Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ultra Ben
Season 2, Episode 5
Air date 20 November 2012
Written by Maximus Loo2012
Episode Guide
The Aggregor Force
Rath of the Matrix

Vilgax: I will destroy Aggregor. I will take take the Ultimatrix X. I will have all power. All I need is you.

Psyphon: Of course, master.

GE Base

Telepatho: You are falling into a deep...

Ultimos, Tini and Synaptak: Zzzzzzz

Telepatho: Now you wake up.

Ultimos: What?

Tini: Now you what?

Synaptak: Why am I drooling?

Ben: Telepatho is good....


Kevin: Aah...Sunny beaches, palm trees, Psyphon and his R.E.D.S, white sand...Psyphon and his R.E.D.S?!

Psyphon: Oh yes...(blasts Kevin with his R.E.D.S)

Kevin: Oof (secretly turns on Plumbers Badge cam)

Grandpa Max: Kevin is in danger. And we are next.

Psyphon: Too late, Maxwell. You are alone.

Grandpa Max: Oh no I'm not. (dozens of Plumbers blast them with laser lances)

Psyphon: Level 3 technology! (sets up a force field) Weak!

Rook:How bout a Proto in a pronto?

Psyphon: Level 13 technology. This will be fun. (traps Rook with 30 R.E.D.S)

Rook: Need...Oxygen...Help....Magister Max... (Rook faints)

Grandpa Max: What do you want, Psyphon?

Psyphon: I want to get rid of Ben 10's allies, that's all I ask for.

Clockwork: You ain't harming ma gramps, Psyphon!

Telepatho: Psionic blast! (attacks Psyphon's mind)

Psyphon: Oof...

Rath: Rath smash!

Rage: Rage bash!

Four Arms: Four Arms destroy!

Ben: He's knocked out.

Grandpa Max: Thanks Ben but Kevin's knocked out.

XLR8: Thanks, gramps. (speeds to California)


Aggregor: Looks like Vilgax did me a favour. (places mind control band on Kevin's head and places a helemt on afterwards) Haha! (teleports away)

XLR8: Kevin!

Kevin: Destroy Ben 10.

XLR8: A helmet?

A flash of red light emnates past the helmet

XLR8: Mind control! So Aggregor mind controlled him!

Kevin throws a rock at XLR8


Ben: No please...Kevin!

Kevin: I am the servant of Aggreg-

Waybig: Ha! (takes the helmet off and the mind control band along with it)

Kevin: Psyphon.

Ben: Lets get to Mt Rushmore. This place isn't safe.

Kevin: Good idea...

Vilgax: You will be destrroyed once and for all, Tennyson!

Humungousaur: Thanks for givin me a workout, Squidface! (bashes Vilgax)

Vilgax: The device has been enhanced!

Ben: Yeah. By Azmuth himself!

Cannonbolt: I could roll you over...

Ultimate Cannonbolt: But this is just in case (rolls over Vilgax)

Vilgax: Uhh...

Clockwork: Yeah. I'll take you to Vilgaxia.

Vilgax: Gaa! (secretly shoots a mind control pod to Kevin's ear)

Ben: Lets move, Kevin.

Kevin: Uh...Yeah, Ben.

Osmos V

Aggregor: My plan is not done. I must have more allies.
