Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Strong Shell is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Fortean from the planet Fortmass.


Strong Shell is a dark red humanoid with biological gray aluminium armor on his forearms, feet and body. He has a horned helmet, and in Evfnye's case he has a virus mask on his face. He has four stripes on his body and four rings on his limbs that act as clothing, with the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

Powers and Abilities[]

Strong Shell's armor gives him a high resistance, but despite this, does not make him heavier, as it is not dense. He can withstand heavy impacts and has a very high lifting strength. Evfnye believes he could carry all the trash he ever had to take out in one round, although it might be inaccurate.

Strong Shell's armor have retractable spikes, which can be used as a melee weapon. They are located on his arms, feet and helmet, although the latter are not retractable.

Strong Shell is more agile than his armor suggests.

Strong Shell has a rare ability which allows to manipulate inertia. He can slam his hands to create yellow aura circles, which change the momentum of nearby objects. This can slow down bullets and redirect them.


Strong Shell's very large size, despite enhancing his strength, is a threat to the surroundings, as he cracked the wooden floor while he was walking in the underground of the mansion.

Strong Shell's skin absorbs dry ice, which immobilizes him for some seconds.


  • Strong Shell first appeared in That Cosmic Object. He was Evfnye's first transformation. He walked around, but without action, except planning to use this transformation again to carry out the trash quicker.
  • In The Burnt House, Strong Shell fought some firefighters, while discovering his ability to use inertia to own advantage.
  • In One Hell of an Adventure, Strong Shell used a metal plate to shield himself and Yanne from the excessive heat of the underworld.



  • When Strong Shell moves, sometimes a metal sound can be heard.