Tech 10 is a franchise created and written by CaT that take place on Earth-83, following the adventures of various people nicknamed 'Tech' as they save everything from groceries to the universe throughout multiple iterations of the series.
Tech 10 is the longest-running franchise on the wiki, having started on July 12th, 2010, and still running to this day, making it over ten years old.
Tech 10's art has evolved on an incredible scale since it began, starting with incredibly terrible, generic MSPaint art, and eventually transforming into clean, detailed, and fully shaded art with a unique style.
Each main Tech is primarily based on an aspect of myself fleshed out into a distinct character.
The original Tech was essentially what I saw as an idealized version of myself at eleven years old. I remember chanting "I am Tech and Tech is me" in my head as motivation when I was faced with something difficult; dumb, I know, but again, I was eleven.
Isaac Logical was created as an inversion of the "idealized self-insert" trope I had used before. Instead of playing up good aspects of my personality, I made a character embodying exaggerated versions of my self-perceived negative traits. Not the most creative idea in the world, but back in 2014, the wiki had no other characters like this, making Isaac fairly unique.
Theodore Logical was initially meant to act as an expy of Jotaro Kujo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure instead of carrying traits from myself, but this ultimately fell through during the writing process, and the version of Theo that ended up being published was a character imbued with the social incompetence and odd rages I'd experienced throughout my life. Almost exactly 2 years after creating the character, I was officially diagnosed with autism, allowing me to gain a better understanding of these issues through a medical lens. Ironically, this ended up causing a disconnect between me and the character, as I had essentially created a neurodivergent character without any intention to, and I lost having a solid grip on what exactly he was and what I wanted him to be. In 2020, I decided to embrace the neurodivergent traits of the character, and write his character moving forward based on that idea.
Teresa Challice was created as a vehicle for my childhood trauma, more or less. While developing Tech Cross, I decided that I would tackle some sensitive subjects, and in order to avoid making light of these issues or using them in an exploitative way, I decided to dig into the repressed emotions from my own traumatic memories in order to use them as a reference point, which is somehow both the smartest and the dumbest decision I have ever made. I ended up unearthing and reliving trauma I wasn't even aware of, and while this ended up working out for what I had intended, it made me realize in very explicit detail why I had repressed these memories in the first place. In the end, I did manage to process my trauma and come out healthier on the other side, but the way I initiated the whole thing was very stupid. For the love of God, consult a therapist before putting yourself in a situation like this.