somehow the conversation switched from ice cream flavors to... what we wanted to do in the future... And that's when you dropped to a knee and brought out the most beautiful ring I had ever seen...
Tyler Were we really talking about ice cream?
Rachel Would I ever lie to you?
[The car comes to an intersection. TYLER turns to RACHEL. She smiles at him. He looks forward and sees the green light. The car moves forward. They are silent for the rest of the ride.]
[The couple walks up to the house.]
Tyler Before I go, I have to tell you something... My father told me growing up that the woman I marry would be a smart woman, and you are. He told me that she would know how to handle herself and you do. He told me that if I was lucky, they would be good looking, and you definitely are...
[TYLER grabs RACHEL's hand as she turns so her back is facing the door to her house. She brings TYLER closer to him. She kisses him on the lips one final time.]
Rachel Love you...
Tyler Love you, too...
Rachel When will you be free?
Tyler I have to go to the station until 9, then I have patrol until 4 am. Call me after that.
Rachel (jokingly) I'll be up all night...
[She turns around and enters her house. She closes the door behind her. TYLER turns around. As he walks back to the car, there is an explosion behind him. He falls to the ground and lands flat on his face. After a moment he gets up and finds RACHEL's house ablaze. He runs inside and enters the foyer.]
Tyler (shouting) Rachel? (pause) Rachel?
[He looks around and then takes out his pistol. He walks past a burning chunk of the ceiling and then finds Rachel unconscious on the floor.]
Tyler (worried) Rachel...
[He bends down next to her and then flips her onto her back. He face is bloodied. Her eyes slowly open. She smiles at TYLER. He wipes her hair out of her face.]
Tyler (worried) It's going to be okay...
Rachel (starting to cry) TYLER. I love you... and I always will love you...
Tyler (still worried) NO! Don't go...
Rachel (trying to stay calm) I want the best for you... I want you to survive... Maybe your dad was right, your wife will be smart and no how to handle herself... Well I know how to handle this situation.
Tyler Who did thi-
Rachel (softly and breathing heavily) Just go... If it ever becomes important to you, then you will learn... I want you continue your life... If I die, then it wasn't meant to be... There is someone else out there who will be better for you: someone who will be smarter and know how to handle herself more; someone who is even better looking. There is always someone better.
[TYLER does not respond.]
Rachel I know things didn't work out, but I want you to live as normally as possible... Now go...
[TYLER looks at RACHEL for a few moments. He begins to cry as he leans down and kisses her on the lips. She smiles at him and then slowly closes her eyes.]
Rachel And TYLER...
[TYLER turns around.]
Rachel Leave me here... Don't try to rescue my body.
[He looks at her sadly. Her breathing eventually slows as her heart comes to a stop. TYLER turns around and runs out of the house as top speed before collapsing on the sidewalk leading up to the house.]
Tyler (furious) No... NO... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...
[The camera slowly starts to zoom out as the main theme slowly starts. It is quiet at first.]
[The camera shows several people running through the fire station. Two trucks roll out of the building and then turn down the street. The words "BTFF STUDIOS PRESENTS" on the wall of the station after the trucks pass it. The camera starts to follow the trucks. Other words seen are "WRITTEN, PRODUCED, AND DIRECTED BY PAPERLUIGI TTYD" and the list of all the actor’s names. After the credits have finished in a two-three minute montage, the fire trucks arrive at RACHEL'S house. The music builds up and is now at its normal level. The house can be seen burning down as more trucks arrive on the scene. The firefighters begin to get out of their trucks as the camera begins to pan around to show a front shot of the house burning. A LIEUTENANT stands across from the house and then turns to TYLER kneeling down on the ground, looking at the house, crying.]
Lieutenant Sir, was anyone inside?
[Tyler doesn't answer at first.]
Lieutenant SIR, you have to answer me. Was anyone inside?
Tyler (after a pause) N-no... No one was inside
Lieutenant (processing) Thanks...
[The LIEUTENANT turns to another firefighter standing by him.]
Firefighter #1 Sir, we don't think this house is worth saving. It's already half destroyed and if we tried going in we likely wouldn't make it back out.
Lieutenant It's a shame.. Well, get this man out of here and to the hospital...
Lieutenant Sir, it would be in your best interest to--
Tyler (angry) No...
[There is a pause for a few moments. The LIEUTENANT straightens his stance.]
Lieutenant (suspicious) Sir, are you hiding something?
[Another firefighter walks up to the LIEUTENANT.]
Firefighter #2 Sir, we need to go inside. There's a body in there.
Lieutenant (shocked) What?
[TYLER starts to back away from the LIEUTENANT. He turns and then runs over to his car. He closes the door as the LIEUTENANT runs over. TYLER begins to drive away as the LIEUTENANT slows as the car drives away.]
Lieutenant (choppy) What? The? Hell?
[TYLER is in his car crying. He is heading back in the direction of his house. He looks in the mirror as he sees the house collapse due to the intensity of the fire. The camera spins around and shows the car moving away from the camera.]
[The car arrives at the house. TYLER get out of the car, heads inside, and runs up the stairs. He throws off his coat and then jumps onto the bed. He stares up at the ceiling for a moment, tears still flooding his eyes. He turns to the table next to his bed and grabs a photo of RACHEL. He starts to wipe his eyes. He eventually closes them as the camera cuts to black. The music intensifies and then shows the logo of the movie before cutting to black again. The music comes to a grand pause and then cuts out.]
[TYLER wakes up in his house the next morning. He is in his bed, with the covers over his body. Two pillows are beneath his head. He is staring at the ceiling before he slowly leans forward and then jumps out of the bed.]
CUT TO: Downstairs
[TYLER is now walking in a hall in his house. He is dresses in his police uniform. He sits down on the couch and turns on the television to the morning news. They are talking about the fire at RACHEL'S house.]
Reporter #1 Police say that the cause of the fire is still unknown, they are working quickly to figure out what may have caused the fire. The lieutenant we spoke to also said that a suspicious man was spotted outside the home, and while they don't think he caused the fire, they are searching for him for questioning.
[TYLER turns the television off and the walks into the kitchen.]
Tyler (annoyed) I just can't catch a break, can I?
[He grabs a cereal bar and then opens the wrapper when the phone rings. TOM BERRY is on the other end.]
Tyler Hey Tom...
Tom Berry That wouldn't have been you by the fire on the news this morning, would it have?
Tyler How would it be--?
Tom Berry TYLER, you were supposed to have the day off today because it was your wedding with the girl who died in the fire... That can't be a coincidence...
Tyler (slightly outraged) And you think I would have done something?
Tom Berry I can't be sure... (pause) I want you to come over to the station. We'll continue our talk there.
Tyler (slightly relieved) I'll be over in 10, talk to you then.
[TYLER puts the phone down and then takes a bite out of his cereal bar. He walks over to the closet as he shoves the rest of the bar into his mouth. He grabs a police coat from the closet and then exits. He walks over to the car and then gets inside. He swallows the rest of the bar and puts his keys into the car and drives off.]
[TYLER walks through the lobby of the station and then finds TOM BERRY waiting for him. TOM is wearing a police outfit.]
Tom Berry Good to see you, Tyler...
Tyler (angry, almost interrupting) What have you found out so far?
Tom Berry (trying to remain calm) Calm down, Tyler, I'll tell you everything that we know... (pause) And sadly that's not much... In fact (pause) Nothing...
Tyler You know nothing?
Tom Berry Well the investigation has just started. There's still a lot we have to do before we can make any conclusions.
Tyler Well I want answers... What can I do to help?
Tom Berry We don't want you working on this investigation... It's a... (pause to think) conflict of interest... The best thing for you to do is to return to your normal job... Just do some paperwork and then go out on patrol if you want... Just stay as far away from the investigation as humanly possible...
Tyler And you'll tell me when you find something?
Tom Berry We'll warn you immediately...
Tyler Good to know...
[He starts to walk away.]
Tyler I'll be in my office if you need me...
[He continues to walk away and then heads down a hallway. He opens a door and enters his office. He takes out his coat and throws it onto a chair before sitting down at his main chair. He turns on his computer and then opens a filing cabinet and grabs a file. The phone rings again.]
Tyler Who could it be this time?
[He picks up the phone. SCOTT BOZAK is on the other end.]
Tyler MAYOR BOZAK? What can I do for you?
Scott Bozak Just calling to wish you my condolences. It's not easy losing someone... When my son died I never--
Tyler I've heard the story plenty of times MR. BOZAK... not to be rude...
Scott Bozak No, I understand... The funeral is listed as being scheduled for early next week... Just thought I'd let you know...
Tyler Thanks Mr. Bozak
Scott Bozak You're welcome, and you just let me know if there's anything I can do for you...
Tyler I will... I will
[He hangs up and then opens up a file on the computer. He types some random jargon into the file and the saves and closes it. He opens up a game on the computer and then begins playing it. The clock is shown as being early in the morning. A few hours pass and TYLER is still playing the same game. He looks at the clock.]
Tyler Better head out on patrol...
[He turns off the computer, grabs his coat, and then exits the office. He sees TOM BERRY talking to another officer. TYLER simply passes them and the exits. He gets into his police car and then drives off. A car zooms past his and then two other cars follow at the same speed. TYLER turns on the sirens and then begins to follow the cars. After a brief chase he gets all three cars to pull over.]
Tyler I'm afraid I'm going to have to give all of you tickets...
[He writes up three tickets and then hands each one to the three drivers.]
Tyler And I believe a search is in order, too.
[While he walks over to the first car, he realizes who the driver is.]
Tyler Steve Clark?
Steve Clark Come on gimme' a break Tyler. You know I don't got anything in there.
Tyler (after searching for a brief moment) Well look like that's true...
[He searches the other cars and finds nothing.]
Tyler You're all good to go...
Steve Clark And I'm sorry about what happened to your fiance...
Tyler (rudely) Yeah keep driving...
[TYLER gets back into his car and then starts to drive off.]
CUT TO: Police Station
[Back at the police station, TYLER again sees TOM BERRY, although this time he is alone.]
Tom Berry TYLER, there you are, I was just looking for you...
Tyler What did you find out?
Tom Berry Sadly, nothing, however we'll keep looking... We have a few new leads to work with...
Tyler New leads?
Tom Berry Sorry, you'll find out only when we do...
Tyler Well, is it okay if I take tomorrow off? The funeral's on Monday and I think I just need some time to myself...
Tom Berry Take as long as you want... Well, within reason of course...
Tyler (somewhat happier) See you at the funeral, Tom...
[TYLER begins to walk off. He exits the station and then gets into his own car and then drives off. The camera fades to black.]
[TYLER, TOM BERRY, SCOTT BOZAK and others are all at the funeral. They are wearing full suits with black pants, white shirts, black suit coats, and black ties. The casket is in front of the podium that TYLER is speaking at. His speech is almost finishes]
Tyler She will always be remembered. She was loving, caring, and all who knew her saw her beauty. I saw her beauty, but I saw something more. I saw a friend, a friend that I would always be able to look to in a time of need. Well not it is a time of need, and she is no longer there to look to. Without the strength of the community, friends, and family, I may not have made it through this challenge. But thanks to you, I did, and hopefully, with the continuation of your support, she will never be forgotten.
[There is a long pause. A few minutes later, the funeral is over. TOM BERRY and SCOTT BOZAK are talking when TYLER approaches.]
Scott Bozak Hey, TYLER... Your speech was--
Tyler What have you found out?
Scott Bozak --amazing.
Tom Berry We have made some developments... There's still more to be done
Tyler What have you found out so far?
Tom Berry The explosion was caused by high levels of an artificial gas that our detectives have code named "Gas X". It's not any gas that's ever been found on Earth.
Tyler There's more, isn't there?
Tom Berry Unfortunately, yes... (pause) Other than you, there was another suspicious figure spotted behind the house after you left. He had glowing red eyes and what appeared to be devilish claws, but when we tried to approach him, he backed away and ran.
Tyler (falsely enthusiastic) You think he may have started the fire?
Tom Berry We're not sure yet...
Tyler (disappointed) Of course...
Scott Bozak Look, we know you're disappointed, TYLER, but as TOM'S told you, the best thing to do is simply continue your normal job while we keep looking.
Tyler (angry) I still don't understand why I can't help investigate...
Tom Berry We think it's better for you mentally if you don't...
Tyler (enraged) Better for me physically?
[He turns around and storms off.]
Tyler More like you're hiding something...
[He walks over to his car and then gets in and storms off.]
Scott Bozak Are we wrong in not letting him help?
Tom Berry No, he needs the time to think...
[TYLER'S car pulls up to the remains of Rachel's house. There is still crime tape around the scene but no police officers are currently investigating. TYLER gets out and then walks to where the front of the house was. He stops and takes a deep breath before walking over the ashes of the house. There is still some scrap wood, but most of it has been removed. He gets to about the center of the house, and then bends down. He slides his finger across the ground. A black substance is now on his finger. It is thick lick tar, but is completely different. He takes out a small device and then places the substance into it. He closes the capsule and then puts it away. He stands up and then looks around. He takes a whiff of the air and then bends over and starts chocking.]
Tyler Gas X?
[He stops chocking and then takes out his phone. He dials a number and then ZACH STONE answers on the other end. The camera goes split-screen and shows Zach Stone sitting at a desk with a chalkboard behind him. He is at a school.]
Zach Stone Tyler, long time no talk... Sorry to hear about what happened...
Tyler I'm starting to get over that... Look, I need your help. You're an astrophysicist right?
Zach Stone Sure am...
