Terrawolf is a combination of Terraspin and Blitzwolfer. This a fusion of the Fusamatrix.
Species: 1/2 Loboan 1/2 Geochelone Aerio
He has Blitzwolfer's head, arms, tail, and legs with Terraspin's torso.
Powers and Abilities[]
He has Blitzwolfer's enhanced hearing and smelling, super strength and sonic scream. From Terraspin he get the ability to spin rapidly allowing him to create strong winds, tornadoes, vacuums, and fly.
Combo Move: Spinning Sound: Terrawolf releases a huge scream and then blows it at the foe increasing the effect. While spinning he is costantly screaming.
Being a canine he can't see very well and everything he sees is in black and white. If the holes on his chest get covered or he isn't able to spin his wind-based-powers will decrease.