His upper body is Blossomed Swampfire’s upper body, the light green skin very muscular. His face resembles fire, being yellow, red and orange. He has no eyes. Red horns come out of his arms and shoulders, and he has black hands with yellow claw fingers. Four nostrils are on his chest. Below his waist is the entirety of Wildmutt’s body, attached to Wildmutt's head, him resembling a centaur. His lower body is the same light green as the upper body, on all fours. No nostrils are below. The Dueltrix symbol is on his chest.
Powers and Abilities[]
Swampmutt's main revealed power is his enhanced smell. While it seems like his ability to smell humans is limited, this combo was created to track down plant smells, being able to detect them much better than humans.
He has enhanced strength and durability. He also has enhanced agility.
Due to specializing in plants, he has chlorokinesis. He can cause plants to grow from the ground at an accelerated rate. He can also throw seeds that attach themselves to his targets. This allows Swampmutt to detect his targets easier due to having a plant smell.