Tyler What's the probability of a new gas suddenly appearing on Earth, either from space or after being synthesized.
Zach Stone Synthesized gas? Not very likely... It could have been introduced from space, but if you've found enough of it then it's likely not. It would have been discovered if there were large enough amounts of it...
Tyler That's the thing... I don't know how much there is...
Zach Stone Where'd you find this gas anyway?
Tyler RACHEL'S house...
Zach Stone Could you get a sample...?
Tyler No, but I did get a sample of this unknown black substance... I could bring that in...
Zach Stone It will do... When can you come in?
Tyler Right away if you want?
Zach Stone Sure, see you then...
[TYLER hangs up the phone. Two police cars arrive on the scene. A police officer jumps out and then runs over to TYLER.]
Officer #1 HEY! You're not allowed to be here... Especially YOU!
[Tyler puts away his phone and then device and then turns around and runs off. He jumps the crime tape on the other side and then continues running. He makes it to a forest behind and the house and then slows down. He turns around and looks back at the house, but he doesn't find anything. He turns around and sees a pair of red eyes staring back at him.]
Tyler (slightly afraid) The red eyes? You're the one who caused the blast...?
[The figure with the red eyes steps out into a clearing. They have devilish claws like explained, but they also have armor all around their body, a sheathed sword at their back and metal boots. The figure's face is menacing. All the skin that can be seen is a dark grey in color.]
Figure Why, yes I am... The name's WOLF.
Tyler Why'd you do it?
Wolf And I would tell you why?
[He draws the sword and then starts to approach TYLER.]
Wolf You know, I think I'll kill you, too... Just so you can be with her...
Tyler (angry) I'm not going down without a fight.
Wolf Then let's fight.
[He jumps at TYLER and slashes his sword at him. TYLER jumps back and then begins to run. He heads behind a tree as WOLF gets up and chases him. WOLF slashes the tree and then jumps and kicks at TYLER, but he avoids. He picks up the tree that got cut down and swings it at WOLF, knocking him back.]
Wolf For an average human, you're quite strong...
Tyler No, you're just weak...
[He swings the tree again, but WOLF slashes the branch in half, which makes it fall to the ground. WOLF presses his sword into the ground and then jumps and spins around on it. He launches his foot at TYLER and kicks him back into another tree. TYLER gets up and then starts to run away as WOLF starts chasing him. He goes deeper into the forest as he sees WOLF approaching. He dives behind a bush as WOLF slows down to search.]
Wolf You’ve got to be around here somewhere...
[WOLF stops and then looks around. He turns around and then slashes a tree. TYLER jumps out from behind a bush and then kicks WOLF in the face. He takes out his pistol and fires two bullets at him. The bullets hit his armor and then bounce off. He fires another bullet at his face, but he avoids and then spins and slashes TYLER down with his sword. He slashes across TYLER'S face, leaving a large cut that blood starts to pour out of. WOLF backs away as TYLER lies on the floor.]
Wolf You're lucky you're not dead...
[WOLF continues to back away and then eventually backs into the shadows and disappears. TYLER is left on the ground, his face cut open and bleeding. He slowly falls unconscious as the camera fades to black.]'
[It is the next day at around 6 in the morning. TOM BERRY is sitting at the main desk of the station when SCOTT BOZAK walks in. Several reporters are standing outside the station wanting to interview the mayor.]
Tom Berry Yes mayor?
Scott Bozak TYLER'S missing.
Tom Berry (shocked) He was at the funeral yesterday...
Scott Bozak He wasn't answering his phone... Was the funeral the last place you saw him?
Tom Berry (worried) Yeah...
Scott Bozak Then something's up. It's not like TYLER to just disappear like this...
Tom Berry And what about the army of reporters outside?
Scott Bozak (sternly) We're not telling them anything. Not a single world.
Tom Berry Understood...
Scott Bozak Now follow me...
[TOM BERRY gets up and follows SCOTT BOZAK. They exit the station. The group of reporters follow them in a large circle as they walk to the car. The reporters ask many questions and photographers take many pictures, but the two men remain silent. They get to a car, and after a few moments they drive off. The camera follows.]
Scott Bozak Now, we were able to get into his phone's call history. The last call he made was to ZACH STONE, a teacher at a local school. Hopefully we can catch him before the school day starts...
Tom Berry Doesn't his phone have a GPS?
Scott Bozak It might have had one, but we couldn't get into it to find his location, so we're going for the next best thing.
[The car arrives at the parking lot of Silverport High School, the high school of a suburb of Everson City. TOM BERRY and SCOTT BOZAK get out of the car and then walk into the school. The camera cuts to them entering ZACH STONE'S classroom.]
[He nods his head at TOM.]
Zach Stone What do you need?
Scott Bozak We need to talk... And this isn't going to be a short talk...
[ZACH goes over to the door and locks it. He sits down at his desk chair while TOM and SCOTT sit down at student desks in the first row.]
Tom Berry It's about TYLER. Specifically the time he called you... Just yesterday, correct?
Zach Stone Correct...
Tom Berry Would you be able to tell us why he called?
Zach Stone He asked me the probability of a gas suddenly appearing on Earth...
Scott Bozak Thanks, MR STONE. That's all we'll need from you...
[They get up and walk over to the door.]
Zach Stone I thought you said this would be a long talk?
Scott Bozak I misspoke...
[They exit.]
[The car arrives near the front of the house. TOM and SCOTT get out and then walk through the remains of the house to the backyard.]
Tom Berry You think he was here investigating?
Scott Bozak He asked an astrophysicist about a mysterious gas. Of course he was at the place where he had just heard about a mysterious gas.
Tom Berry Was he attacked or something?
Scott Bozak Guess we're going into the forest to find out...
[They start to walk into the forest. They eventually make it to a clearing where they find a chopped down tree.]
Tom Berry That can't be natural.
Scott Bozak Hey look, the piece of the tree is over here...
[The piece of the tree is sitting in a pathway that leads deeper into the forest. The two men walk down that pathway and eventually find TYLER lying in the clearing.]
Tom Berry (freaked out) TYLER!
[They run over to him and bend down near him. They bring him to his feet as he finally wakes up.]
Tyler Where...
Scott Bozak Just calm down and try and think clearly... We'll get you to the hospital.
[TYLER faints again. When he opens his eyes, he is at the hospital. TOM and SCOTT are standing over him.]
Tyler (angry) Where am I?
Tom Berry Calm down, Tyler, you're at the hospital?
[TYLER leans up and then looks around.]
Scott Bozak If you'd please explain what happened to you...
Tyler I was attacked by WOLF.
Scott Bozak A wolf?
Tyler No, the red eyed figure. His name's WOLF and he got away. He's the one who caused the fire.
Tom Berry We'll keep an eye out for him...
Tyler You better...
Tom Berry And Tyler... take the rest of the week off...
[TOM and SCOTT exit the room.]
Tyler I will...
[It is next Monday. It has been a week since the funeral and Tyler is finally starting to get back to his normal life. He walks into the station and then walks right down the hallway into his office. He turns on his computer and then waits for it to finish. He jots some things down on a scratch pad and then clicks some stuff at the computer. TOM BERRY is seen watching TYLER from the hallway, but he continues on before TYLER notices him. About an hour later, Tyler leaves the office and sees a car speed past the station. He runs over to his police car and then quickly drives off with his sirens on in the direction of the car. He follows it straight through a red light and almost crashes into another car. A man in the passenger seat of the speeding car takes out a machine gun and starts to fire bullets at the police car. TYLER makes the car weave back and forth to avoid. He picks up the radio.]
Tyler Yeah, I need help we've got an armed speeder on Craig Street heading for 19th Street. I repeat, I need help at Craig and 19th with an armed speeder, over.
[He continues to chase the speed. They turn down 19th street and so does the police car. The car stops firing and then begins to pull ahead. TYLER slams down on the accelerator and gets to within 20 feet of the car before they pull away again. They turn down another street and then make it to a suburban area. There are now trees and houses instead of office buildings and construction projects. The car turns again and TYLER turns as well. It enters the town of Silverport and then jumps a curb and heads for the high school.]
Tyler (suspicious) They're going for the high school?
[He receives a radio transmission.]
Officer #2 Can you give me an update on the location?
Tyler Yeah, they've made their way to Silverport High, over.
Officer #2 Roger that...
[The car stops and three men get out of the car. They run over to the building as one points a machine gun at TYLER. He waits for them to go inside and then jumps out of the car and runs over to the door. He enters the school and then draws his pistol. He runs up a flight of stairs and then looks down the hallway to see if the criminals are there, but they aren't. He runs down the hallway as fast as he can and then turns down another hallway and collides with ANNE MURRAY. They both fall to the ground. His gun goes sliding across the floor and then drops down the stairs.]
Anne Murray Hey watch where you're...
[She looks up and sees that he is a police officer.]
Anne The police?
Tyler Listen, there's three guys who got into the school. They've got a big gun, but I have no idea what they want...
Anne I'll get the principal--
Tyler And where would he be?
Anne He's on the other side of the school.
Tyler Sorry, too dangerous...
[Tyler grabs her hand and then leads her down the stairs to where his gun is. He picks it up.]
Anne I can handle myself...
Tyler I'm sure you could, but I don't want to take that risk... Now follow me...
[They go back up the stairs and then start to run back through the school. They stop at the intersection of another hallway and then look down it. After they realize it's safe, they continue to run.]
Anne I'm sorry, I never got your name...
Tyler I'm TYLER... TYLER KANE...
[They make it to the end of the hallway. There is another hallway that runs in either direction.]
Anne The principal's office is straight ahead.
[Tyler jumps into the hallway and looks in either direction, but there is no one there. They open the door to the office and find a lobby with a secretary. There is a hallway that leads past the secretary that branches into a few directions, leading to either the principal's office, the vice principals' offices, or other meeting room. The secretary jumps back when she sees a police officer in the room.]
Secretary Can I help you?
Tyler (urgently) Lock down the building, we've got a situation...
Secretary We have to know what the situation is before we can...
Tyler (slightly angered) There are criminals in the building with guns.
Secretary (awkwardly) I'll alert the principal.
[She runs into the principal's office. After a few moments, a loudspeaker announcement comes on.]
Principal Attention all students. At this time we have decided to lock down the building due to the possible presence of suspicious men in the building. Please get into the nearest classroom and hide in the room so you cannot be seen from the doorway. Also make sure to lock your doors to prevent anyone from getting in or leaving. We will announce when the situation is over.
[The announcement ends. The secretary comes back with the PRINCIPAL right behind him.]
Principal And I'm assuming you're the officer?
Tyler What made you think that?
Principal Er, well, what do you think we should do about these suspicious men...
Tyler I already called for backup. They should be here any minute.
Anne Do you think everyone will be safe?
Principal If they follow lock down procedure, then yes...
[Tyler receives a transmission on his radio. He picks it up and answers it.]
Tyler Hello?
Officer #2 Hey TYLER we're now at the school... Where did they enter the building?
Tyler They entered on the side, but that was a good 5 to 10 minutes ago... They could be anywhere...
[One of the criminals runs down the hallway across the room. He turns and notices TYLER and the others in the office.]
[ANNE grabs TYLER'S arm and pulls him around the corner then into an empty meeting room. The principal and the secretary jump into the room and then close the door and lock it from the inside.]
Tyler (relieved) Guess you can handle your own, huh?
[ANNE is still holding TYLER'S arm.]
Tyler Uh, you can let go of my arm now...
Anne (blushing) Oh, right...
Principal If we stop talking they won't hear us...
[They are silent for a moment. They here a few shots ring out and then here a loud thud.]
Principal (loudly) What was that?
Tyler Let me check... carefully...
[The PRINCIPAL unlocks the door and then TYLER slowly opens it. He draws his gun and then points it ahead while holding it with both hands. He turns around the corner and sees an officer standing in the office with one of the criminals dead next to him.]
Tyler (relaxing his stance) Thank goodness you're okay...
Officer #2 Is everyone else in here okay?
Secretary (stepping out with the others) We're fine.
Principal What about the other two?
Officer #2 I didn't see them...
Tyler I'm going to look for them...
Anne Are you sure that's safe?
Tyler I'm a police officer... My safety comes second...
Anne Well, try to stay safe...
[She smiles at him. He half-smiles back and then exits the office with the other OFFICER. They look either way down the hallway and then run down the hallway to the front of the school. They see the two criminals at the very far end of the hallway.]
Officer #2 See them down there?
Tyler Yes, I see them, but I don't think I can hit them from here...
[They continue to run as the criminals run towards them. TYLER fires a bullet and hits one of the criminals. He falls to the ground as the other stops and then takes out a gun. He fires two shots but the two officers avoid. TYLER fires another shot and hits the second criminal, making him fall back.]
Officer #2 Don't worry about them, the others will take care of them.
[Two other officers appear in the hallway. They each grab a criminal and begin to carry them away. The camera cuts back to the main office. TYLER, the OFFICER, ANNE, the PRINCIPAL, and the SECRETARY are all in the office.]
Principal We couldn't thank you enough for all your help.
Tyler I understand... We really have to go now, though...
[The OFFICER exits the office. TYLER turns around and then exits, too as ANNE watches him leave. She sighs.]
[TYLER and the other OFFICER arrive back at the station and see TOM BERRY waiting for them.]
Tom Berry Spare me the details, I heard all about your little mission over the radio.
Officer #2 And...
Tom Berry Good job... You saved an entire school.
Tyler Yeah... I'll be in my office.
[TYLER walks off.]
