No known rating. |
Ben 10: Haunted | |
Season 1, Episode 21 | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Hypnotic Hijinx |
Next Secret of the Skin Walker |
Krang was in his quarters monitoring the Earth. Shredder and the Mutant Punks walked in dazed.
Krang; Still groggy from being hypnotized eh?
Shredder glares at him.
Shredder: Very funny Krang. You could`ve at least tried to help.
Rocksteady: My head hurts so bad.
Bebop: Me too.
Krang: Then take the day(croaking)ooooof!
Scrag: You mean it?
Grunt: No fooling?
Dopey: No double crossing?
Dumbo: No backsies?
Krang: No, I`m not lying. I don`t need you anyways for my latest plot!
Theme song!
Shredder: (Putting an ice pack on his head) And that is?
Krang shows them a feed of the Jinx Look Alike from Friedkin University. He then pulls up a photo of Jinx.
Bebop: Hey. They look similar.
Krang: Exactly. We know of the Multiverse, but what if I were to tell you sometimes entities from other universes exist in others.
Rocksteady: Oh yeh?
Krang Pulls up a live feed of George, Ralph, Lizzie and Larry in the Null Void. He shows their Prime Earth counterparts on another monitor.
Krang: I rest my case. Going back to that(croaking)Gooooth, I think she`s a dimensional counterpart.
Shredder: Ok Krang, let`s say you`re right. What`s your plan?
Krang: I`m glad you asked Saki. I`ve found others who fit the profiles of the H.I.V.E 5 and so I`ll conduct an experiment. If I give them the powers of their counterparts, will they follow in their footsteps?
Scrag: If they don`t, we`ll take over-.
Krang slaps Scrag across the face, Scrag winces and rubs his face. Krang then heads out.
Grunt: Somebody`s grumpy.
Much later Krang arrives in a disguise at Friedkin. he looks for the Goth`s frat house. Once he finds it he bangs on the door.
Random Goth: Yes?
Krang holds up a picture of his target.
Krang: I`d like to speak with her if she`s home.
The Goth shrugs and goes to fetch her.
Jinx Look Alike: What do YOU want?
Krang: What would you(croaking)saaaay, if I could give you powers?
Jinx Look Alike: Why should I?
Krang: I personally know Ghost King. I can put in a good word for you if you cooperate.
Jinx Look Alike: I`m in.
Krang cackles and sheds his disguise. She backs away at first, but he beckons her towards him and she complies. He warps them away to the Technodrome`s lab where he hooks her up to a machine. He flips the switch as energy fills her body, she screams in pain but Krang cackles.
Meanwhile Krang has sent Roadkill Rodneys to abduct the others he`s chosen as subjects. They try to fight but the Roadkill Rodneys bind them up and drag them away.
Scrag: Welcome to the Technodrome.
Kid: Why are we here?
Krang emerges from the lab with Jinx in tow.
Krang: How would you like powers?
Teen With A Southern Drawl: Sign me up!
Jock: We can help save the world!
Jinx: Oh, actually. We`ll be doing the opposite!
Krang smirks and leads them away after Jinx confines them in magic.
Meanwhile the Police have been trying to locate the missing people, but they get nowhere. So they look at surveillance cameras from one of the colleges and sees the Roadkill Rodneys abduct one.
Sergeant: What do you make of it Chief?
Chief: Looks like a job for someone above our paygrade and expertise.
They send the tapes and reports to the Plumbers. Ben has just returned from defeating Ghost King once again.
Ben: That double crossing rat! To think I trusted him, and he turns around and sic's a mind controlled Waybad on me!
Everyone is holding ice packs to their heads.
Ben: Don`t tell me your all feeling the side effects still.
He sees the notice on a monitor.
Ben: Looks like Krang is up to something. First Sublimino, then Ghost King and now Krang. Who next, Vilgax?
He takes the information he needs and leaves. He goes to Friedkin first since he`s been there before. The Goths inform him of their mysterious visitor and he leaves.
Ben: What would Krang want with teenagers and a kid who went to college extremely early?
He stops at a Mr. Smoothy on the way. He notices three men in odd red suits run out with smoothies.
Cashier: Hey! you have to PAY for those!
Billy Numerous #1: Can`t catch us!
They laugh as Ben appears in front of them as Ditto.
Ditto #1: Ok, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.
Ditto #2: Your choice you Triplet Punks.
Billy snickers and self replicates.
Billy #1: Nobody. But NOBODY outnumbers...BILLY NUMEROUS!
Ditto #1: Billy Numerous? What kind of a dumb name is that!?
Billy growls as he and his clones charge Ditto. Both replicators fight tooth and nail, but the Dittos are suddenly contained by a large Eyeball Prison.
Ditto #3: What`s the Eye-dea?
Seemore appears from a Burger Shack across the street.
Seemore: Leave the eye puns to me loser. Let`s go Billy!
The Billys nod and run away. Ditto turns into Lodestar and pops the eye prison.
Lodestar: Something tells me they`re Krang`s plan.
