No known rating. |
Ben 10: Haunted | |
Season 1, Episode 32 | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Mutants Vs. Metas |
Next Getting Back to Roots |
Ben was sitting at home watching gameshows. He laughed when one contestant fell into a water pit.
Ben: I can do better than that!
???: We`re glad you agree.
Charles Zenith and Collectimus warp in from nowhere, Ben jumps slightly.
Charles: Ben Tennyson, the Greatest Gameshow!
Theme song!
Ben was about to go alien to fight them, but Collectimus used his powers to warp him and many others into a pocket dimension of his own design.
Collectimus: Welcome to my world, I made it just for this occasion!
Ben: What`s the game this time?
Charles: Glad you asked. You and the other contestants will traverse the universe through wormholes completing various challenges. Try to survive, that`s all.
Bebop: And if we refuse you wimps?
Collectimus snaps his fingers and fires lighting at Bebop.
Bebop: MAMA!
He sparks and fizzes before collapsing from exhaustion.
Collectimus: You`ll be punished.
He snaps his fingers and heals Bebop, the warthog runs for cover and cowers behind Rocksteady.
Charles: Enter the wormhole at your own risk. The tension is yummy~.
Everyone reluctantly enters. They arrive on Mars.
Charles: Your challenge is to find water, good luck.
He fires a BANG! pistol as everyone races to find water.
George, Ralph, Lizzie and Larry an be seen clawing at the ground.
Lizzie: (In the language of kaiju) Keep going! There must be water somewhere!
Larry: (Crying) I wanna go home!
Ralph slaps his face as they continue.
Rojo: What do you think they`re saying?
Ghost King: Larry said something stupid and Ralph slapped him. What else?
Rocksteady: Hey, do Larry`s tears count as water?
Collectimus and Zenith stare at each other, they then shrug.
Charles: I...guess. On technicality, Larry wins!
Larry perks up at this, he then laughs at Ralph. Ralph snarls and tackles the gigantic rat.
Billy Numerous: That was stupid!
Collectimus: Never fear! On to the next challenge!
They all get warped into the Pine Barrens. Ghost King smirks, knowing the next challenge.
Charles: Next challenge! Face off the demon horde!
He and Collectimus warp reality to open a gateway to hell, releasing the Jersey Devil`s cronies. Jersey Devil himself flies into view and roars.
Jersey Devil: (Telepathically) FOOLISH ALIENS! Now I, Jersey Leeds, will RULE the Earth!
Ben: Don`t think so!
He turns into Brainstorm and fires at the demons, they shrug off his attacks. Gwen, Charmcaster and Jinx manage to confine a few.
Gwen: We can`t hold them off forever!
Charmcaster and Jinx: Speak for yourself-.
Jersey Devil rams into Fistrick, Fistrick vanishes.
Charles: Oh one more thing. If a demon touches you, you`re out.
Collectimus: But don`t worry. You`ll be beamed back to my dimension where you can wait in comfort.
Jersey Devil looks around confused, he most likely thinks he spirited Fistrick away and is looking for his soul to steal.
Demon: Master, what are your orders?
Jersey Devil: Attack all humans...and aliens!
The Demons roar and charge. A few tackle Exo-Skull, sending him away.
Dr. Animo tries to sneak away, but Jersey grabs him by the shoulder.
Jersey Devil: Don`t think I forgot about you!
He charges up a blast of hellfire breath, however Animo is warped away. This results in Ma Vreedle, Zak Saturday, Elena Validus and Seemore to be warped to safety since they were in the way of the breath.
Jersey Devil: Where are your souls!? Most of you are sinners!
He looks to see most of his demons being forced back into the portal, this angers him and causes him to roar and fly upwards so he can divebomb everyone. Before he can Ralph grabs him and chucks him back into the Pine Barrens. However this also eliminates Ralph.
Charles: Impressive, looks like Ralph sacrificed himself to save you all. Next!
The remaining contestants are sent to the Null Void.
Collectimus: And now for a bonus round! This will be a five minute free-for-all. Everyone for themselves!
They warp away and let everyone fight. The villains and heroes stare each other down before rushing at each other.
Ghost King: Time to play dirty!
He runs off. Albedo then turns into Alien X, but can`t move which allows him to be defeated easily by Vilgax. Nightmare King slams his tail into multiple foes, sending them into the void to be warped away by Collectimus and Charles.
Nightmare King: This is more fun than shooting fish in a barrel!
Trumbipulor charges at Hoodlum, Liam and Bubble Helmet. They get knocked down and are also warped away. Suddenly the ground shakes. Ghost King arrives riding his mind controlled Waybad into battle.
Ghost King: Nothing says I can`t use dirty warfare! Sic them!
She roars and tries to step on anyone she can. Ghost King turns into Brainiac and grows to a large height. He fires a missile from his mouth and shoots eyebeams from his Mandroid`s visor.
Ben: I`ll teach you to cheat.
He turns into Waybig and tackles Brainiac.
Brainiac: Forget the ants! Get Tennyson!
The Waybad forces Ben up and fights him, Ghost King is reverted back and is warped away. Waybig knocks the Waybad down and turns back to normal. Because of Ghost King`s dirty trick, not many competitors are left.
Collectimus: Well isn`t this interesting. This saves us multiple rounds we planned.
Gwen: Why are you even doing this!?
Collectimus: I`m bored.
Charles: Ratings.
Ben: Of course.
Rook: Ben, perhaps this is almost over.
Charles: Don`t get too relaxed. Next challenge is-.
Ben: You know what? I have a proposition for you. I`ll fight on everyone`s behalf the most powerful thing you can think of if you end this game now!