Tom Berry What's his problem?
Officer #2 Beats me...
[It is now the evening. TYLER drives his car up to his house and then gets out. He walks up to the door and the opens it and finds most of the inside of the house destroyed on the inside.]
Tyler (furious) NO! NOT AGAIN!
[He runs into the center of the house. The walls have been scratched up with a message that reads "THE GAMES HAVE BEGUN."]
Tyler (enraged) Must have been WOLF...
[He looks around and then walks around and heads up the stairs. He enters his bedroom and then finds a picture of RACHEL. It is cracked and heavily damaged. He drops it on the bed and begins to cry.]
[The next morning, TYLER again enters the police station. He goes over to TOM'S desk and tosses a bunch of photos of his destroyed house onto it.]
Tyler Guess who?
Tom Berry WOLF?
Tyler Who else would it have been?
Tom Berry This doesn't really help our search... We'll continue looking though...
Tyler (disappointed) Yeah... I understand...
[He turns around and heads for the exit after waiting a brief moment.]
Tom Berry Where are you going?
Tyler Patrol...
[He gets into his police car and then drives off a moment later.]
[TYLER enters the classroom of ZACH STONE.]
Zach Stone TYLER, what can I do for you?
Tyler Remember how I asked you about that mysterious gas the other day?
Zach Stone Oh, I was doing some research about that just now, and no, it's not possible.
Tyler Well then here's my next theory...
Zach Stone And that is?
Tyler Aliens...
Zach Stone (sarcastic) Really... (pause) Didn't see that coming?
Tyler I'm sorry, what?
Zach Stone It's just funny that you're talking about aliens when I just finished building a machine that detects alien life based on their unknown DNA structure.
Tyler So it is possible?
Zach Stone Yeah...
Tyler Thanks... You wouldn't happen to know if ANNE is single, would you?
Zach Stone You mean ANNE MURRAY? Yeah, she is... But, aren't you just recovering from the death of...
Tyler Yeah, but... Talk to you later...
[He exits the room and then walks down the hallway. He sees ANNE walking down the hallway and then she sees him, too.]
Anne (excited) Tyler?
Tyler Yeah, I'm back...
Anne What's wrong this time?
Tyler Nothing, I was just talking to Zach Stone about something... I've known him for several years now...
Anne That's great...
Tyler (awkwardly) So I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight...
Anne Oh, um... (pause) definitely...
Tyler So, I'll pick you up at your house tonight?
Anne Yeah, I'll give you my address...
[She takes out a slip of paper and then writes down an address and hands it to TYLER. He puts it away and then takes the time to look at her. She is wearing black pants and a red shirt with a white shirt underneath it. She has long red hair and blue eyes.]
Tyler So I'll see you then...
Anne (admiringly) Yeah...
[TYLER is sitting in his room. He's not wearing his police uniform, rather black pants and a white shirt. He's combed his hair back and has cleaned up his scar. He touches his hand against it while looking in the mirror.]
Tyler Has she not noticed?
[He stands up and then walks down the stairs. Much of the house is still in ruins.]
Tyler It doesn't really matter...
[He exits the house and then walks over to his car. He gets in and then drives away a moment later.]
[The car pulls into the driveway of ANNE'S house. TYLER gets out and then walks up to the door. He rings the door bell and then the door opens. ANNE is standing on the other side. She is wearing a red dress black boots that go almost up to her knees. She is also wearing a black leather jacket that is unzipped. She has light makeup on, too. TYLER'S eyes widen.]
Tyler (impressed) Woah, it's just a date.
Anne I can't help it... My family's rich...
Tyler And you live in this house?
Anne Well I did buy it myself... (pause) So, where are we going?
[They start to walk back to the car.]
Tyler I've got the perfect place...
[TYLER gets into the driver's seat while ANNE gets into the passenger seat. The car pulls away a moment later.]
[TYLER and ANNE are sitting next to each other at a booth inside of Anthony's, a fine restaurant in Silverport. They are holding hands.]
Anne How'd you know...? This is my favorite restaurant...
Tyler Lucky guess... (pause) Seriously, I just picked somewhere...
[She leans her head on his shoulder. A waiter walks up to their table.]
Waiter And what can I get for you?
Anne Could I have the pasta primavera?
Tyler And could I get the shrimp alfredo.
Waiter Thank you...
[He takes their menus and then walks back into the kitchen.]
Anne So before we go any further... Tell me about yourself...
Tyler I'm 31...
Anne Same...
Tyler I grew up in this city and was recently hired as a police officer.
Anne Same again... (pause) Except I'm a teacher...
Tyler And I was engaged...
[ANNE is silent for a moment.]
Anne You were engaged?
Tyler Yeah, and then my fiance died in a fire...
Anne The fire that's been in the news lately... With the suspicious figures and mysterious gas?
Tyler That would be the one...
Anne That's terrible...
[She looks at him and stares into his eyes from a long time. She moves a small amount closer, as if preparing for the kiss but then quickly backs away. She places her hand on his scar.]
Tyler I don't know if this means anything... But you remind me of her...
Anne I never knew her, but I'm sure that's a great thing...
Tyler She was... great.
[They continue to sit for a moment.]
Anne (shocked) And how'd you get this?
Tyler I was... in a fight... A... long time ago...
Anne I never noticed it before...
[She grabs his heads and then pulls him in and kisses him on the cheek. He leans back and then blushes as the waiter arrives with their meals.]
Tyler Well that was fast...
[They smile at each other. ANNE looks around the restaurant and then sees STEVE CLARK and EMILY SUMMERS at the restaurant.]
Anne (disgusted) Oh you've got to be kidding me...
Tyler What?
Anne My ex...
[She points at STEVE.]
Tyler STEVE CLARK is your ex?
Anne Fortunately he's only my ex... The guy is one huge jerk... He cheated on me and... I don't even want to remember our last date...
Tyler It ended badly?
Anne Luckily it was only a broken arm and some bruises.
Tyler I've known him since senior year. He was an athlete and one of the worst kids in the school. He never even went to college.
Anne Oh... he's coming over here...
[ANNE grabs TYLER'S head again and then leans in and kisses him on the cheek and then holds that position as he stops at their table.]
Steve Clark Fancy meeting you here...
[They stop kissing. ANNE turns around.]
Anne Listen, Steve, I want nothing to do with you... You're lucky my restraining order expired a few weeks ago...
Steve Clark (angry) If you are so worried about me how come you don't have one anymore?
[He slams his fist down on the table. TYLER starts to get up but then ANNE moves her hand in front of him and then makes him sit back down.]
Anne Leave me alone, Steve...
Steve Clark What happened between us?
[He grabs her arm. TYLER stands up and then STEVE lets go and then backs away.]
Steve Clark (playing dumb) I don't want any trouble TYLER. You know I meant no harm...
Tyler (rudely) Yeah go back to your own table...
[STEVE walks away as TYLER sits down.]
Anne That's how he was all the time... Drunk and stupid...
Tyler Now if we could just get through the rest of the night in peace...
[They finally start to eat their meals. After about 15 minutes, they finish. They pay the bill and then get up and head for the exit. STEVE CLARK and EMILY SUMMERS follow them. STEVE punches TYLER in the back and knocks him to the ground. He then grabs ANNE and forces her outside as EMILY follows. TYLER quickly gets up and then follows STEVE. He runs around to the back of the restaurant and finds ANNE being forced back against the wall by STEVE, who is right up against her.]
Steve Alright ANNE, answer me and I'll let you go...
Anne I don't trust you, and I don't have to tell you...
Steve This could be painless if you just--
Tyler Let her go...
Steve Stay out of this... You wouldn't want me to break both her arms this time, would you?
[TYLER stays in place as STEVE pushes harder against the wall.]
Tyler May I remind you that I am an officer?
Steve Doesn't matter. You're not armed...
Anne (somewhat in pain) A little help here...
Tyler That's it...
[He runs up to STEVE. He throws EMILY to the side. She lands on top of STEVE'S car. TYLER tackles STEVE to the ground and then gets thrown back by him. STEVE gets up and then runs over and grabs ANNE by the arm. He squeezes it hard and then gets punched in the face by TYLER. EMILY punches TYLER, but he blocks with his hand and then punches her back, too. STEVE knocks TYLER to the side and then grabs ANNE again, but this time she breaks free of his grip and then uses her other hand to punch him in the face. He falls hard onto his back. TYLER rushes over to ANNE and then pulls her into his body. She leans back and then kisses him on the cheek.]
Tyler (romantically) Want to get out of here?
Anne Sure do...
[TYLER leads ANNE into his car and they drive off a moment later. STEVE and EMILY remain unconscious on the floor.]
[They get out of the car right outside of the house and then walk over to the door. ANNE unlocks the door and then the two head inside. They walk up the stairs without a word and then enter her bedroom. ANNE lays down on the bed, back up, and then TYLER lays down right next to her.]
Anne So what do you want to do?
Tyler Well I didn't hear much about you earlier... Tell me about yourself...
Anne Well, you know that STEVE was my boyfriend until a couple months ago. He was my first boyfriend, though. In case you're wondering, I teach mathematics at Silverport High School. I got hired when one of the old teachers retired. My dad owns a company called MurrTech. He makes computer software and devices among other things.
Tyler And that's how your family's super rich?
Anne Well, my mom owns another company called Stockwall. She's a stock broker, but she invests herself and she's made almost a million dollars since she opened the business, plus she gets commission fees and stuff, so yeah, she's a millionaire alone...
Tyler I wish I could say the same for either of my parents. My dad's a lawyer and my mom is a doctor, so I've gotten some money from them over the years, but it's nothing compared to you...
Anne So now some random stuff... My favorite color is red, my hobbies include watching movies, reading, and just hanging out, and my middle name is--
[The lights go out.]
Anne Power surge?
[She slides next to TYLER. The lights turn back on and WOLF is standing in the room.]
Tyler WOLF!
Anne Who's this?
Wolf I'm not here for trouble, rather I'd like to give you a warning...
[He approaches them. TYLER and ANNE sit up and then TYLER moves in front of her to protect her.]
Wolf Well isn't that sweet, protecting your girlfriend so I don't kill her again.
Anne You mean WOLF killed your fiance?
Wolf Gah this is pointless. I'm letting you know that you better stay out of what we're planning, or I will kill both of you.
[He places his hand on ANNE'S arm. TYLER clenches his fist. He squeezes harder and then punches WOLF in the face. The lights go out again and when the turn back on, he is gone. They see a shadow in the window and then here laughter, but then he fully disappears. TYLER runs over to ANNE. He gets back on the bed and then lays on top of her as she winces in pain.]
Anne TYLER... who was that?
Tyler His name's WOLF and he's... I don't even know... He was the one who killed my fiance and...
Anne Listen... you protected me... and that's all that matters...
[TYLER looks at her arm.]
Tyler Is it okay?
Anne I'll live...
[They are silent for a moment.]
Tyler So you said you like movies? Want to watch one?
[He smiles and then she nods her head. He leans back and then get off the bed. He walks over to the television, made by MurrTech, and then grabs a movie case.]
Tyler How about this one?
Anne Sure...
[He takes the disk out and places it in the DVD player, also made by MurrTech. He grabs the remote and then lays back down on the bed next to ANNE. She sits forward and then moves over and lays down between TYLER'S legs.]
Anne Best, date, ever...
[The camera cuts forward about 2 hours. The credits of the movie begin to roll. TYLER sees ANNE with her eyes closed, so he turns off the television and then turns off the lights and then places her in a comfortable position for sleeping as he walks over to the door.]
Anne I'm awake over here...
[He turns back and then looks at ANNE. She is smiling at him.]
Tyler It's almost 10. I think I should get back to my house.
Anne TYLER, thank you for everything tonight... You protected me... twice, and I can't thank you enough... I owe you two...
Tyler No, you owe me none...
[ANNE walks over to TYLER and then grabs his arm. She leads him onto the bed.]
Tyler No, I really have to go...
Anne If you want to go then... Oh, TYLER you don't understand...
[A few tears begin to fall from her eyes. TYLER leans back as ANNE lies on her back on the bed.]
Anne I've never had a date that was even close to this much fun... I guess I just didn't want it to end...
[She takes off her leather jacket.]
Tyler I guess I could stay for a little bit...
[She tosses the jacket on the floor and then TYLER relaxes and lays down on top of her. She pulls the covers over and then turns out out the lights.]
[The alarm goes off and shows 5:45. They remain sleeping for a few seconds before TYLER jumps up.]
Tyler ANNE, wake up, it's 5:45.
[She snaps awake.]
Anne Okay, now you have to go...
Tyler Well... I'm not going to make it to work on time anyway...
Anne Yeah, but... I am going to be on time, and I can't show up in a dress that I slept in... If you know what I mean...
Tyler Oh...
[He turns around.]
Tyler Then call me when you get out...
Anne Love you...
[He exits the room. The camera shows him exiting the house. He goes over to his car and then gets in and drives off. The camera cuts to the car arriving at his house. He gets out and then takes out his cell phone. He calls TOM BERRY.]
Tyler Hey TOM, just letting you know I won't be at work today... I feel awfully sick... Hopefully it's just a 24 hour thing and I'll be back tomorrow... Thanks... bye.
[He hangs up and then enters his house.]
Tyler Now to get into something more comfortable.
[He heads up the stairs. The camera cuts to him exiting his room. He is now wearing black pants and a white shirt with a brown jacket. His phone rings. He answers it. It is ZACH STONE on the other end. The camera goes split screen and shows ZACH at the school.]
