Terenuts are an alien species in Brandon 10. They live on the planet Mincor.
Terenuts are muscular, grey humanoid creatures with metallic skin. Their muscles are very jagged and their skin can produce protruding horns, claws and spikes from the body. They also have razor-sharp teeth and a bulky torso area. Different Terenuts vary in shade and tone of grey- there are rare cases where Terenuts have incredibly light or dark skin similar to Albinism.
Powers and Abilities[]
Terenuts have the power to slice through nearly any material using their claws. In fact, their claws are the strongest weapons produced from the body but a true Terenut would know to use their entire body as a weapon- which includes their protruding physical features. Terenuts also possess a super human strength and enhanced sense of durability that protects them from most attacks including projectiles.
It is also said that because of their close touch with metal that they possess the ability to manipulate metal in small to large degrees. Though to encounter a Terenut with a mastery over Ferokinesis is considered a legendary occurrence as they are only rumored to exist.
While the Terenuts are usually considered fierce warriors, more often than not they can typically be outsmarted and outmaneuvered by more intellectual and agile opponents. Also, because of their metallic skin, they are unable to swim, they can rust under certain extreme conditions- causing them to stiffen and even lock up permanently, and they can also be affected by creatures or machinery that can attract metal.
Known Terenuts[]
- Amongst the Terenut population, there are warriors, forgers and strategists.
- Taking this into consideration, there are also Terenut soldiers that fight honorable wars on their home planet as well as Terenut mercenaries and assassins, whom travel off planet for less honorable work.
- There is evidence left behind on their home planet to indicate that Terenuts have evolved over the past hundred years from a more aggressive species that had skin made from bone as opposed to metal. But after a series of wars, their skin had naturally hardened into the metallic material they currently have and they've learned to be more compassionate and accepting of others, leading to less violence, even though it still occurs often.
- This history behind the species draws reference from Wolverine, who originally inspired Shredder's design, abilities and attitude.