The Breakfast Burrito is the eight episode of Omni-World.
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Ditto wakes up on a Sunday morning, and walks to the kitchen.
(Ditto): Sunday morning, the lastiest time of the week.
We can hear Ditto's growling stomach.
(Ditto): Wow! Down boy, we're going to feed you.
So he walks to the kitchen cabinet.
(Ditto): Let's see, we have peanutbutter, chocolate, sprinkles, chicken, tuna salad...Man, to much to just put on one sandwich! ...Or maybe not...
Ditto grabs some slices of bread, and starts the perfect sandwich.
(Ditto): Alright, some peanut butter...
Peanut butter!
(Ditto): Some piña colada...
Piña colada!
(Ditto): Some chicken, roasted sporks, pineapples with some gravy, spagetti with BALLZ- bouncing balls, zombie heads that rapidly shout WILL WHEATON.....
A few hours later....
(Ditto): And..finally...a slice of bread.
He puts the final slice of bread on the sandwich, which has become a HUGE tower of the weirdest but edible things.
(Ditto): But how am I going to eat all of this? ...Hmmm....I know! I can fry it!
Ditto started to jump on the sandwich, until it became smaller, and smaller, and smaller, until it became a normal sandwich with ALOT of stuff on it. Ditto pushed it into the oven, and turned it on. The oven started to shine, really bright, until it EXPLODED!
(Ditto): ....I wonder if it's done. Probably.
So he gets the sandwich out of the oven, or what's left of it, and takes a bite.
(Ditto): ....Kinda salty.