Tyler Hey, what can I do for you?
Zach Stone TYLER, you're not going to believe this...
Tyler What happened?
Zach Stone My machine... It found something...
[It is about an hour later. TYLER walks into ZACH'S classroom and finds him sitting at his desk.]
Tyler Sorry about that... I got here as fast as I could...
Zach Stone No, I understand... You were out late on your date with ANNE...
Tyler How'd you--
Zach Stone She told me... Plus I figured you were going to ask her out after you asked if she was single... (pause) So, my machine... It found unknown DNA... Actually, it's not quite unknown... The DNA is remarkably similar to that of a wolf, except for 2 main differences.
Tyler Wolf DNA? The figure that keeps appearing is named WOLF, and he practically is one. Except, he's taller and humanoid.
Zach Stone Wolves normally have 78 chromosomes... but this species has 90... 30 are new and 18 are missing... The 18 missing include the chromosomes that have DNA for body structure, nerve control, and possible intelligence, and some of the new chromosomes have codes that I could barely decipher, some are still un-deciphered. Sonic howling, super strength, something the machine called "Shadow Jumping", which I couldn't even guess...
Tyler Sounds like WOLF alright...
Zach Stone Who is this WOLF anyway?
Tyler None of your business... Now if you excuse me I must be going...
[He backs away and then exits the room.]
[TYLER walks up the stairs to his house.]
Tyler Oh what to do... I can't keep letting WOLF just show when I have nothing to do...
[He sits down on the bed and then looks at the closet. There are a bunch of books and boxes in it. He walks over and grabs one.]
Tyler Dad's old hobby books...
[He sits back down on the bed and then shuffles through the books.]
Tyler Gah, what I am I doing... These aren't going to...
[He gets to a page in the book. There is a drawing of a man firing an arrow with a bow. There are several other sketches.]
Tyler He must have really liked archery...
[He looks through the book and finds several journal entries about archery and bows and arrows. One reads "it was my favorite thing. I would go outside and play with my bow every day." TYLER sits reading for hours until eventually the doorbell rings. He puts the book down and looks at the clock. He realizes that it's already 6:00. He then jumps up and runs down the stairs. He opens the door and finds ANNE standing on the other side.]
Tyler Oh hey...
[She is wearing skinny jeans, a black belt, and a white shirt a red scarf. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail. She has a look on her face that reads "Are you okay?"]
Tyler Is everything okay?
Anne (after a sigh) Yeah... You weren't answering your phone...
Tyler I was doing something...
Anne (annoyed) For 3 hours?
Tyler Yeah, I was--
[ANNE grabs his hand and then leads him out of the door way. He closes the door and then she pulls him again and they start to walk down the road.]
Tyler Okay... Where are we going?
Anne (admiringly) Does it matter?
Tyler Listen... I think that we're going too quickly... We just met a few days ago and...
[They continue to walk in silence.]
Anne And what?
Tyler Oh... nothing...
[TYLER'S phone rings. He answers it.]
Tyler Hello?
Anne Oh so now you answer it?
Tyler Quiet...
[It is TOM BERRY on the other end.]
Tom Berry Hey TYLER, just calling to see if you're feeling better...
Tyler Yeah, I'm feeling better. I'll be back at work tomorrow.
Tom Berry Okay, bye then...
[He hangs up and TYLER puts the phone away.]
Anne You skipped work?
Tyler Why... are you mad?
Anne No, but...
[She steps closer to him.]
Anne Don't do it again.
[She playfully punches his arm. They make it to the middle of the city and then turn down the street. Suddenly, everything falls quiet. Then, there is a loud buzzing sound.]
Tyler Hear that?
[He makes her stop in place. He looks around and then turns when suddenly a man dresses in a black ninja suit comes out of nowhere and kicks him in the face. He pushes ANNE back and then runs over to the ninja and punches him in the face. He throws a roundhouse kick at the ninja and then gets knocked back onto the ground. The ninja takes out a sai and then runs over to TYLER, but he jumps up and then kicks the sai out of the ninja's hand. He punches the ninja in the face and then jumps and kicks him in the face and makes him land hard on the ground. He turns around and sees another ninja throwing punches at ANNE as he backs up to avoid. TYLER tackles that ninja and then punches him in the face. The other ninja gets back up and then starts to run over to him. TYLER leads ANNE down the street as they continue to run. The two ninjas regroup and then continue to chase them.]
Anne (worried) What do they want?
Tyler I don't know, but I bet one of them is STEVE.
Anne Okay, so what should we do...
Tyler Hide...
[They turn down a side street and then head into a door. They find themselves in a club.]
Tyler (sarcastic) Oh, just what I was hoping for...
[They begin to walk through the club. A bunch of random people are sitting around drinking, playing poker and other betting games, and there is even a pool table. A random man comes up to ANNE. He is drunk and is smiling, showing his rotten teach. He grabs her around the waist.]
Man Hey beautiful...
[TYLER pulls ANNE away from the man.]
Tyler We've got to get out of here...
[They walk past the bar in the club. A bunch more men notice ANNE and turn towards her.]
Tyler Why are they staring at you?
Anne They think I'm pretty, plus, they know my dad owns MurrTech, so they know I'm rich...
[They stop right in front of a well built man. He knocks TYLER into the wall and then grabs ANNE and pulls her in. Another random guy helps TYLER up.]
Guy Listen, they aren't going to do good things to her... Just take her and go...
Tyler And who are you?
Guy A friend...
[He hands him a slip of paper and then helps him up. TYLER walks over to the big man, who is holding his hands around her waist and squeezing. TYLER taps him on the shoulder and then punches him in the face. He falls to the ground. TYLER grabs ANNE by the hand and then leads runs for the exit.]
Tyler Come on, let's get out of here...
[The big man gets up.]
[They exit just as a bunch of people begin to run after them. They dash into the middle of the street and then continue to run.]
Tyler Great now we have two parties chasing us...
Anne No, I think we lost the ninjas...
Tyler I wish that were true...
[He points to across the street. The ninjas are staring at them when they suddenly start chasing after them again.]
Anne Oh great... What now?
[TYLER looks behind them and sees the clubgoers chasing after them. The ninjas get onto the sidewalk are about in the middle of the two groups.]
Tyler I'd fight the ninjas again, but I can't take them and then others...
Anne I can help...
Tyler WHAT? NO!
Anne TYLER, trust me, I can handle myself...
[He looks at her in the eyes as they continue to run.]
Tyler Fine, I'll get the ninjas, you get the others.
Anne Agreed...
[They come to a stop and then turn around. The ninjas stop about 10 feet away from them and the other group about 15 feet away from the ninjas. TYLER begins to walk forward towards the ninjas.]
Tyler So who wants a piece of me?
[One of the ninjas charges at him. He jumps and kicks at him, but TYLER grabs his leg and then throws him behind him. ANNE runs past the other ninjas as TYLER punches it and goes to fight the others. One man runs over to her and then punches at her, but she grabs his punches and then crushes his fist and then throws him into the others. TYLER jumps and kicks the second ninja in the face and then runs over to help ANNE. He kicks the big man in the face and then runs up to him and jumps and punches him, but the big man catches him and then throws him aside and runs over to ANNE. She kicks another man to the ground and then gets pushed back by the big man. She stays on her feet as she continues to back up. TYLER gets up and then begins to follow the big man. The camera pans forward and shows the big man practically right on top of ANNE.]
Anne You don't scare me...
Big Man I don't?
[He pushes her back and she falls on the ground. He notices the ninjas behind her. One jumps at him but then he knocks it back with his hand. TYLER runs over and then punches the big man from behind, making him fall onto the ground. He catches a kick from the second ninja and then pushes him back. He continue to throw punches at the ninja as the ninja throws punches back at him. He blocks quickly and then jumps and kicks the ninja in the face. The big man runs over to him, but he jumps and punches him in the face and then lands on the ground. The big man goes flying into a wall and then falls unconscious. TYLER runs over to the other men and then jumps and kicks one to the ground. He punches another and then pushes and kicks the last one to the ground. He turns around and then rushes over and punches a ninja back to the ground. He turns and then kicks the other ninja away from ANNE. He then drops to a knee next to her. He grabs her hand and then pulls her up.]
[TYLER turns around and punches the ninja in the gut. He winces and then falls to the ground. A slip of paper falls out of his pocket.]
Tyler What's this?
[He picks it up and finds that it's a list of names. He puts it away in his pocket.]
Anne What was it?
Tyler Just a list of names... I'll turn the list over to TOM. He'll know what to do with it.
Anne And for the third time in 2 days you've saved me... You're like me hero...
Tyler Doesn't it worry you that we keep getting into trouble?
Anne No, but it does worry me that all these unconscious people are here and so are we... Maybe we should leave...
Tyler Yeah... that sounds good...
[TYLER is sitting at the still destroyed kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. He picks up the phone and dials TOM BERRY.]
Tom Berry Yes TYLER?
Tyler I'm sorry, TOM, the sickness came back... I won't be in again today... I'n not going to be in for the rest of the week probably.
Tom Berry Oh, sorry to hear that... We'll, get better soon. Bye.
Tyler Bye, TOM.
[He hangs up and then drinks another sip out of the mug. He stands up and then walks into the living room. He sits down at the couch. There are a bow and a quiver filled with arrows lying on a table.]
Tyler (after taking a deep breathe) Let's do this.
[The camera cuts to TYLER standing outside. A montage of TYLER working out in a bunch of different ways is shown. Sometimes he is working with a punching bag strapped to the ceiling, other times he is running up and down the stairs. Sometimes it is pushups and other times crunches. Other times still it is pull ups on a bar attached to the wall. The bow and quiver are still on the table during all of this. The montage is set to an instrumental of "Remember the Name." After the montage goes on for a few minutes, TYLER is shown standing in the mirror. It has been a few days since he has started, but he has taken breaks. He now looks a lot more muscular. He smiles and then nods his head in the mirror. He then runs downstairs and heads outside for a run as the music continue. A montage of him running far distances is shown. This montage goes on for about 30 seconds before he finally makes it back to his house. It is evening. He finally picks up the bow.]
Tyler Now, it's fun time...
[He picks up the bow and then a montage of him training with the bow is shown. He fires arrows at targets hanging from the outside wall of his house. Also part of the montage is TYLER working on a sewing machine or working with a flame against a piece of metal. Even the montage ends with Tyler training with a bo staff on the side of his house. He jumps and then slams the staff on the ground. The music ends. He then stands up and walks into his house. By now it is late Sunday night. Inside his house, the bow and quiver that were on the cough have been replaced with a black suit and a mask. The mask is red in colored and has a mouth. The camera cuts to TYLER with the suit on. The bow is at his side and the staff and quiver are around his back. He is holding the mask in his hands. He puts the mask on.]
Tyler Once WOLF made the games begin, he quickly got ahead. Now it's my turn to even the score.
[TYLER with his mask and black suit are now standing on the top of a building near the middle of the city. He takes out a device that projects a map and then sees two red dots moving throughout the city. They are on the street next to the building that TYLER is standing on. He runs over to the side of the building and then jumps across and grabs onto the wall of the next building. He slides down it, bounces off a canopy and then lands on the ground. He runs around the corner as sees the two men get into a taxi and then drive off. He continue to chase them from the other side of the street. They turn down another street and so does he. The taxi eventually comes to a stop at an intersection and the two men get out. They continue to walk as the taxi drives off. TYLER now approaches the two men, one of whom is carrying a metallic enforced briefcase.]
Man And who are you supposed to be? The Black Widower?
[The two men break out into laughter.]
Tyler (speaking through a special voice box in the mask) Very funny fellas...
[He grabs he bow with one hand and an arrow with the other. He does this so quickly that they can't react and he has them cornered with an arrow aimed at the one with the briefcase.]
Man #2 Oh so you wan't this briefcase?
[He holds up the briefcase and then puts it down. The two men start to back away.]
Man #2 (rudely) Well you can't have it!
Tyler Wrong choice...
[He fires the arrow but the man avoids. The two men dash around the corner as TYLER starts to chase them. He chases the down a street while firing arrows at them, but they keep falling short. TYLER rushes forward and then takes out his bo staff and uses it to knock one of the men down. The other jumps at him and throws several kicks at him. He blocks them with his arms while back away. He eventually grabs a foot and twists it around. He throws the man behind him and then turns around and jump kicks the other man. The briefcase goes flying across the ground. TYLER goes running over to it but the man comes back and scoops it up. TYLER kicks him into the wall. He goes crashing through the glass of the building, which is some sort of bank. The alarm goes off but the men continue to fight. TYLER starts swinging to bo staff at the man. He tires to catch it but then gets knocked back. TYLER spins around and then hits the other man with the staff, but he only knocks him back.]
Man Give us the case back!
Tyler You'll have to take it from me!
[He takes out his bow and fires an arrow at the man. He avoids it and then starts to run at TYLER.]
TYLER You leave me no choice...
[He kicks him back. As he falls back, TYLER fires an arrow at him that hits him square in the chest. He falls to the ground. TYLER turns to the other man. He runs at TYLER and punches him square in the chest, knocking him back. TYLER fires an arrow at him, but he avoids by jumping. While in midair, TYLER fires another arrow so that when he lands, the arrow hits him in the chest and knocks him to the ground, too. Both men lay dying as TYLER puts away his weapons and grabs the briefcase. The police and a bunch of news trucks suddenly arrive. They storm inside.]
Reporter #2 Who are you?
Reporter #3 Are you a friend or a foe?
Reporter #4 Why are you here?
