Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Testidrones are an alien race from planet Testia.


Testidrones are robotic life-forms with varied clothing/armor and skin color, including various eye color, matching their full appearance.

Powers and Abilities[]

They have the ability to copy the ability of an object or life-form that he must see and touch. When he does this, he gains the color scheme of the thing and gains physical attributes that support the powers that he gains, depending on how long the object is touched.

Due to Testia being 2x the gravity of Earth, they have extreme strangth and durability for their size, being able to hold and fully function with the heavy and durable armor. Testidrones tend to make hyper-sonic screams out of anything they say when they want, though most Testidrones choose to shout a name when doing it. Their armor is also resistant to strong magnetism.


Testidrones might have huge issues copying the ability of an object or life form that is way too bright or hideous to see or too harmful to touch, but still may manage.

Known Testidrones[]