He follows, little does he know this is all Krang`s plot. Krang wants him to follow so he can defeat him. Once Ben arrives the Technodrome is put on lockdown.
Krang: So we meet again Ben Tennyson.
Ben: Alright Krang, what`s your game this time?
Krang sneers and shows his subjects experiment logs. Jinx was infused with magic from Ledgerdomain, Gizmo`s I.Q. was boosted even higher with Galvan DNA, Mammoth was given a Vaxasaurian`s DNA for strength, Billy was given the Splixson`s DNA for obvious reasons and Seemore was given special eye themed technology.
Krang: As you see I`ve been tinkering with DNA again. These five are dimensional counterparts of-.
Ben: Blah blah blah. Get to the point!
Krang: You`re no(croaking)fuuun. You know that right? Point is I`ve turned these college students into meta-human criminals!
Ben looks at them and tries to plead they don`t have to be evil, but Krang reveals he`s also brainwashed them if they didn`t cooperate. He then orders them to attack while he works on the "Others".
Jinx: Let`s get him!
Billy surrounds Ben, but he turns into Humungosaur and swats him away. Seemore tires to laser blast him but he too is defeated by Humungosaur.
Gizmo: Mammoth! Grab him by the tail!
Mammoth nods and does as Gizmo instructed. He slams Humungosaur into the ground and laughs.
Mammoth: I got the same strength as you. How will you beat that?
Jinx begins to trap Humungosaur in a magic cage. Humungosaur turns into Nanomech, but they don`t know that.
Jinx: You didn`t say he can teleport!
Krang: He can`t!
Nanomech turns into Heatblast and shoots off fire in all directions. Billy`s suit catches fire and he stops, drops and rolls before being punched unconscious by Ben who has turned into Kickin Hawk.
Kickin Hawk: Who`s next?
Mammoth charges, but Kickin Hawk kicks him hard across the room, rendering him unconscious. Seemore prepares to eye blast him again but Kickin Hawk turns into Eye Guy and beats him to the gimmick. Gizmo and Jinx growl as they attack.
Gizmo: You can`t defeat us!
Eye Guy: EYE believe eye can!
Seemore: (Weakly) Eye puns
He falls unconscious. Soon Gizmo is defeated as he lands on Seemore, also unconscious.
Jinx: Just you and me Tennyson. How do you expect to beat magic?
Eye Guy: Eye have an idea.
He turns into Feedback, when Jinx fires her magic at him he absorbs and redirects it back at her.
Feedback: It`s over Krang. You and all your buddies are going to Plumber HQ for processing.
Krang glares at Ben. He inserts a growth chip into his Mandroid`s arm and tries to step on him. But Ben has turned into Four Arms and flings him into a computer module. The Technodrome`s alarms sound.
Krang: Not again.
Ben transforms back and escapes before the Technodrome is teleported back to Dimension X.
Ben: Someday I`ll arrest you. But at least you won`t be returning for awhile.
He walks away, wishing he could`ve helped the teenagers Krang experimented on.
Meanwhile back in the Technodrome the Punks mock the Meta Humans for their failure. Mammoth grabs Rocksteady by the throat as both sides begin to fight.
Krang: ENOUGH! I`m angry enough as it is, all of you stop fighting this instant!
They stop.
Krang: Good. Now help me fix the systems. I want to squash Tennyson like a(croaking)buuug! You all will get your revenge. But only if you work together. Understood?
Bebop: Fine.
Gizmo: Whatever.
They begin to work on fixing the Technodrome. In another darkened room a pair of red eyes opens up.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Krang returns and genetically alters college students into becoming this Earth`s H.I.V.E 5
Minor Events[]
- Ditto, Feed Back, Nanomech, Kickin Hawk, Eye Guy and Heatblast appear.
- Ben Tennyson
- Rook Blonko (non speaking)
- Max Tennyson (non speaking)
- Plumbers (non speaking)
- Police Sergeant
- Police Chief
- Friedkin Goths
- George (cameo)
- Ralph (cameo)
- Lizzie (cameo)
- Larry (cameo)
- Prime George (cameo)
- Prime Ralph (cameo)
- Prime Lizzie (cameo)
- Prime Larry (cameo)
- Prime Jinx (cameo)
- Prime Gizmo (cameo)
- Prime Mammoth (cameo)
- Prime Seemore (cameo)
- Prime Billy Numerous (cameo)
- Prime Kyd Wykkyd (cameo)
- Prime Private H.I.V.E (cameo)
- Krang
- Shredder
- Bebop
- Rocksteady
- Scrag
- Grunt
- Dopey
- Dumbo
- Roadkill Rodenys (non speaking)
- Foot Soldiers (cameo)
- Jinx
- Gizmo
- Mammoth
- Seemore
- Billy Numerous
Aliens Used[]
- Ditto
- Humungosaur
- Nanomech
- Feed Back
- Kickin Hawk
- Eye Guy
- Heatblast
- The glowing eyes at the end was Kyd Wykkyd waking up.
- Krang was true to his word and gave Jinx Ghost King`s phone number, much to the spirit`s annoyance.
- This takes place immediately after "Hypnotic Hijinx".