[TYLER simply backs away, turns around, and then runs. He crashes through the side of the glass wall and then runs off.]
[It is the next morning. It is Veterans Day, so TYLER has off from work. ANNE is at his house because the schools are closed, too. They are sitting at the couch watching the news. A story comes on about the incident at the bank the night before.]
News Anchor We now have an update to a story we first broke to you about an hour ago. Again if you're just joining us police say that they arrived on the scene of the Federal Bank to find most of the walls destroyed and two dead men inside. The first people on the scene say a masked man was in the building, armed with a bow and arrow as well as what appeared to be a metal pole. Police say he was also carrying a briefcase but they aren't sure what was inside or how he got it. They say they don't think it came from the bank. Now, the new development is that the two dead men are part of a known crime ring in the city, so police believe that the masked man may be a vigilante taking the law into his own hands, but they aren't certain.
[ANNE turns off the television.]
Anne Can you believe this guy? Masked man? More like masked madman! Who does something like that!
Tyler Beats me... So what do you want to do? I've got the whole day off...
[She looks at him. He is wearing black pants and a white shirt with a brown jacket again. She is wearing black pants with a blue shirt and white shirt underneath it. She has a black bow in her hair, which is tied in a ponytail again.]
Tyler You're beautiful, you know that...
Anne Thanks... You're handsome yourself...
Tyler But that doesn't help us decide what we should do...
[ANNE turns to face TYLER, makes a fake evil grin, and then pushes him onto his back. She kicks off her boots and then lays down on top of him and places her arms around his back.]
Anne Tell me a story...
Tyler A story? (he laughs) About what?
Anne (admiringly) I don't know... Whatever you want to tell me a story about.
Tyler Well, I tell good stories, so I guess I can't tell you one... Once upon a time, there was a boy. This boy grew up his whole life with no friends. No one ever wanted to play with him or spend time with him. He went all the way through high school without ever having a conversation with anyone. Without friends, he wasn't happy. He went to college and tried to start over. Shortly after he graduated, he finally had some friends, and after returning home met a girl and settled down... He got a job and for a few years he was happy... But then things took an unexpected turn... He lost the woman he loved and didn't know where he would turn to next... He eventually met another woman, who treated him not as a boyfriend, but a true friend. She helped him forget about his past struggles and to this day, she still does so.
[ANNE is lying her head on TYLER'S chest. Her eyes are closed and she has a warm smile on her face.]
Anne (romantically) Hmm, something tells me that this wasn't a story you just made up.
Tyler (jokingly) How'd you know...
[She hugs him tight as her places his hands around her back. He closes his eyes briefly and then moves his arms back. ANNE leans back and returns to her normal sitting position.]
Anne Are you bored?
Tyler Yeah...
Anne Well I've got an idea... Follow me...
[They get off the couch and then head up the stairs to TYLER'S bedroom. They enter and then ANNE closes the door behind them.]
Tyler So what are we going to do?
[ANNE walks over to him and then reaches her hand around the back of his head. She pulls him in and kisses him on the lips. He savors it for a moment and then breaks away.]
Tyler (shocked) And we needed to be in here to do that, why exactly?
Anne It was getting a little warm down there...
[She pushes him onto the bed and then lays on top of him.]
Anne In fact I'm still a little warm...
[She looks at him and then relaxes and places her head on his chest. They lay quietly for a moment.]
Anne Did I ever tell you how strong you were?
[She runs her hand back and forth along his arm and then leans up and wipes sweat off of her forehead.]
Anne It's so warm in here... Are you warm?
Tyler I'll go turn the AC on...
[He leaves the room and then goes downstairs to the AC. He turns it on and then heads back upstairs. He lays back down and then ANNE lays down on top of him.]
Anne What's the time...?
Tyler It's only 9...
Anne And it's already this warm?
Tyler You know it's funny that it's so warm inside, but outside it's really snowy and cold... and it's only November...
[She wipes her forehead again.]
Anne It is very warm...
Tyler You do look hot...
Anne (embarrassed) Thank you...
Tyler But something tell's me you're not actually that warm...
Anne Me being warm is as true as that story you told me being fictional...
Tyler Well, are we going to do anything else other that sit here all day?
Anne Well what do you want to do...
Tyler I've got a game room in the basement...
Anne Sure... Let's head down there.
[They head down the stairs all the way to the basement. In the basement, the only part of the house that isn't destroyed, there is a pool table, a large television with a gaming console, a fuse-ball table, a ping pong table, and several exercise machines including a treadmill and a stationary bike.]
Anne So what are we going to play?
Tyler You decide...
[She walks over and grabs the pool supplies from a table near the wall. She tosses a stick to TYLER and then sets up the balls.]
Anne Why am I even doing this?
Tyler (taking the first shot) Because you love me...
[He hits the cue ball and the balls scatter.]
Tyler So what are we playing? 8 ball?
Anne (jokingly) Only if I get the solids...
[She hits the cue ball into the 7 ball and knocks it into the corner pocket. She walks past TYLER as his eyes follow her past. She looks for a moment before hitting the cue ball into the 12 ball. It bounces and then knocks into the 6 ball and knocks it into the side pocket on the far side.]
Tyler Damn your good...
[She walks over to him and then stop right in front of him and leans her head right in front of his.]
Anne (softly) I know...
[She backs away and the turns around. She hits the cue ball into the wall which bounces off and then hits the 5 ball before they both stop in the middle of the table.]
Tyler Oh, finally my turn...
[He thinks about his shot for a moment, before hitting the cue ball into the 9 ball. The 9 ball rolls along the wall and stops, but the cue ball rolls into the side pocket.]
Tyler Forget this...
[He tosses the stick to the side in anger. ANNE places her hands on her hips and starts angrily at TYLER.]
Tyler Oh come on!
Anne (teasing) You're just mad that you're losing...
Tyler (angry) Am not!
Anne Just admit it...
Tyler (angry) AM NOT!
[He slams his hand on the table and then angrily takes two steps towards ANNE before relaxing and stopping. He takes a breathe and then stops in place.]
Tyler Maybe I'm overreacting...
Anne Yeah... It's just a game, and more importantly a game that I'm good at...
Tyler (very angry) ALRIGHT!
[He turns around and places his hand on ANNE'S shoulders and then pushes her backwards into the wall. She hits against it and then falls on the ground TYLER'S face remains angry for a moment but then he realizes what he's done. He gets down onto his knees next to her and then grabs her arm. She looks at him with an angry look on her face.]
Tyler (regretful) I'm so sorry... Are you okay?
[She stares at him for a moment and then slaps his face.]
Tyler (confused) Ouch...
[She looks at him. Her angry smile slowly turns into a smile of admiration.]
Tyler I promise to you... I won't ever do that again...
[She jumps forward and hugs him. His face turns from confused to satisfied.]
Anne And neither will I...
[They continue to hug for a moment before she slaps him in the face.]
Tyler I deserved that...
Anne C'mere you!
[She playfully tackles him onto the ground. She lays on top of him as they laugh. They are seen laughing for a moment.]
[TYLER is standing in his black suit. He puts the mask over his face and then puts his weapons on.]
Tyler This is worse than what I did earlier... (pause to grab his bo staff) If ANNE knew I did this... I would be done for...
[TYLER is standing on the roof of the building. He looks at the list of names that he brought with him. Of the 6 names on the list 2 are crossed off. He puts the list away and then takes out a device. He looks at a screen for a moment and then jumps down the building like he did the night before. He slides down it and then lands on the ground. He runs across the street and then turns down the street and continues to run. He checks the device and then sees a flashing red dot moving throughout the city.]
Tyler Where are you going?
[The red dot stops in a factory about a quarter of a mile from where TYLER is. He pulls forward and then looks at the factory just down the street from him. He slows down when he gets to the factory. He scales the wall and then makes it to a window. He kicks down the window and then jumps into the factory. He walks towards the center of it. His foot lands in a rope trap, which activates and pulls him upwards. He takes out his bow while suspended in the air and aims it around in different directions.]
Tyler Come out! Someone has to be here... Is that you, WOLF?
[A figure steps into range of the one light that is on in the factory. It is TOM BERRY.]
Tom Berry You're going to take off that mask and then I'm going to let you down...
Tyler I can get down on my own.
[He aims an arrow directly at TOM.]
Tom Berry I bet you can... But I have a deal for you...
[He snaps his fingers and another light turns on, revealing a man in a chair. The man is the same one TYLER is looking for.]
Tyler How did you?
Tom Berry Take off the mask and I won't free him...
Tyler I'm sorry, but I can't take that deal...
[He curls upwards and fires the arrow at the rope holding him. It snaps and he falls to the ground. TOM quickly unties the man before TYLER runs and kicks the man, still tied to the chair, onto his back. He breaks free of the chair and then gets up and kicks TYLER in the face as he approaches. TYLER aims an arrow, but the man swats it down with his hand and then throws several punches at TYLER. He roundhouses the man in the face and knocks him onto the floor. TOM draws a gun and points it at TYLER as he aims an arrow back at TOM.]
Tom Berry Drop the mask... Now... Or I pull the trigger
Tyler Do your worst...
['TOM fires, but so does TYLER. He jumps out of the way as the arrow collides with the bullet and sends them both flying. He fires another arrow at the man. It hits him in the arm. TYLER then jumps and kicks him in the face. He falls back to the ground and lays dying. TYLER stands up but TOM tazes him from behind. He drops to his knee.]
Tom Berry You got lucky... Now mask off.
Tyler I thought you would be smarter than that TOM.
[TYLER takes off the mask, but his face is still facing away from TOM. He turns around and shows TOM his face.]
Tom Berry (shocked) TYLER... I should have known...
[TYLER stands up and puts the mask back on.]
Tyler This remains a secret...
Tom Berry Agreed...
[TYLER starts to back away.]
Tyler I was never here...
[He backs away until he can no longer be seen.]
[TYLER is sitting in his house, alone. He is wearing jeans, a black shirt and black jacket. He has the mysterious briefcase that he took off of the two men he killed the first night he was out. He opens the briefcase and immediately realizes what is inside. It is green tinted powdery substance.]
Tyler You've got to be kidding me... Alien drugs?
[There is also a note from WOLF attached to the inside. It reads "If you get caught, let your catchers kill you. It will be better than interrogation."]
Tyler Standard WOLF, I guess...
[He rubs his hands in a little bit of the powder. He rubs his fingers together as the powder turns into an icky black substance.]
Tyler Wait a minute?
[He takes a whiff of it and then starts coughing.]
Tyler Okay maybe I shouldn't have done that, but... GAS X! Of course! This is the same substance used to caused the explosion... That's why it's so valuable... WOLF must be trading this stuff for... Something...
[He gets up and walks over to the sink to wash his hands off.]
Tyler But the question is what?
[He sits back down and rests for a few moments.]
Tyler Okay, now I'm bored...
[He looks at the phone.]
Tyler (jokingly) Must... resist... Ah who cares!
[He picks up the phone and dials ANNE. She answers as the camera goes split-screen. She is wearing black pants and a black shirt with an unbuttoned red shirt around it.]
Anne Hey handsome...
Tyler Oh, so I'm not TYLER anymore? Fine, from now on you're beautiful... As in, that's your new name...
Anne (sarcastically) Ha ha funny... What do you want?
Tyler So you wanna go out tonight? On a real date?
Anne I'd love to, but...
Tyler But what?
Anne But nevermind... It doesn't matter... So, this time do I get to pick the place? Because I'm picking Anthony's...
Tyler You must really love that place... Oh, well, see you then...
[TYLER and ANNE are sitting at the same table. He is wearing black pants and a black shirt with his brown jacket. She is wearing a blue dress that goes down to her knees with a black belt. She is wearing short black boots that go only to her ankles. She is leaning her head on his neck. They sit quietly for a moment.]
Anne When you said you had no friends growing up... Were you really telling the truth?
[He sits there for a moment and thinks. He then sighs.]
Tyler It may have been stretching the truth a little bit... I had a few friends... Honestly, I've had a rough life...
Anne I feel bad... Have I been showing off my richness too much...
Tyler Well when you put it that way...
[He leans in to the side of her face.]
Tyler But I love you either way...
[They turn and look outside. Rain begins to poor down.]
Anne Yesterday it was snowing, today it's raining, what is it with the weather?
[A waiter can be seen walking a platter of food over them. There is some sort of dish with fish in it for ANNE and a plate for spaghetti with a huge meatball for TYLER. Another customer accidentally backs up into the waiter, making him trip and then sending the plate of food flying into TYLER. ANNE jumps away and manages to avoid the food explosion, but TYLER gets covered in everything from pasta sauce to the soda ordered as a drink.]
Customer I am so sorry... Here let me clean that up for you...
Tyler Yeah, I'll be in the bathroom...
[He walks over to the bathroom and then enters it as another random customer exits. He enters the stall and then hears ANNE scream.]
Tyler Probably just another food spill.
[He stands silently for a moment.]
Anne (in this distance) (shriek) PUT ME DOWN!
Tyler Guess I'm not going to be cleaning myself up...
[He takes a small cube out of his pocket. It grows about 100 times its size. He then reaches in and pulls out his black suit and weapons.]
Tyler Thank you, ZACH.
[The camera cuts to him exiting the restaurant on the top after having crawled through the ceiling by removing a tile and finding a door. He looks down onto the side of the ground and then sees two men struggling with ANNE while a third man leads them. He takes out a specialized arrow with knockout gas and fires it and the third man, knocking him out.]
Tyler Again, thank you ZACH.
