Tatsuya Nakajima (中島 達也, Nakajima Tatsuya) is a 17-year-old boy who is the first year college student. He forming a contract with Methanosian engineer Swamps to transforms into Cyber Swampfire (サイバースワンプファイアー, Saibā Suwanpufaiā) to fight DNAliens and the Mutantborgs in order to protect the universe.

SF-23 Cyber Swampfire.
“ | Tatsuya Nakajima! Access granted! | ” |
–Cybertrix Access Card announcement |
“ | Cyberflash! | ” |
–Transformation call |
“ | Cyber Swampfire! Complete! | ” |
–Transformation announcement |
This is his basic form of Cyber Swampfire.
Powers & Abilities[]
Swampfire has the ability to ignite methane in his palms similar to a flamethrower.
Swampfire's fire blasts were powerful enough to harm enemies.
Swampfire is capable of limited flight through means of launching fire from his palms as jet propulsion, much like Heatblast. He is also capable of breathing fire.
Swampfire has a high degree of chlorokinesis, being able to telepathically interface with plant life, manipulate and instantly create biological agriculture, and generate a gas that makes exposed plant life elongate, enlarge and ensnare enemies, seemingly being mutated by the gases. Some plants have a brief green aura when he influences them.
Aside from Earth plants, Swampfire uses his telepathic plant interface with alien plant life.
Swampfire can generate seeds from his body that phase into or pierce into any ground or flooring before turning to vine tentacles strong enough to restrain the enemies. They usually are as small as pebbles, but they can sometimes become larger and sharper if used on a metal surface.
Swampfire's body can generate a type of mud that sticks to everything but him.
Swampfire is capable of regenerating and regrowing any damaged or destroyed body parts, allowing him to grow back lost limbs, holes in his body, or even his head. He was even able to reform his body from remains when it got splattered to pieces.
Swampfire is also able to heal other people's wounds.
Another method of regeneration involves reattaching detached body parts. This is accomplished by manipulating his vine-like "veins" and tentacles to reach out and meld with the insides of the detached limb and return them to the body, allowing him to reconstitute automatically if damaged.
Swampfire's methane has a very pungent smell that is intolerable to some species. Using his methane abilities, Swampfire can produce "sleeping spores" that can render humans unconscious.
Swampfire has enhanced strength.
Swampfire's body structure allows him to walk straight through thin spaces such as the gaps between iron bars. When he was crushed under a large container, his body deformed into vines that burrowed through and then out of the ground to reform him instantly. Additionally, Swampfire was shown to be immune to laser bolts, as they simply passed right through him and seemed to tickle him.
Swampfire is able to extend his fingers and feet into long roots that can dig through rock.
Swampfire is capable of jumping exceptionally high.
Swampfire has rather strong teeth that are able to injure another Methanosian.
Swampfire can generate vine-like tentacles from his back.
Swampfire can grow plants from the ground simply by raising his hand.
Swampfire gains the ability to grow vines with a flame tip from his hands and use them as whips.
Similar to Stinkfly's odor, Swampfire's swampy stench can make it hard for him to hide from anybody or anything capable of smelling.
Swampfire can be harmed by electricity.
Swampfire can be immobilized by ice, though he can thaw himself out by igniting the methane in the palms of his hands.
Swampfire's fire attacks can be canceled out by fire extinguishers.
Swampfire's body heat can make it difficult for him to fight opponents that are attracted to heat, like reptiles.
Swampfire's plants can be killed using liquid chemicals.
If his limbs are broken, they will be twisted and shriveled, and he will feel pain from it.
Alternate Forms[]
“ | Cyber Henkei! | ” |
–Vehicle mode call |
“ | Vehicle Mode! | ” |
–Vehicle mode transformation announcement |
“ | Combine! | ” |
–Combination announcement |
“ | Combiner Mode! | ” |
–Combiner mode transformation announcement |
By switching his Cybertrix dial to its vehicle mode, Swampfire can transform into his mecha form, SF-23 Cyber Swampfire Hybrid Sports Car. In this form, Swampfire can combine as the right arm of Cyber Omni-Kaiser Cerberus combination.
- SF-23 Cybertrix: transformation arsenal