Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Cham-Alien Inviseble


This series is owned by Dan. Don't do anything to it because he will kill you.

Stan 18 is the sequel series to Stan 14.

Stan 18 logo

Stan 18 revolves around 18 year old Stan, who was killed by Vilgax. Vilgax took over the world, but Galvan scientests cloned Stan, equiped him with the new Ultramatrix, and must stop Vilgax!




Main Article: Stan 18/Episode Guide


  1. Alien X
  2. AmpFibian
  3. Armodrillo
  4. Arcticguana
  5. Benmummy
  6. Benvictor
  7. Benwolf
  8. Big Chill
  9. Brainstorm
  10. Bubble Gun
  11. Buzzshock
  12. Cannonbolt
  13. ChamAlien
  14. Chomper
  15. Clockwork
  16. Diamondhead
  17. Ditto
  18. Destroyizer
  19. Eatle
  20. Echo Echo
  21. Eye Guy
  22. Ghostfreak
  23. Grey Matter
  24. Greeny
  25. Heatblast
  26. Humungousaur
  27. Jury Rigg
  28. Lodestar
  29. Rath
  30. Ripjaws
  31. Spidermonkey
  32. Spitter
  33. Swampfire
  34. Shocksquatch
  35. Solar
  36. Terraspin
  37. The Percolating Coffee Guy
  38. Upchuck
    1. Upchuck Norris
  39. Upgrade
  40. Fury
  41. Water Hazard
  42. Water Spout
  43. Way Big
  44. Wildmutt
  45. Wisper
  46. Woodtail
  47. XLR8
  48. Ying and Yang

Additional Aliens[]

  1. Purebred
  2. Unnamed Stan 18 Alien
  3. Gravattack
  4. Bloxx
  5. Feedback
  6. Rook
  7. Zim
  8. GIR
  9. UpGIR
  10. Ball Weevil

Ultimate Aliens[]

Ultra Aliens[]

  • Ultra Humungousaur
  • Ultra Cannonbolt

Theme Song

See Stan 18/Theme Song

Fan List
