Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

The Helpers is a team of vigilantes formed in the Mutant Drake Universe.


The purpose of the Helpers is to have a team of vigilantes and people willing to help band together and use their abilities and skills to not only save people but to help them with their troubles in any city without any problem.


The Invasion[]



The Second Incident[]

Known Members[]

Original Team[]

Newer Members[]

Staff and Additional Members[]

  • Adam Freeman (Technical and Surveillance Expert)
  • Professor Lloyd Richards (Consultant/Adviser/Scientist)
  • Blaine Winters (Consultant)


  • The name for the team was given to them by the people of New York after their debut during the Invasion. It was also coined by several media outputs- naming them as Helpers, who helped the people of the city.
  • As their name suggests, they are only there to help and not overshadow already existing authority figures like the NYPD and the MCA. This is why they claim to still be a group of licensed vigilantes as opposed to heroes.
  • Although it is suggested that the team is mobile- assisting their respective home cities when trouble arises- the team's base of operations and their usual appearances consist within New York; specifically Manhattan.
  • While the team itself was founded on the ideals of friendship, bonds and justice, its function and duty is in honor of their fallen ally, who lost his life during the Invasion.
  • Being a team consisting of Mutants, their existence was allowed without intervention thanks to May Harper- who helped to keep the team exclusive and operational as one of her final acts as Director of the MCA.