Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Testi-Z Final
General Information
Species Dekulvios Testidrone
Home World Testia
Body Robotic Humanoid
Alternate Counterparts Testi-Z (Dimension 16)
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Copy Ability
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Agility
Testi-A Hyper-Sonic Scream
Picture Memory

Testi-Z is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Dekulvios Testidrone from the planet Testia, and Testi-A's Dimension 16 counterpart.

Powers and Abilities[]

Testi-Z has the ability the copy the ability of an object or life-form that she must see and touch. When she does this, she gains the color scheme of the thing and gains physical attributes that support the powers that she gains, depending on how long she touches this object.

She does the ability by feeling through each and every connected particle of whatever she touches, manipulates her particles to suit that kind of form, while still having visual of her Default form, and gains the physical attributes by seeing the thing that she is copying.

Coming from a planet with gravity 2x the gravity of Earth, Testi-Z does naturally have powers of her own, such as extreme strangth and durability for her size, being able to hold and fully function with the heavy and durable armor on her body.

Testi-Z can make a hyper-sonic scream out of anything she says when she wants, though she tends to only choose to scream "TESTIZEE", "TESTI-Z", or anything else that rhymes with it when performing that move.


Testi-Z might have huge issues copying the ability of an object or life form that is way too bright or hideous to see or too harmful to touch, but still may manage.

Testi-Z's armor is resistant to strong magnetism.
