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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

The Hex Factor is the third episode of Kalus 10.


The battle between Fasttrack and Dr Animo is being shown on TV, and the news reporter Will Harangue states that this is the first sign of an alien invasion, believing Fasttrack to be a ‘menace’ and he tells the audience there are likely more aliens to come. Kalus is watching the report in his room and points out that he was the one who defeated Animo and saved the city. Then he gets a call from Jacob and reluctantly answers it. Jacob asks if Kalus has seen the report and Kalus replies that he has. Jacob suggests starting a movement against Harangue but Kalus calls him ridiculous and says he's probably just doing it to get more attention with his controversial views.

Meanwhile someone else is also watching the report. He pauses the footage and sees the symbol on Fasttrack’s chest, recognising it. He looks in a book and flicks to a page that shows the omnitrix symbol before deciding to try and track down this creature.

Jacob asks if Kalus wants to come over but Kalus replies that he’s still grounded, which isn’t true and he just doesn’t want to ‘hang out’ with anyone. He ends the call and decides to go and get something to eat, but when he does he finds his mother in the kitchen also watching the report. He knows she likes to follow Harangue’s stories and often agrees with his views, and when he asks what she thinks about the alien she agrees with Harangue that the alien is a menace, which worries Kalus.

The next day at school Kalus is sat in class while his teacher drones on when he gets a paper ball thrown at his head. He turns and sees Cash was the one who threw it, so he decides to ignore him, but when Cash throws another he asks what he wants. Cash shows him a selfie, and Kalus realises he took a picture while Big Chill was rescuing him yesterday, and Cash boasts that he and the aliens knows each other, which Kalus knows is a lie but he decides to just ignore Cash.

In their next class, history, Kalus walks in and is greeted by his teacher, Mr Hex. He asks if Kalus finished his report and Kalus gives it to him, Mr Hex satisfied by the amount of work Kalus handed in. He then notices Kalus’s sleeve lift when he gives the report, slightly revealing the omnitrix. Mr Hex recognises the symbol from the book and asks Kalus where he got the watch. Kalus lies that it was a gift from his grandmother, and Mr Hex pretends to buy the story. When it is the end of the day the class is dismissed, all except Kalus, who is kept behind to his confusion. When the last students leave the class, Mr Hex tells Kalus he knows he is related to the alien that was on the news, recognising the symbol. He demands to know where Kalus got the watch and Kalus repeats his original excuse, which angers Mr Hex. Kalus makes his way towards the door before any more questions can be asked but then a table levitates and moves in his path, to Kalus’s shock. He turns to see Mr Hex with an outstretched hand and Mr Hex explains he has a few secrets as his clothes begin to transform into robes. He introduces himself as Hex, a sorcerer and manipulator of dark magic. He pulls a staff from his robe and holds it out, using a spell to pull Kalus towards him. He demands him to give the watch and attempts to pry it from his wrist, which fails. Like at the M.E.C.H facility, the omnitrix detects someone trying to remove it so it releases a feedback blast that sends Kalus and Hex flying in both directions across the classroom. Hex recovers and gets up, so Kalus activates the omnitrix and turns into Goop. Hex is intrigued that Kalus just transformed and fires a blast from his staff, but it passes through Goop’s slimy body. He runs at Hex and tackles him to the ground, but Hex uses a spell to teleport across the room, where Goop dives at him but again Hex teleports out of the way. He turns and this time extends his fist across the room, punching Hex across the face. He then grabs the staff and it begins to melt in his acidic grip. Hex is angered seeing his staff melt then releases a blast that sends Goop splattering into the wall, dropping the almost melted staff. Hex grabs it and knows he cannot perform his strongest spells while it is damaged, so he gives his leave and teleports away. Goop hears commotion in the hallway and knows someone is coming to check where the loud noises are coming from so he slips into the vent and leaves.

Kalus is walking home wondering where Hex got to, and how he knew about the omnitrix. He claims he never even knew magic existed, but it shouldn’t be much of a surprise since he’s been turning into aliens for the past few days. He wonders what to do if Hex ever shows up again.

Meanwhile Hex is in a poorly lit room with a magic circle drawn on the floor. He places the staff in front of him and sits in the centre before closing his eyes and muttering a spell. As he does, the circle glows and the broken staff starts to levitate, repairing itself. When it is fully complete the staff drops and Hex ends the spell, quite worn out from performing it. He states he can now defeat Kalus and take the omnitrix from him, since he doesn’t seem to be giving it willingly. He then pulls out the paper Kalus gave him and gets an idea.

