Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Space Jellyfish
General Information
Species Dogora
Home World Deep Space
DNA source Dogora
Body Jellyfish-like
Predator None
Prey Carbon Based Objects or Lifeforms
Alternate Counterparts Dogoras
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Space Survivability
Enhanced Strength
Carbon Absorption
Powerful Suction and Self-Replication if injured
First Appearance Hypnotic Hijinx

Space Jellyfish is the Knock Off Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Dogora from Deep Space in Ben 10: Haunted.


Space Jellyfish is a jellyfish-like creature. It's blue and green and has long tentacles.

Space Jellyfish

Transformation Sequence[]

Ghost King sprouts tentacles and grows to an enormous size. He then turns into a blob before taking a conical shape and finishing the transformation.

Powers and Abilities[]

Space Jellyfish can survive the cold of space.

Space Jellyfish feeds off of carbon. Since the majority of living things on Earth and other planets are comprised of carbon, they can have their life force drained by him. However, he mostly settles for coal or diamonds. If he does target a living thing, he only takes enough energy to weaken them, not kill them.

Despite his tentacles being like noodles, he can carry heavy objects with ease even when flying.

His body can be corrosive, but this power is rarely used since he doesn't want to kill.

He can suck objects like a vacuum.

If he's split apart, his body parts will become new Dogoras.


Bee, wasp and spider venom causes his body to solidify, basically killing him.


Space Jellyfish was unlocked after defeating Dogora in Cry of the Kaiju.

In Hypnotic Hijinx: He is used to knock out a few Waybads by stealing their energy.

In Ben Goes Evil: He is switched in from Ghidrah and begins to drain Albedo Waybig's energy. However, Albedo weakly manages to grab his tentacles and slam him to the ground, stunning him.

In Ghostly Intervention: he is used to drain the Rampagers and Myukus of their energy after they almost kill Julie Yamamoto.

In Albedo`s Revenge: He is used to drain Ultimate Waybig of his energy during the final confrontation.


  • Hypnotic Hijinx
  • Ben Goes Evil
  • Ghostly Intervention
  • Albedo`s Revenge
  • Etc.


Space Jellyfish gets his name from Dogora's appearance.


  • Space Jellyfish is one of the most powerful aliens in Ghost King's Omnitrix since he can steal the life force of carbon-based lifeforms.
  • It's always a risk when Ghost King uses him since he's weak to bee and wasp stings. He is also weak to the bite of certain spiders who share bee and wasp venom.
  • Just like with Ghidrah, Dogora DNA isn't in Ben's Omnitrix because Dogoras aren't considered sapient.

