Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Venachen
Home World Kirota
Body Spider-Like
Alternate Counterparts Spiderfreak
Spiderfreak (Tech 10: Rebooted)
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Venom
Web Creation
Gatling Darts
Equipment Fingerless Gloves
First Appearance Rebooted the First

SpiderFreak is an alien in Rebooted the First.


SpiderFreak is a giant spider-like alien about as tall as a human. He has abilities generally associated with common Earth spiders, albeit at a much larger scale. Goes to show God's most horrific ideas aren't exclusive to Earth.


SpiderFreak's abilities include:

  • Web Creation
    • SpiderFreak can shoot web from the spinnerets at the end of his abdomen.
  • Venom
    • SpiderFreak's fangs can inject a potent venom capable of breaking down the majority of solids into a goop ready for digestion.
  • Gatling Darts
    • SpiderFreak can fire the spines at the end of his abdomen in quick succession at high speeds. Yes, it does count as shooting you with his ass.
  • Vibration Sensing
    • SpiderFreak can sense minute vibrations around him and track prey by following them to their source.
  • Heightened Agility
    • SpiderFreak can climb on walls and ceilings with ease and is surprisingly fast for his size.

Physiological Notes[]

While SpiderFreak's abdomen is usually held over his cephalothorax, it can be aimed in any direction, making it difficult to evade his Gatling Darts.


SpiderFreak's exoskeleton is tough, but if it gets pierced or broken, he will reflexively freeze up, leaving him vulnerable to attack. He is also weak to fire and heat and gets burned rather easily.


  • Spiderfreak is now SpiderFreak because I said so heck off
  • SpiderFreak's color scheme is based on the Gooty Sapphire Tarantula. Yes, that's a thing. Look it up.