Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Storm Dancer is a character in Shade 10: Evolutions. She is a girl with an ability to manipulate air. She is one of the League of Young Heroes. She is very good at stealth. Her real name is Jessica Green.


  • Air shield by manipulating the density of the air.
  • Flight and Levitation
  • Gliding
  • Run as fast as the wind itself.
  • Extremely flexible with the wind.
  • Can create tornados, or devestating wind storms.
  • Minor electrokinesis as she can manipulate atoms in the air to make necessary ions in order to produce electricity.
  • Minor mirage generation as she can manipulate air molecules through exnomophis in order to produce any kind of image of their choice.
  • Can control desity and pressure of the air.


  • Ineffective in a vacuum
  • Can’t control air temperature
  • She has hardly any affect on the element of earth.
  • Atmosphere must be present if she is on some planet.