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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Stellaloligos 1

Both variations of Stellaloligos

Stellaloligos is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of the functionally extinct Starmakers species which used to roam the Milky Way Galaxy.

Stellaloligos are physically similar to giant squids, although having several differencing traits mainly their larger size. Starmakers have natural sexual dimorphism which affects the coloration the transformation has depending on the Omnitrix wielder's gender, with male users having mint green bodies and orange eyes with a large star-like symbol on the transformation's trunk while female users are pastel purple with pink eyes with a large line and three-dot pattern located on the trunk. Stellaloligos are far larger than Earth squids ranging in size from 38 - 80 feet / 11.6 - 24.4 meters long.

Stellaloligos can warp gravity around itself allowing the transformation to openly fly through planetary orbit and space itself (if the individual isn't severely injured), they can also swim extremely well and survive both extreme deep sea and spacial pressure. Stellaloligos can both breathe and survive in any body of water and the vacuum of space. Stellaloligos also gains a higher intelligence and understanding of the universe, although this intelligence is more cosmic understanding than literal knowledge (compared to the intelligence of aliens like Grey Matter). Stellaloligos can also warp reality to a small extent although nowhere as grand or major as Celestialsapiens instead having the ability to move, modify, create, and recreate entire stars and star systems. Stellaloligos can also create stars of varying sizes or power at will, they also produce stars and celestial bodies as ink. Stellaloligos also affects its users' personalities, making them gentler and more benevolent until they transform into their base form.

Stellaloligos is a free-use alien.

Powers and Abilities[]

Stellaloligos 4

The genetic sources of Stellaloligos

  • Gravity Warping - Stellaloligos can both warp and create gravity around themselves to fly.
  • Aquatic Prowess - Stellaloligos can effortlessly swim and survive in any aquatic environment
  • Spacial Survival - Stellaloligos can survive in the vacuum of space.
  • Strength and Durability - Stellaloligos has strength and durability comparable to Vaxasaurians
  • Star Creation - Stellaloligos can create stars of any size and power
  • Star Ink - Stellaloligos can shoot out stars and cosmic dust akin to ink.
  • Supernova - As a last resort Stellaloligos can shoot out an entire galaxy's worth of stars to produce a massive cosmic explosion to destroy the threat, at the cost of the user's life.
  • Tentacles - Stellaloligos has ten long tentacles which it can use to grab and manipulate things.
  • Beak - Stellaloligos have large powerful beaks which can slice through steel and opponents.
  • Minor Reality Warping - Stellaloligos can warp reality minorly, using it to aid other living things or move stars and star systems.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

Stellaloligos 2

Male Stellaloligos transformation


  • Spacial Survival
  • Flight
  • Swimming
  • Aquatic Prowess
  • Tentacle Dexterity
  • Speed
  • Agility
  • Strength
  • Durability
  • Immunity to Possession, Mind Control, and Hypnotizing



Stellaloligos 3

Female Stellaloligos Transformation

  • Stellaloligos's DNA sample was taken from a female Starmaker who a few hundred years later crash landed and perish in Nowhere, Kansas.
  • Azmuth has noted that if he ever finishes a device that can clone a cataloged species back from extinction, the first creatures within the Omnitrix's codex he would revive would be the Starmakers.
  • Ben 10,000 used Stellaloligos to create various small stars for baby Ken and Gwendolyn Tennyson.
  • Stellaloligos's counter-alien/predator inside the Nemetrix is a Vortex Space Whale.
  • Stellaloligos is Sandra Tennyson's favorite alien transformation.
  • Ben once tried to use Stellaoligos to fly Max Tennyson around space for his birthday but was talked out of it by Gwen.
  • Ben once used Stellaloligos in a "scientific study" to once again figure out which alien could shoot the best loogie, and was highly upset after finding out that the transformation lacks saliva glands.
  • Stellaloligos is a free-use alien, and can be used in any series and any Omnitrix or Omnitrix variant's playlist.