[The two men struggling with ANNE continue to struggle as they look up and see TYLER. He jumps down off the building and then kicks one in the face. The other throws ANNE to the side and then begins to fight TYLER. He takes out a bo staff and then begins to swing it at the man. He hits the man in the face and then jumps and kicks the man back. He spins around and then swirls the bo staff at the other man, knocking him down. The third man slowly gets up and then sees TYLER locked in an intensive fist fight with one of the men. The other is sitting unconscious on top of a car. He gets up and then runs over to TYLER and punches him in the face. The other man grabs his arms as the punching man jumps and kicks TYLER to the ground. His bo staff goes rolling away, but he twists his legs to kick out one of the men. He jumps up and then spins and kicks the other back. The fight continues to progress as ANNE watches, confused by what is going on.]
Anne What is going on?
[The fighters ignore her and continue to fight. TYLER takes out his bow and fires an arrow that strikes on of the men in the chest. He goes flying back and then hits the side of the building. He turns around and then gets blindsided by a roundhouse from one of the men. It hits his face and knocks the mask off as he goes falling to the ground.]
Anne (shocked) TYLER?
[He looks back at ANNE. She is angry and confused at the same time. He gets up and then kicks the two men down to the ground. He jogs over to ANNE and then places his hand on her shoulder. She slowly knocks it away.]
Anne (not wanting to believe it) Who are you?
[She backs away and then turns around and walks away in the rain with her hands folded across her front. TYLER turns around and then takes out his bow and fires an arrow at one of the men. It hits him in the chest and kills him. He then grabs the other man and slams him into the wall and then leaves him on the ground. He picks up his mask and puts it back on. He begins to walk in the other direction. The last thing seen before the camera cuts to black is a zoomed out over the top shot of ANNE and TYLER walking in opposite directions. There is a lightning flash and the thunder crack is heard just as the camera cuts to black.]
[TYLER is laying in his bed. His black suit is still on but his weapons and mask are on the floor next to him. He leans up and opens his eyes. His entire face is red from all the tears. He closes his eyes again and then opens them after a moment.]
Tyler Guess I'm not going to work again...
[He leans back down to get more sleep. The camera cuts to him waking up that afternoon. He looks at the clock and then jumps up to a standing position on the bed. He looks at the clock and then sees that is is already 3:30. He jumps down and then sits on the bed.]
Tyler Oh, I feel terrible...
[He looks around for the phone and then dials ANNE. The phone rings for a few moments but then she doesn't pick up.]
Tyler I knew it, she hates me... She just doesn't understand...
[He stands up. The camera cuts to him walking down the stairs in normal clothing.]
Tyler Okay, I'll go and see ZACH then. See what he has to say.
[TYLER enters ZACH STONE'S room and finds him talking to TOM BERRY.]
Tyler Oh... TOM...
Tom Berry Figured you would show up...
[He walks over and locks the door.]
Tom Berry We need to talk...
Zach Stone I know what you're up to TYLER. I've figured it out by now...
Tom Berry Do you want to finally admit it yourself?
Tyler I don't know what you're talking about...
Zach Stone Don't play dumb, we know you're the vigilante...
[He takes a deep breathe.]
Tyler Yes... I am... How?
Zach Stone All the questions you'd been asking me... The storage cube you requested... All 6 of the deaths the last few days were known members of a criminal organization--
Tyler Who trade alien drugs... I figured that part out...
Zach Stone Actually, that's more than I knew... Anyway, all of that helped me figure it out... Plus ANNE was really angry today... I asked why and all she said was that you were the vigilante...
Tyler I should have told her...
Tom Berry You should have told me before I trapped you... I don't entirely agree with what you're doing, but who am I to step in your way...
Zach Stone So you mentioned something about alien drugs...?
Tyler The first night I went out, I took a briefcase off the two men... I checked it yesterday and found a green tinted powdery substance... When rubbed together it produced the same black substance that I found at the site of the explosion... On top of that it smells like Gas X...
Zach Stone Then it seals the deal... WOLF is trading this Drug X for unknown purposes, but I believe I've found his source...
Tom Berry You didn't tell me that...
Zach Stone I was about to...
[He projects an image on the wall. It shows a warehouse in the city.]
Zach Stone This is a warehouse down on the waterfront by Silver Lake. I found this by measuring the levels of Gas X in the city. The main hotspot was this warehouse... It must be his base of operations...
Tyler Then we have to destroy it...
Tom Berry No, we have to be more careful... We can't just go blasting up a warehouse...
Tyler Why? I've killed 6 people! I'm not exactly on the good side of the law anymore...
Tom Berry And if you were to be caught you could be tried with the death penalty... So don't get caught... If you save the city from WOLF, everything you did before then will be forgotten. This is more about your protection that the city's...
[While they continue to talk, the camera cuts to ANNE watching through the window in the door. She turns her head away in disbelief and then walks away before anyone notices her.]
Zach Stone So it's settled then... You go in using stealth and break up the next shipment. Your safety is more important than the mission, however.... At the first sign of trouble, you have to get out...
Tyler I know... Tonight, it ends...
Tom Berry We can only hope...
[TOM BERRY unlocks the door and then TYLER exits. He dials ANNE on his phone as he walks. Again she doesn't answer. He puts his phone away as he exits the building.]
[TYLER is now back at his house about half an hour later. He calls ANNE a third time. After a few rings, she finally picks up.]
Anne (annoyed) Please TYLER, stop calling me...
Tyler I want to apologize... I'm sorry for everything I've done... I should have told you.... Maybe I shouldn't have decided to do those acts in the first place... I'm sorry for pulling you into this situation.
[She takes a deep breathe.]
Anne And what makes you think I'm going to accept your apology...
Tyler We did have a lot of fun... and good times and...
[The door opens. ANNE is standing on the other side. She hangs up the phone and is left in the doorway. She is wearing skinny jeans and a white shirt with a red sweater over it that goes down to her knees. She also has short black boots on. She closes the door and then walks over to TYLER. She kicks off her boots and then lies down on top of him.]
Anne Okay so maybe I was never mad at you... Maybe I just overreacted and didn't want to believe it... I should have figured it out before anyway... I guess what I mean is... I'm sorry, too...
[She places her hands on his back and then moves them back and forth. He places his hands on her back.]
Tyler Right back to where we left off?
Anne You bet...
[They continue to hug.]
Tyler But I guess this is where I have to tell you that I'm not stopping my work... My boss knows and he's sending me on a mission... Tonight...
Anne I'll get over it... The only reason I didn't like the idea of the madman is because I thought it might have been you and I couldn't have stood you getting hurt... My dad always said that a hunter's game is dangerous work.
Tyler I like that... THE HUNTER.
Anne I like it, too...
Tyler So I have to go soon for that mission... But what do you want to do until then...?
Anne You mean what I really want to do or what is realistic?
Tyler Well I don't know... What do you really want to do...?
[She looks deeply into his eyes for a moment and then leans in and kisses him on the check. They continue to hug and kiss on the couch until the camera cuts to the next scene.]
[TYLER is now in his HUNTER outfit. He is standing on the shore of the beach and holding a radio device. He holds it up to his mouth and TOM BERRY is on the other end.]
Tyler And so I just wait until further orders?
Tom Berry Yes... My order is to move in once you see the shipment truck... Your first priority is yourself, then destroying the warehouse, then capturing WOLF and any of his followers, understand?
Tyler Understand...
[He puts away the radio device and then begins to wait. He waits at first for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, then half an hour. It has almost been an hour when he sees a truck arrive at the warehouse.]
Tyler And, that's my cue...
[He begins to run towards the warehouse. The camera cuts to him arriving at the side opposite where the truck arrived. He climbs on top of a box and then gets to an open window. He looks inside and sees WOLF. The truck rolls in and then two unknown figures get out. One holds up a case to WOLF. They start speaking in an unknown language.]
Boss Alien (subtitles) We've got an extra special shipment today...
Wolf (subtitles) Excellent, but I'm not convinced... I believe a demonstration is in order...
[He whistles loudly. Two of his men walk into the light of the room with a tiger. The BOSS ALIEN drops the case onto the ground and then opens it. The PARTNER ALIEN bends over and then takes out a syringe and fills it with the green tinted powder inside. He stands up and then walks over to the tiger. He injects the substance into the tiger and then the two soldiers back away as the tiger begins to stumble in its walking. It almost collapses, but then it snaps back awake and then looks around. The tiger suddenly grows about 3 times its size and then gets much more muscular. It roars at WOLF and then jumps at him. WOLF whistles again and the tiger lands softly and then backs away.]
Wolf (subtitles) Now I am pleased... How soon until you develop this for humans?
Boss Alien (subtitles) Doc says 2 weeks... It will get done, don't you worry...
Wolf It better... Now start unloading the shipment. I've got a spy to deal with.
[As he says this, he turns around and then gets hit by an exploding arrow from TYLER'S bow. TYLER jumps down into the warehouse and then runs at WOLF. He throws a few punches at him quickly and then has a roundhouse grabbed by WOLF he is then thrown back. He takes out his bo staff and then starts to swing it rapidly at WOLF. He blocks several times and then punches TYLER in this gut. He begins to back up as WOLF begins to walk towards him.]
Wolf For the first time fighting me, you're doing okay...
[He charges at TYLER and then slides under a punch. He jumps back up and then over TYLER. He lands and then kicks him in the face. He goes flying back into the wall.]
Wolf ...but only okay.
[TYLER gets up and then aims an arrow at WOLF. Both stop in place.]
Tyler You or the shipment... And I'll even let you decide...
Wolf Who says that's your decision to make...
[TYLER looks around again and sees a bunch of red glowing devices all around the room.]
Wolf I'll go down, but not without you... Your choice...
[He takes out a clicker. TYLER tries to hold the arrow steady at WOLF, but he then puts it down and puts his weapons away. He begins to walk towards WOLF with his hands out in front of him as if waiting for handcuffs to be placed there.]
Wolf Good choice...
[He grabs TYLER'S arm. As he does this, TYLER swats his arm to the side and knocks the clicker out of his hand. He spins around and then kicks WOLF in the face. He goes flying back and then regains his balance only to be hit by an exploding arrow that takes him through the wall and onto the shore. TYLER exits the warehouse as the wall begins to collapse. He fires more arrows at WOLF but he avoids and then rushes towards TYLER. The two exchange several rounds of punches and kicks before TYLER knocks WOLF back. He takes his bo staff out and begins to swipe it at WOLF as he counters with his sword. They go back and forth with the weapons until WOLF grabs TYLER and then throws him away from the building. He rushes at TYLER in a fraction of a second and then knocks him back again. He does it again, but this time TYLER jumps out of the way. WOLF slides to a stop at the edge of the water. He turns back as TYLER charges at him. The two lock into a battle of strength as they push back and forth against each other.]
Wolf I admit it, you're improving... But you'll never beat me...
Tyler Would you like to test that theory?
[He pushes harder into WOLF and then knocks him back into the water. He jumps and kicks WOLF back farther into the water. It is now up to his knees. They exchange more rounds of punches and kicks until WOLF catches a punch from TYLER and then throws him into the water. He submerges and then uses the small oxygen tank in his mask to stay underwater. He swims over to WOLF and then jumps out at his back and then tackles him to the ground. He jumps out and then runs over to the shore as WOLF stays submerged. When he gets to the shore he turns around and aims an electrically charged arrow back behind him. He waits for WOLF to come out of the water.]
Tyler Where'd you go?
[WOLF suddenly jumps up as TYLER fires the arrow. The arrow hits WOLF and electrocutes him. He is shocked badly and then thrown back about 100 feet into the ocean. TYLER puts his weapons away and then runs back into the warehouse. He sees the two aliens exit the truck each wheeling large cases of the powdery substance. They see THE HUNTER and then immediately drop the cases and charge at him. While TYLER exchanges a few punches and kicks with the PARTNER ALIEN, the BOSS ALIEN runs over to the clicker. TYLER kicks the PARTNER ALIEN back and then runs over and knocks the BOSS ALIEN back just as he grabs the clicker. TYLER picks up the clicker and then gets hit by a piece of the wall caused by a punch from WOLF. He runs back into the room and then slashes his sword several times at TYLER as he falls back from the piece of the wall. WOLF is about to grab the clicker when he jumps out of the way to avoid an explosive arrow. The arrow hits the wall and then explodes, making the wall collapse. A chunk of the ceiling then falls on WOLF as the clicker drops out of his hands. More chunks of the ceiling begin to fall from the ceiling. A few hit the truck and make it collapse inwards on itself. TYLER crawls over to the clicker and then picks it up. He runs to an opening in the building and then trips while turning to try and avoid a chunk falling in front of him. The clicker goes flying in front of him and lands on the ground, button down. The button is pressed in, activating the bombs. One of the glowing red devices is seen ticking and flashing red. After a moment, all the devices explode. TYLER is sent crashing through the wall. The truck flips over as the BOSS ALIEN and PARTNER ALIEN run to escape it. Several large pieces of debris hit WOLF as TYLER slides across the ground. He eventually skids to a stop and then slowly closes his eyes and falls unconscious.]
[TYLER wakes up at the police station. He still has his HUNTER outfit on, but his mask and weapons are at his side. He realizes his mask is off and then grabs it and starts to put it on. He notices that TOM BERRY, SCOTT BOZAK, ZACH STONE, and ANNE are all in the room. ANNE is wearing the same clothing as before and the others are wearing their usual attire.]
Tyler I'm... alive?
Zach Stone Of course you're alive, buddy! We knew you could do it!