Kalus arrives at home and reads a note his mother left him, telling him she went out and will be back soon. He decides to sit down and watch TV, seeing another Will Harangue report on, this time showing the damaged classroom from his fight with Hex. He states this level of damage could only be done by extra-terrestrial lifeforms, and shows some acid melting the floor. Kalus realises he’ll have to be more careful before he hears a laugh and turns around, seeing Hex. He asks how he found him and Hex explains he used a tracking spell using some of his essence he left on the paper he gave him. Hex fires a beam but Kalus rolls aside, activating the omnitrix. He attempts to turn into Fasttrack but instead turns into Lodestar, which confuses him. While he is distracted by his mistransformation Hex blasts him, sending him flying through a wall and out onto the street. Hex levitates after him and prepares for another blast, but Lodestar uses his magnetism to throw a car at him. Hex uses a spell to levitate the car in the air but this gives Lodestar the chance to throw a larger vehicle at him, sending him flying down the street. Lodestar floats towards Hex but finds he disappeared. He looks around before Hex appears behind him and uses a spell to dismantle him, pulling him apart and sending his pieces flying in all directions, smashing windows and almost injuring people. Hex laughs but is shocked to see Lodestar reform himself, pulling his body back together. A stunned Hex is then hit by one of Lodestar’s metallic claws, before the alien releases a flurry of blows. Meanwhile Will Harangue’s news crew turn up and begin recording, with Will Harangue explaining that another alien threat has been spotted battling some kind of wizard who must be trying to defeat the ‘evil’ aliens. He then shows all the damage that was made when Lodestar tore apart and when Lodestar protests that wasn’t his fault, Hex uses the distraction to his advantage and creates a chain that wraps around Lodestar. Lodestar tries to repel it with magnetism but it fails and Hex reveals he used a certain spell to make it resistant to Lodestar’s powers before teleporting away with him.

Soon Kalus is sat in a chair, still trapped by the chain while Hex looks through a book, flipping through the pages. Kalus asks why Hex disguised himself as a teacher and the sorcerer replies he likes to work with the younger generation to see which younger people would make good apprentices. Then Hex finds the page he’s looking for and shows it to Kalus, revealing the omnitrix symbol. Kalus is confused and claims the watch came from space, but Hex says it’s a magical artifact that was constructed many years ago by a clan of sorcerers, and it is said to change the shape of the user. Kalus doesn’t know whether to believe this or not but while Hex is speaking he fumbles behind his back, trying to reach the omnitrix. He manages to reach it and transforms, but Hex can’t see Kalus anywhere. He looks around before hearing a voice beneath all the chains and out squirms Kalus in the form of a small grey alien. He wonders what he turned into but Hex grabs him and holds him at eye level, telling him he made a big mistake by turning into a weaker form. However Kalus bites his arm, making him drop him. He wonders how to resolve his situation and looks around, analysing multiple objects he can use. He forms a plan and runs over to a desk with many magical items on it. Hex tries blasting him with his staff but he leaps out of the way in time. Hex goes to grab him but he holds up a candle which burns Hex’s robe, setting it alight. Hex uses a spell to extinguish the flames with a small breeze then aims his staff at Kalus, preparing to fire a blast. But as the blast fires Kalus grabs a small mirror which reflects the blast back at Hex, making him drop his staff. Kalus runs over to the staff and tries to lift it, ultimately failing due to his small size. He then looks up and sees a large skull on a shelf, so he leaps up and, before Hex can recover, he pushes it off the shelf and it lands on the staff, snapping it in two. Angry that Kalus broke his staff again, Hex uses a spell to pull the alien towards him, but the alien tells him to call him Grey Matter and pokes Hex in the eye, making him lose concentration. Grey Matter makes a run for it towards the window but Hex uses a spell to close the window.

Grey Matter reverts and Kalus looks around for something to use as a weapon. All he can find is a book which he flips through and finds a spell which he reads out. Hex states that Kalus must have magical connections to be able to perform spells but the spell succeeds and it sucks all the power from Hex. He tries to use a spell but it doesn’t work, and Kalus uses the chance to punch Hex across the face, knocking him unconscious.

Later on the news Will Harangue shows Hex being taken away in a police car, stating that unfortunately their ‘hero’ had been defeated by the alien menaces. Kalus watches with his mother and she claims it should be the aliens that are getting arrested, but Kalus points out the aliens always disappear before the police get there. Kalus goes up to his room and remembers how Hex said only people with magic connections can perform spells, and wonders if he actually does have magic relations. He decides to shrug it off.

Meanwhile the broken staff lays in the room where Hex battled Kalus and many officers are looking around for evidence. A female officer picks up the staff and walks away with a wicked smile. Once she’s out of anyone’s eyesight her uniform changes to purple robes and she states that she will avenge her fallen uncle.



  • Hex (first appearance)
  • Charmcaster (first appearance)
  • Will Harangue (first appearance)
  • Dr. Animo (on TV)

Aliens Used[]


  • This is the first time Kalus turns into the wrong alien.
  • It is hinted that Kalus may have relatives who possess magic.
  • Grey Matter using a mirror to reflect an attack is similar to the Ben 10 episode Truth.

