Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Temporls are the Erdenites Predator species in Get Animated. They lived on the planet Erden.


They have not been seen in so long that those that know of them forgot what they look like


They are the original time travelers and Timewalkers according to Metroy and Roccelt who know of them.

Powers and Abilities[]

They can time travel, traverse alternative timelines or universes, and between dimensions with ease.


Most information on them has been lost to the passage of time.


They are the enemy of the Erdenites and after a peace treaty was made between the two species they vanished taking all the moons and other planets in the system with them as promised to leave Erden for good.

Little else is known other than that, but according to a few sources they became other time associated alien races, others say they just went and traveled to a new point in time altogether. The universe will never know.

Notable (Species name, plural)[]

  • N/A (Omnitrix DNA sample)
    • N/A
    • (Alternate version of Temporl DNA sample)
  • N/A (Temporl character)
    • (Alternate version of the said character)

Notable Evolved Temporls[]

  • N/A (Ultimate version of Omnitrix DNA sample)
    • (Alternate version of alien)
  • (Alternate evolution type of Omnitrix DNA sample)
  • N/A (example of naturally-evolved members of Temporls)

Notable Temporl Hybrids[]

  • N/A(Alien-Temporl hybrid)
    • (Alternate version of Temprol hybrid)

Notable Temporl Fusions[]

  • N/A (Omnitrix/Biomnitrix fusion containing Temporl DNA)