Tom Berry The threat was eliminated and the warehouse destroyed... We took in the cases of the powder so we could study them...
Scott Bozak And as far as I'm concerned, WOLF is dead and you were never THE HUNTER. Now go get yourself some rest...
[He stands up out of the chair he was sitting on and then smiles.]
[TYLER and ANNE arrive back at the house. TYLER is still in his HUNTER outfit. He tosses the weapons onto the ground and then places the mask on the table as he sits down on the couch in front of it. ANNE sits down next to him.]
Anne So you did it...
Tyler Yeah, I did...
[She kisses him on the cheek.]
Tyler And that means I can spend more time with you...
[He leans in to kiss her on the lips but then stops about 2 inches away.]
Tyler Do you hear that?
Anne Hear what?
[TYLER stands up and walks over to the wall. A ticking noise can be heard. It speeds up and gets louder.]
[He jumps at ANNE and brings her to the ground as the house explodes. He wakes up a moment later and sees the house in flames and ANNE nowhere to be found.]
[He looks around and then sees a moving shadow. He runs over to it and sees WOLF.]
Tyler You're alive?
Wolf You're THE HUNTER?
Tyler Where is she?
Wolf You mean her?
[He motions towards two men who are carrying the unconscious ANNE away.]
Tyler Let her go!
[He moves towards her but WOLF knocks him back deeper into the flames.]
Wolf Have a nice death...
[He turns around and then walks out of the house. TYLER gets up and grabs his mask and the weapons. He runs out of the house and then gets into the car and starts to chase after the villains. He drives all the way to the middle of the city and then gets out and chases them into a building. He emerges on the top of the building. TYLER looks around and notices that there are cameras everywhere... There are now 6 men, holding the three unconscious hostages: ANNE, TOM BERRY, and SCOTT BOZAK.]
Wolf Welcome to the endgame... You take your mask off and reveal yourself to the city and I will spare not only you but all three hostages... If you don't... I will kill all three hostages immediately and then give you another chance. If you don't at that point, then I will kill you to... As we've said to each other many times... Your choice...
[TYLER looks at ANNE, and then at TOM, and then at SCOTT, and then back at WOLF. He looks directly into a camera and then again back at WOLF.]
Tyler You... win...
[He takes off his mask and then throws it to the ground. Hundreds of camera flashes can be heard.]
Wolf Psych...
[He snaps his fingers. One at a time, the three hostages are thrown of the side of the building.]
Tyler NO!
[TYLER runs over to the edge of the building and then looks over the edge. He takes out a claw arrow and then attaches it to the roof. He then holds the arrow with his bow and jumps over the edge. He goes into a nosedive to increase speed and then begins to move over with the bow. He grabs ANNE and then presses a button on the end of the cable which pulls him back up. TOM and SCOTT land hard on a big mat placed there by the police, but they both fall unconscious anyway. TYLER puts ANNE down and then stands across from WOLF.]
Wolf You're mayor and your chief are nearly dead... Even though they aren't dead yet, they're unconscious for long enough...
[Two men come out of the building onto the roof the same way TYLER did. They are carrying the PRESIDENT.]
Wolf MR PRESIDENT, hand over control of the country to me or I will kill you just as I killed the mayor of this city... You might as well do it since you've already lost anyway...
[TYLER takes out an arrow and aims it at WOLF.]
Tyler You're insane WOLF. He's not going to give you control of the country... And if he does you can kiss this world goodbye--
President You can have the country...
Tyler Well, then bye bye...
[He fires the arrow. WOLF catches it, but it then releases a red substance that foams up around WOLF and then crystallizes. He breaks out of it and then stands towards TYLER. ANNE notices several military jets aiming rockets at him.]
Wolf You see, the PRESIDENT is smart... He saw my powers and knew that he wouldn't be able to resist me forever... Now I'm going to let you escape... You have 24 hours to leave the city... I don't care who you bring, but if you set foot in this city again, I will hunt you down... Just because you're THE HUNTER doesn't mean you can't be hunted yourself...
[TYLER backs away as ANNE stays next to him.]
Anne You have to fight...
Tyler No, I... I have to leave...
[TYLER grabs ANNE by the hand and then leads her past WOLF and his men and then back into the building.]
[TYLER and ANNE are sleeping in TYLER'S car. He is in the driver's seat and she is sitting sideways in the passenger seat leaning her head against his side with her legs up on the seat. He slowly opens his eyes and then places his hand on her shoulder. She too opens her eyes and then looks behind herself and stares into TYLER'S eyes.]
Anne Are you really going to leave...
Tyler I don't want to... I really don't want to... But I feel that I have to... I don't want to see anyone else get hurt.
[She leans forward and then returns a normal sitting positing in the seat. She sighs and then leans onto his shoulder again, this time so her head is facing the front of the car.]
Anne If you are going then I'm coming with you...
[He takes a deep breathe.]
Tyler I'm sorry, ANNE. I have to go alone...
[She turns to him.]
Anne So I'm not safe here... But I'm not safe with you either...
Tyler (confused) I don't know! I just know that I have to be alone for a while... I will be back...
[She leans in and the hugs him. She begins to cry as the continue to hug.]
Anne Please... You can't just...
[He carefully pushes her head backwards and then wipes a way a few hairs from her forehead.]
Tyler I'll always remember you...
[He leans in and kisses her on the lips. He backs away and then she smiles before continuing to cry. He leans her head back onto the seat and then grabs his mask which was on the dashboard. He puts it on and the grabs his weapons from the backseat and gets out of the car. He begins to walk in the opposite direction of the city. He gets to about 20 feet away from the car before turning back to look. He sees ANNE crying in the car, trying to fall asleep again. He then turns around and continues to walk as the camera fades to black.]
[It is now a few days later. Several military jets fly over and blasts bombs down onto the city. Soldiers march into the city and begin to destroy buildings. Three criminals run out of the bank with enormous amounts of money, but the soldiers seem to not notice him and simply continue to destroy buildings. The camera cuts into the mayor's office. WOLF is sitting with his feet up on the desk.]
Wolf Mission accomplished... The city is under my control and THE HUNTER has fled...
[The camera cuts back outside and more destruction is shown. The camera eventually cuts to ANNE at her house. She is in her room crying. She is wearing black pants and a red shirt with white shirt underneath it and no shoes whatsoever. She looks at a table by her bed and sees a photo of TYLER smiling back at her. She reaches for the phone and then dials his number.]
Anne Come on, I answered you when this happened...
[He eventually picks up the phone.]
Tyler Yes?
Anne TYLER, you have to come back... The city needs to you, the country, maybe even the world needs you... The military is under the control of WOLF and is destroying much of the city... Crime is running loose with both TOM and SCOTT in the hospital... The city is doomed without you and I'm miserable without you... Please, TYLER...
Tyler I'm sorry for what I've done, but my journey is not done yet...
Anne Did I forget to mention that I'm pregnant?
Tyler (with completely different attitudes) FROM WHO?
Anne Don't worry, I'm not... Just seeing how you would react...
Tyler This is no time for games...
Anne Don't you get it... As much as you want to stay away... You can't... You need the city just as much as it needs you... Now get back here just like I did when this happened before...
Tyler It will be a while. I'm a good 100 miles away...
Anne So you are coming back?
Tyler Guess so, now the sooner I leave the sooner I'll be back, so I'll talk to you then...
Anne By handsome...
[He hangs up and then looks around in the bar he is sitting in. He stands up and then exits the building. He notices someone getting off a motorcycle.]
Tyler Sir, mind if I borrow that?
[The motorcyclist shakes his head no and then walks into the bar. TYLER gets on the motorcycle and then drives off as fast as he can. The camera cuts cuts forward a couple hours. It is now the early afternoon. TYLER rides into town and notices the army and the criminals running rampant through the streets. He continues to ride as people stand on the street and notice him riding through town. They look at him with looks of despair as he looks back at them and continues to ride. He turns down a street and then zooms forward and heads for ANNE'S house. He eventually slows down the bike in the driveway and then gets off and runs over to the door. He opens it and finds ANNE waiting for him on the other side.]
Anne You came back... Because of me?
Tyler I came back for the city... WOLF will pay for what he's done...
Wolf (behind TYLER) Will I now?
[He knocks TYLER in the head and causes him and ANNE to fall to the ground. TYLER falls unconscious.]
Anne Leave us alone...
Wolf I made it pretty clear that if TYLER ever returned here I would kill him, which is what I plan to do...
Anne Why don't you give him a fighting chance...?
Wolf Or I could kill him outright...
[ANNE moves in front of TYLER to protect him.]
Wolf Well since you seem to love him so much, I guess I'll kill you, too...
[He knocks ANNE into the wall. TYLER snaps awake and then jumps back to avoid a punch from WOLF.]
Tyler Get out of my girlfriend's house, NOW!
[He charges, but WOLF tosses a smoke bomb into the ground. When the smoke clears, WOLF and ANNE are gone and a note is on the ground. It reads "You have 24 hours to prepare for a fight to the death. Only 1 will survive. Meet me at the football stadium if you accept this final challenge."]
Tyler (getting up) Well then this is it... This is the final fight... Everything has been leading up to this... If I don't win... Then everything I stood for will be crushed to dust.
[The streets of the city are empty except for THE HUNTER. He is walking down the street towards a stadium about a half a mile away. He is walking slowly and carefully. He is trying to keep himself calm.]
Tyler This is it... This is the end...
[He stops at an intersection and looks at the stadium in front of him.]
Tyler ANNE and WOLF are in there...
[He looks at the hospital next to him.]
Tyler TOM and SCOTT are in the there... Nothing is left for me... This is the only option... Luckily I'm early...
[He slowly continues to walk towards the stadium. He takes deep breathes to further calm himself. He passes more stores, but the citizens of the city are nowhere to be found. He eventually makes it to the parking lot outside the stadium. He walks through it. It is mostly empty, but there are some abandoned cars. A few are even destroyed. He makes it to the wall of the stadium and then walks through the gate. He can now see the snow covered field. He is now in the inner ring of the stadium filled with restaurants and concessions. Instead of heading out to the seating and then to the field, he begins to circle the inner ring.]
Tyler This place will never be the same...
[He looks around more and eventually hears the sound of two men running towards him. He ducks into the gap right outside the restrooms as the two men run right past him.]
Tyler Hmm, maybe they are keeping ANNE in the inner ring?
[He looks to his side and see the men's restroom. He enters it and then looks at the ceiling. He jumps and then pushes away a ceiling tile. He climbs up the wall and then gets into the air ducts and begins to crawl around. He takes out a small tracker and searches for life forms. There are 5 in a room connected to the far end of the air duct he is in. Others are scattered throughout the rest of the stadium.]
Tyler I'll check there first...
[He puts the tracker away and then crawls as quickly as he can through the ducts. He drops down into the room with the 5 people. He looks around and sees four guards.]
Tyler Hey fellas...
[He takes out his bo staff and smacks one guard with it. Another takes out an electric baton and electrocutes TYLER with it, but he punches behind him and knocks that guard back. He grabs another guard by the arm and the spins them around into another guard. One guard starts to throw punches at him and he knocks them back with his bo staff. He smacks the guard with the staff and then jumps and kicks the guard unconscious. He turns and then jumps to the side to avoid a punch from another guard. He roundhouses that guard to the ground and then spins around and punches a third ground in the face. He runs over to punch the fourth guard.]
Guard WAIT!
[The guard takes off a mask and is revealed to be ANNE.]
Tyler ANNE?
[She hugs TYLER and then breaks away.]
Anne While these three were away I managed to get the armor from the fourth guard and stuff him in the closet. They think he went to the bathroom.
Tyler Well look at you, quite the fighter I guess...
[At this point, the alarm goes off and then room begins to flash red.]
Wolf (on a loudspeaker) Lock down the facility, we have a breach... THE HUNTER is inside, I repeat, lock down the facility, THE HUNTER is inside.
Tyler We've got to get out of here...
Anne No, TYLER, you still have to face WOLF. You need to put him in his place before he causes anymore damage.
[TYLER takes off his mask and grabs ANNE by the hand and the kisses her on the cheek.]
Anne Are you mad? We need to go down to the field!
Tyler (putting his mask back on) Then let's go.
[They run out of the prison room and exit in one of the team's locker rooms. They run through the locker room and then make it to a tunnel leading directly onto the field.]
Tyler This is it... He's waiting for me...
[He runs out of the tunnel and gets to the edge of the field. It is covered in snow and the stands are empty. WOLF is standing in the middle of the field.]
Wolf Hello, TYLER. Ready to die?
Tyler We both know that I'm not the one who's going to die today WOLF.
Wolf You don't have to think you will, but know that I will destroy your and then burn your body. Your body will be the spark of the fire that burns dome the town, and then the city, and then the country and eventually the planet. Your death marks the start of a revolution. An apocalypse. A new world order... So why do you stand in my way?
[He takes out a sword and then prepares to fight TYLER. He takes out an arrow and then aims it at WOLF. He fires it at WOLF, who jumps to avoid and then rushes at TYLER. They begin to enter a melee of punches, kicks, and another violent motions. TYLER punches WOLF twice and then rolls around a punch before jumping up and getting punched back. He fires another arrow which electrocutes him, but he gets knocked back by the back of WOLF'S hand as he swats TYLER away. He over to WOLF and then takes out his bo staff and smacks him twice in the face with it. He begins to smack it again as WOLF blocks with his sword. They go back and forth for a moment until TYLER pushes through and knocks WOLF onto the ground. TYLER quickly fires a bomb arrow at WOLF which knocks him back into the wall of the stadium. He slowly gets out of it as the wall begins to crack and crumble. He takes out a grenade and then throws it at TYLER. He hits it away with his bo staff and then runs up to WOLF as the grenade explodes harmlessly. He smacks WOLF with his bo staff and then has the staff grabbed when he tries to strike again. WOLF swings the staff around and then throws both the staff and TYLER high up into the stands. He lands hard on his back in a chair as his staff lands next to him.]
