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Ben 10: Haunted | |
Season 1, Episode 59 | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
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Ben would be seen patrolling the streets of Bellwood as XLR8, he looked all over town in a flash.
XLR8: I guess there`s no crime tonight. Time to go home and-.
Before he could finish his sentence he noticed someone lurking through the dark, XLR8 got a suspicious feeling about this individual and decided to follow. He switched into Pesky Dust so he could hopefully not alert whoever this is to his presence. Pesky Dust followed the unknown individual to an abandoned amusement park, only to find out it was none other than Ghost King.
Theme song!
Ghost King: I know you`re here, come out like a man.
Pesky Dust gritted his teeth, thinking he was caught. He prepared to lunge but suddenly he saw Ghost King being tackled by the Boogieman.
Boogieman: You foolish mortal! Now I will feed off your fear!
Ghost King: Wanna bet?
He kicked Boogieman off of him and got into a fighting stance.
Ghost King: And just who are you calling mortal?
Boogieman grunted and got up, he then rushed towards Ghost King and slashed at his chest. Ghost King let out a soft grunt before he fired balls of energy at his opponent. Pesky Dust could only watch in amazement as both supernatural threats fought each other. Suddenly the Boogieman`s hands glow as a few vines spring to life and entangle the spirit.
Boogieman: Surprised? I`ve made this abandoned amusement park my domain, seeing as Ben Tennyson ruined my original one. But after I`ve gathered enough fear power, I will restore it!
Ghost King: Good for you, Honestly I`m not here to-.
Boogieman: I`m not in the mood for your pleading. Time to feed!
Suddenly Pesky Dust sprang into action and used his sleeping dust on the Boogieman.
Ghost King: Tennyson! What are you doing here!?
Pesky Dust: Saving you apparently.
Ghost King: You idiot! You`ve ruined everything yet again!
Ben turns back and begins to claim that he saved his enemy's life and that he should be grateful. While they argue, Boogieman weakly yawns and uses his power to send both flying onto a rollercoaster which springs to life as a demon. Both gulp as they are sent throughout the Boogieman`s new realm while he himself falls asleep. The Demonic Rollercoaster keeps going faster and faster throughout the park, suddenly a portal opens up as all three enter.
When Ben woke up he was in a mysterious realm, he rubbed his eyes and saw the Rollecoaster Demon destroyed from impact, presumably dead. He glanced around and saw Ghost King hanging angrily upside down from some sort of altar.
Ghost King: Well, look who`s finally awake!
Ben: Oh, it`s you. This is a fine mess you got us into.
Ghost King: ME!? I was trying to convince him to peacefully relocate until YOU butted in.
Ben: Well, at least I`m not dangling upside down. Can`t you get down?
Ghost King: I tried, my powers don`t seem to work here. What`s worse is Boogieman did SOMETHING to my watch and it`s not working right!
Ben looked and saw a large scratch mark on the watch, the dial was glowing green which was opposite from the usual blue.
Ben: Yeh, something is wrong with your watch. Well, good luck.
Ghost King: You`re just going to leave me here? Some hero you are. This is why I hate you, you`re really just a brat who treats an all powerful object like a toy. "Look at me, I`m Ben Tennyson! I don`t care about consequences".
Ben: You`re one to talk. You`re a selfish, megalomaniacal...
Before he could finish they would be surrounded by odd creatures. Ben froze, he remembered these beings...they were Lucubra.
Ghost King: Friends of yours?
Ben: Lucubra, they`re Dagon`s minions.
Ghost King gulped upon hearing Dagon`s name. His eyes visibly widened as he sweated a little.
Ghost King: in the old one?
Ben: Yeh, you know him?
Ghost King: All supernatural beings know of the old ones. Get me down, you need all the help you can get, right?
Ben looked at the Lucubra, who drew closer to the both of them. He sighed and turned into Echo Echo, momentarily stunning the demons while destroying the altar Ghost King was trapped on.
Ghost King: Thanks, now let`s go before more of them show up...or worse.
Ben: If you mean Dagon, he`s trapped in Ascalon on Galvan Prime.
Ghost King rolled his eyes.
Ghost King: That won`t stop him forever. In fact, I wouldn`t be surprised if he allowed himself to be "defeated" so easily.
Both wandered throughout the dimension, looking for a way to escape.
Ben: So, how DO you know about Dagon?
Ghost King: Like I said, we all know. Dagon and his kind, the Old Ones, are some of the most powerful beings in the universe. Only being rivaled by Celestialsapiens, Gods or the Devil and his spawn. How exactly did you beat him?
Ben: He got into our world, Vilgax absorbed him after betraying him, I sucked him into Ascalon.
Ghost King: He definitely let himself get defeated. But why?
He continued to search, his Omnitrix then beeped, having seemingly repaired itself.
Ghost King: Well look at that, my watch is fixed. Looks good as new, I wonder how.
Ben: No time, we need to get out of here before-.
Before Ben can finish, two tentacles latch onto his head and begin to emit energy. Ben screams and collapses to the ground, trying to fight it off. Ghost King looked over to see a Lucubra begin to control Ben`s mind. He smirked, hating Tennyson and enjoying seeing him in pain. However, he knew he needed Ben to escape. He also knew nobody deserved the wrath of Dagon or his horde. He sighed and turned into Leeds, breathing hellfire at the Lucubra which scared it off.
Ben: You...saved me.
Leeds: yeh yeh, whatever.
His Omnitrix symbol was then grabbed by a Lucubra`s Tentacle, he slashed at it which caused the demon immense pain. He roared and grabbed Ben, turning Ultimate and trying to open a portal.
Leeds Devil: Hang on!
He extended his wings as a portal back to Earth formed. Both flew away into the rift and landed safely in the streets of Bellwood. He then closed the portal before any Lucubra could follow.
Leeds Devil: That`s that. Goodbye Tennyson.
He extended his wings and flew away again.
Ben: Wait!
He tried to get up to pursue him, but he was already gone. He then began to wonder...was he right? Did Dagon let himself be captured during their fight. If so...why?
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Ghost King and Ben discuss Dagon
Minor Events[]
- Ghost King and Ben are sent to Dagon`s realm on accident by the Boogieman.
- Ben Tennyson
- The Boogieman
- Rollercoaster Creature
- Lucubra
Aliens Used[]
By Ben:[]
- XLR8
- Pesky Dust
- Echo Echo
By Ghost King:[]
- Leeds
- Leeds Devil
- Ghost King implies Dagon allowed himself to be defeated, possibly as part of a bigger plan. Although, this could be made up to scare Ben.
- The Boogieman wasn`t pursued any further that night.
- The Old Ones are referenced, confirming Dagon isn`t the only one of his kind.