Charles and Collectimus then talk amongst themselves in private.
Both: Deal.
Almost everyone is warped away, leaving only Ben in a seemingly vast void.
Ben: Well? I`m waiting.
A creepy laughter is heard. A form glows in the darkness and reveals...a small humanoid with no arms wearing a jester outfit bouncing on a ball.
Ben:...Is this a joke?
Collectimus: Ben Tennyson, meet Marx. This little terror was so evil he`s basically the devil of the reality he comes from.
Ben: This cute little guy is my challenge? Bring it.
Marx lets out a high pitched creepy laugh. He then sprouts wings and becomes more creepy. Ben becomes visibly disturbed by this.
Marx: If you insist~.
He vanishes into the ground. Ben can now see this is a destroyed planet.
Ben: Maybe I should`ve asked to fight Vilgax instead.
He turns into Chamalien and tries to trick Marx into thinking he left. However Marx uppercuts where Chamalien is standing from the ground beneath him.
Chamalien: How!?
Marx: I have my ways!
He then fires a barrage of electric arrows at Chamalien. But he turned into Jetray and dodged. Marx then cackles and fires a laser from his mouth, downing Jetray.
Marx: I`m disappointed. I`ve heard about how you saved the universe lots of times and look at you! I`m beating you easily!
Marx then splits in half and forms a blackhole.
Charles: Where`d you think of this guy again?
Collectimus shows him Kirby Superstar.
Collectimus: One of my games.
Ben then turns into Waybig and grabs Marx. Marx phases through his hand and drops seeds on him. The seeds magically grow and prick Waybig. Ben turns back and shakes his hands.
Marx: I can keep going forever. Can you?
Ben: If I have to.
Marx: I admire that. Tell ya what, I`ll give you a quick and painless death.
His eyes begin to dilate as lasers come out of them. Ben turns into Humungosaur and swats Marx down. Marx laughs and lands on Humungosaur, he then begins running and manages to make Humungosaur spin into a large boulder.
Humungosaur; I`m
Marx: It`s your funeral!
He prepares to use the blackhole attack again. But he vanishes in a beam of light. Ben turns back.
Charles: What!?
Collectimus reveals he has turned Marx into one of his collectible cards.
Collectimus: I want to see Ben struggle, not die!
Charles: But the ratings!
Collectimus growls and turns Charles into a card next.
Collectimus: Sorry, I guess I let my games get out of hand huh?
Ben: A little.
Collectimus snaps his fingers, Ben returns home, so do everyone else. Everything is back to normal.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Charles Zenith and Collectimus team up to make a challenge for Ben and people he knows in the form of a gameshow.
Minor Events[]
- Multiple characters appear.
- Ben Tennyson
- Gwen Tennyson
- Kevin Levin (non speaking)
- Grandpa Max (non speaking)
- Rook Blonko
- Julie Yamamoto (cameo)
- Zak Saturday (non speaking)
- Fiskerton Saturday (cameo)
- Doc Saturday (cameo)
- Drew Saturday (cameo)
- Dr. Animo (non speaking)
- Bebop
- Rocksteady
- Krang (non speaking)
- Shredder (non speaking)
- Scrag (non speaking)
- Albedo (non speaking)
- Vilgax (non speaking)
- George (non speaking)
- Ralph (non speaking)
- Lizzie
- Larry
- Attea (cameo)
- Looma (cameo)
- Nyancy Chan (cameo)
- Rojo
- Amarillo (cameo)
- Azul (cameo)
- Trumbipulor (non speaking)
- Billy Numerous
- Seemore (non speaking)
- Ma Vreedle (non speaking)
- Simian (cameo)
- Manny Armstrong (cameo)
- Helen Pierce (cameo)
- Alan Albright (cameo)
- Charmcaster
- Jinx
- Nightmare King
- Billy Billions (cameo)
- Mazuma (cameo)
- Dr. Psychobos (cameo)
- Ssserpent (cameo)
- Fistrick (non speaking)
- Hoodlum (non speaking)
- Liam (non speaking)
- Bubble Helmet (non speaking)
- Exo-Skull (non speaking)
- Elena Validus (non speaking)
- Null Guardians (cameo)
- Azmuth (cameo)
- Probity (cameo)
- Sublimino (cameo)
- Clancy the Bugman (cameo)
- Charles Zenith
- Collectimus (redeemed)
- Ghost King
- Jersey Devil
- Demons
- Waybad Leader
- Marx
Aliens Used[]
By Ben[]
- Brainstorm
- Waybig
- Chamalien
- Jetray
- Humungosaur
By Albedo[]
- Alien X
By Ghost King[]
- Brainiac
- Collectimus reveals he`s aware of the multiverse.
- King Ghidorah and Dogora were supposed to return in a scrapped scene along with Gigan.
- Boogieman was originally supposed to serve as a challenge in a scrapped scene.
- Marx was returned to his reality after the match, and Charles was put under scrutiny for going a little extreme during the special.
- Zilla Jr. and H.E.A.T were supposed to serve as allies in one draft. if this happened, Cryptocledius, Crustaceous Rex, King Cobra and the Giant Bat were going to be released from their cells on monster island and become challenges.
- Jersey Devil was originally going to be a competitor before he was reworked as a challenge.
- Krang and Shredder were supposed to serve as challenges by piloting the Technodrome before being turned into contestants. Brainiac`s inclusion is a homage to this idea.
- Reboot Ben, Gwen and Max were originally going to cameo when Collectimus was to scour the multiverse for someone to fight Ben. But this scene was cut.