Tyler Ow, my head...
[He looks up and sees WOLF coming down on top of him. He rolls to the side to avoid a punch. He rolls again and then grabs his bo staff and raises it perpendicular to a sword slash from WOLF. While he tries to cut through the staff, TYLER kicks WOLF in the chest and then knocks him back. He gets up and then runs to a staircase and begins to run back down towards the field level. WOLF jumps down in front of him and slashes with his sword, but TYLER blocks with his bo staff. They continue to go back and forth with the sword and the bo staff until eventually TYLER breaks through and knocks WOLF down the stairs. He lands on his back at the bottom. TYLER fires another bomb arrow, but this time WOLF hits it back as it explodes in TYLER'S face and then knocks him back again. He manages to land and then slide back on his feet before he stops just in front of a wall. WOLF charges up to him and then punches at him, but TYLER avoids and WOLF gets his hand stuck in the wall. TYLER begins to run away from WOLF to get a better vantage point on him.]
Wolf Running away, are we?
Tyler It's called strategy WOLF. You wouldn't know it.
[He fires a bomb arrow behind him and then continues to run as the bomb explodes and slows WOLF, but it doesn't stop him. He puts his sword away and begins to chase down TYLER as he takes out an electric whip. He gets to a few feet behind TYLER and then whips him from behind and makes him roll across the ground. TYLER slowly gets up only to be punched three times quickly by WOLF. He then roundhouses him and knocks him down a staircase. He lands near the bottom and then flips over the railing and continues to run down towards field level. He gets to the bottom of the last staircase and then turns around and searches for WOLF. He turns to his side and sees WOLF next to him. He fires a bomb arrow at him which quickly explodes and knocks him back. TYLER jumps another railing and makes it back onto the field. He runs onto the middle of it and then quickly slows down and turns around to catch his breathe. He sees WOLF slowly get up from some ruble and then start to walk over towards him.]
Tyler This may be a while...
[WOLF punches him back and then TYLER begins to strike back with the bo staff. WOLF whips TYLER and electrocutes him. He grabs him and then throws him into the stands on the other side of the stadium. WOLF jumps at him and then punches through the seats as TYLER avoids. He gets out of the ruble and then looks around for TYLER, only to be hit by a bomb arrow and knocked back down into the ruble. He jumps up and lands on the ground before continuing to chase TYLER. He fires many electric arrows back at WOLF, but he ducks and jumps to avoid all of them. He throws another grenade at TYLER, but he rounds the counter and then begins to run around the inner ring of the stadium. The grenade explodes as WOLF slides around the corner and then begins to chase after TYLER.]
Wolf Get back here you coward...
[He slows down when he gets to a turning point. He can either continue on in the inner ring or head back down to the field. He turns and then gets blown forward by an exploding arrow in the direction of the field.]
Tyler Still think I'm a coward?
Wolf You always are... And you always will be...
Tyler Even if I was a coward... I would still beat you!
[WOLF takes a moment to collect himself and then jumps at TYLER. He fires another another exploding arrow at him and knocks him all the way down the field. He quickly runs down to follow him. WOLF lays on the ground as TYLER stands over him.]
Tyler Done yet?
[WOLF quickly jumps up and then kicks TYLER back into the wall. ANNE runs over to him as TYLER almost falls unconscious.]
Anne Listen to me, TYLER.
[He opens his eyes as WOLF begins to walk over.]
Anne TYLER, focus! WOLF is...
[WOLF knocks ANNE across the field and prepares to stomp TYLER in the fact.]
Wolf Any last words?
Tyler (furious) I'm done with you WOLF. I'll admit it, I was coward in the past, but not anymore... I'm tired of seeing other people get hurt because of me... I'm going to make it so no one I love ever gets hurt again...
[He stands up as WOLF stands motionless.]
Tyler (still furious) ESPECIALLY MY GIRLFRIEND!
[He takes out his bow and fires an exploding arrow that knocks WOLF high into the sky. He runs over and then as WOLF lands, he smacks him back with his bo staff. WOLF lands and then begins to roll across the ground. He fires an electrocuting arrow that hits WOLF and then knocks him into the wall. He punches him in the face three times and then roundhouses him. He grabs WOLF by the arms and then throws him back towards the middle of the field and then tackles him to the ground. He grabs WOLF'S sword and then holds it right at his neck.]
Tyler You have no chance of surviving... Now tell me... Who are you?
Wolf Why should I tell you? I'm going to die anyway...
Tyler Tell me and you're death won't be painful...
Wolf I'm in a good mood surprisingly, so fine... All I have to say is that I was born on what you humans would call Luna Lobo, of the language you call Spanish. It means Moon Wolf. It is the moon of a planet you humans would called Anur Transyl. My people and the locals called it Klingvonia. I was hired by... someone... to direct the trade of the powdery substance you referred to as Drug X. I'm not telling you why...
Tyler Good enough for me... But I have another question... WHY DID YOU KILL HER?
[WOLF chuckles.]
Wolf Ha, maybe if you asked my boss...
[TYLER lets out a grunt and then moves the sword away from WOLF'S neck. He slams it down through through his chest and then leaves it in. He backs away and then falls onto his back. ANNE slowly walks over to him and then helps him up.]
Tyler We'll never have to deal with him ever again...
[He reaches for his side and then bends over. ANNE places her hand on his back as they begin to walk away from his dead body.]
Anne It's finally over... For real this time...
[TYLER is lying on the hospital bed in hospital clothes. Two doctors are standing in the room.]
Doctor #1 You're not that badly injured...
Doctor #2 You can probably leave tomorrow morning...
Tyler Alright, thanks guys...
[The DOCTORS leave the room as ANNE enters. She sits down at the chair next to TYLER.]
Anne Tomorrow?
Tyler Yeah... Tomorrow is when I finally get back to a normal life... No more HUNTER business...
Anne I never said you had to quit...
Tyler I did have other plans...
[He leans up and then stands up in front of ANNE before dropping to a knee. He takes a small square, black case out of a his pocket and then opens it, revealing a diamond ring.]
Tyler Will you marry me?
Anne (shocked) Oh... YES, I will!
[She helps him off the ground and then kisses him on the lips briefly.]
Tyler And this time... We'll all be safe... And hopefully we'll always be safe for a long time to come...
[It is the next morning. TYLER, ANNE and ZACH STONE are all inside the house. They are all sitting at a table. TYLER and ZACH are wearing their normal clothes while ANNE is wearing skinny jeans and a blue shirt with a white jacket over it and a blue bow in her hair.]
Tyler And you called me why?
Zach A few things, actually... One, congratulations on defeating WOLF. Seconds, congratulations on your engagement... Thirdly onto the real business... I have a story to tell you... A story about my brother... About a year ago... He was abducted by aliens, which is why I originally built the machine... I was recently hired by the FBI and starting next month I have to begin a project for them... I thought I'd let you know...
Tyler You didn't need to...
Zach Let me finish... My theory is that the aliens who took by brother didn't kill him. The project is designed to use the machine I already have and create a device that would allow people to transport themselves to the area of that DNA. Then we could find my brother... But with what you told me about WOLF having a boss, it might also come in handy...
Anne That actually could be useful...
Tyler Could be... We'll keep in touch...
Zach Understood...
[The camera cuts to TYLER and ANNE driving back towards ANNE'S house. They arrive in the driveway, enter the house and go up the stairs to ANNE'S room. They lie down on the bed.]
Tyler I could get used to this... Not having to worry about WOLF or aliens or explosions or losing you...
Anne But we do have to worry about the wedding...
Tyler Not yet, ANNE. All I want to think about is all the great ways we can spend our time toge--
Anne You know we both still have jobs, right?
Tyler Well, yeah, but..
Anne Oh, quiet you...
[She kisses him on the lips and then rolls on top of him as the main theme cues in and the camera zooms out the window.]
[It is early spring and the wedding is in progress. ANNE is wearing her bridal dress and standing across from TYLER in his tuxedo as the judge officiating the wedding raps up]
Judge Do you, ANNE MURRAY take TYLER KANE to be your husband?
Anne I do...
Judge And do you, TYLER KANE take ANNE MURRAY to be your wife...
Tyler I do...
Judge If anyone has an objection to this, speak now or forever hold your peace...
[The crowd is silent...]
Judge Then you may kiss the bride...
[ANNE and TYLER lock lips as the crowd cheers and the organ begins to play. The camera cuts to the reception a few hours later. ANNE and TYLER are dancing together on the floor.]
Tyler It's been so long since I dreamed of this day...
Anne I've dreamed of this day, too... The thought of being with you makes me happy...
Tyler I love you too, ANNE... I always will...
[She kisses him on the lips.]
Tyler But I don't feel like the story is over yet... I feel like there's another chapter that needs to be written...
Anne Maybe because our story isn't over... Maybe our magnificent story has just begun...
[They continue to dance as the music gets louder and then eventually both cut out and the camera goes black.]
Written by: Paperluigi ttyd
Directed by: Paperluigi ttyd
Produced by: Paperluigi ttyd
Screenwritten by: Paperluigi ttyd
Filmed by: Sci100
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Tyler Kane/The Hunter
Anne Hathaway as Anne Kane
Jeff Bridges as Tom Berry
Stellan Skarsgård as Scott Bozak
Jeffrey Wright as Zach Stone
Hugo Weaving as Wolf
Amanda Seyfried as Rachel Sanchez
[TYLER and ANNE are at a restaurant on their honey moon. TYLER is wearing a flower shirt and black pants. ANNE is wearing a flowery dress with black pants underneath.]
Anne If you excuse me... I have to go to the bathroom...
[She gets up and walks over to the bathroom. The two figures nod to each other in the foreground as TYLER is now in the background. The two figures walk over right to where ANNE was sitting and then sit down.]
Tyler Who are you supposed to be?
FBI AGENT Sir, I'm Chris Phillips, I'm with the FBI...
Lauren And I'm Energy Revolt, but you can call me LAUREN...
Chris Phillips You are TYLER KANE, correct?
Tyler That's me...
Chris Phillips Then we have to tell you about Project: Heroes... A group of you, Lauren, and two others we've been watching... A threat is rising... I believe WOLF mentioned something about his boss...
Tyler How did you kn-
Lauren It's our job to know... We're the good guys...
Chris Phillips If you accept, then it means you'll have to quit your day job and you won't have much free time...
Tyler I'll have to think about it...
Chris Phillips Take all the time you need...
[He hands him a business card as he and LAUREN get up and then walk off.]
Tyler I'll have to consider it...
Anne Consider what?
Tyler Nothing...
[Three men enter a building and then throw WOLF'S dead body across the ground. A shadowy figure is standing in the middle of the room.]
Figure I only took you 6 months!
Man #1 Sorry, boss...
Man #2 Yeah, we got here as quickly as we could...
Figure It doesn't matter... While the heroes shuffle their cards around I remain strong and hidden... Hidden in the shadows where I belong... And when they finally finish, I will strike... And there will be no place for them to hide...
A new threat rises in Everson City, a threat that plagues one man in particular. After Tyler Kane loses his fiance in a fire that burns down her house, he figures out that something is up when she tells him she wants to die in the fire, but what? Tyler's story is a tale of emotion, rage, love, action, suspense, betrayal, and most importantly: death. When the prey gets to strong...
The Hunter shall rise...
To be completed.
Actor | Characters | |
Joseph Gordon-Levitt | Tyler Kane | |
Amanda Seyfried | Rachel Sanchez | |
TBA | Fire District Lieutenant | |
TBA | Firefighter #1 | |
TBA | Firefighter #2 | |
TBA | Reporter #1 | |
Jeff Bridges | Tom Berry | |
Stellan Skarsgård | Scott Bozak | |
TBA | Steve Clark | |
Jeffrey Wright | Zach Stone | |
TBA | Officer #1 | |
Hugo Weaving | Wolf | |
Anne Hathaway | Anne Murray | |
TBA | Secretary | |
TBA | Principal | |
TBA | Emily Summers |
To be completed.
- Writer: Paperluigi ttyd
- Director: Paperluigi ttyd
- Producer: Paperluigi ttyd
- Late December 2012: Sci briefs Paper about The BTFF Cinematic Universe and Paper eventually comes up with the idea of The Hunter.
- 28 December 2012, 16:00 EST: Paper hints about being part of the collaboration in his submission at Fanon Con.
- 31 December 2012, 20:19 EST: The collaboration is officially announced in a blog made by Paper.
- 2 January 2013, 17:22 EST: Writing begins. Almost the full teaser scene was written on this day but nothing has been written since.
- 8 February 2013, 21:02 EST: Writing finally continues.
- 18 February 2013, 16:50 EST: Writing finishes and revising begins. The writer says revising will probably take a few days.
- 15 March 2013, 18:12 EDT: Revising is confirmed to continue within the next few days.
- 27 April 2013, 12:27 EDT: Revising is finished.
- 27 April 2013, 12:27 EDT: The movie is confirmed to be released at 8:00 EDT on Monday, April 29, 2013.
Release Date
April 29, 2013
BTFF Cinematic Universe | ||||||||||||||||