Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Sotoragg is the home planet of the Sixsix and Sevenseven. Sotoraggians are speculated to be a race of mercenaries which means they do many deeds (including evil ones) for money with little or no allegiances. Because of Sixsix's comment of the canyons and Kraab's response, Sotoragg might be a scrub forest or jungle planet.

Clash of the villains contest[]


Mechachlorox vs. Deathvoid vs. Veggie King[]

X-Scizzor vs. Sugistone[]

Vote here which villain will win in your opinion. DON'T VOTE FOR YOURSELF!

  • Sugistone will win because he can absorb energy.


  • This planet increases the powers of plant-controlling villains, since it is a jungle planet.

Omnitrix Alien Planets Pyros - Vulpin - Petropia - Kinet - Galvan Prime - Khoros - Lepidopterra - Piscciss - Galvan B - Anur Phaetos - Arburia - Flors Verdance - Luna Lobo - Anur Khufos - Anur Transyl - Peptos XI - Hathor - Sightra - Methanos - Sonorosia - Terradino - Aeropela - Kylmyys - MorOtesi - Encephalonus IV - Viscosia - Aranhascimmia - - Appoplexia - Kiusana - Tessloss - Terraexcava - Aldabra - Prypiatos - Pattersonea - Polyominus - Keplorr - Chronia - - Scalpasc - X'Nelli - Bleachia
Other Planets Anodyne - Augstaka - Incarcecon - Lewoda - Mykdl'dy - Perplexahedron - Primus - Ringa Morr - Sotoragg - Turrawuste - Vilgaxia - Vulcan - Xenon (planet)
Den -10 Yvaggawk - Thrae - Nielk - Amixorp - Lefruwsie - Tchin - Elloc - Enani - Aozordyh - Atarp Ajav - Kwaggavy - Earth - Proxima - Eiswurfel - Nicht - Colle - Inane - Hydrozoa - Vaja Prata - Klein - Aixelpoppa - Scalpasc - Lepidopterra - Hathor - Sightra - Emirp Navlag - Arbadla - Illen'x - Csaplacs - Arretpodipel - Rothah
Evan Billion Goppicent - Dudle Gode - Spotlieta - Morearth - Balefeld - Attitudia - Herta - Japanapaji - Giantantania - Feldcort - Attracta - Earth - Osmos 5 - Veguiteatia - Foldania - Shokkasteelea - Hydraquack - Sonorosia - Shocaza - Sujellara - Shortflie - N'Turr Janejare - Janejare - Tempspour Regardleclan - Sightra - Junkleanyu - Sn'Geece - Exkursion - Nin'de Reloja - Gouchang - Mars - Rabite Zebaklewch - Geos - Flamme - Terebraulo - Antiqost - Robloxia - Slivnilata - Z'Richer Janejare - Zapoffia - Janejaren Meteor - Fl'kia - Wops - Dramp - Phl'mama - Viscosia - Hydros - Lataoll - Infernicus - Waungmal Sintog - Ralment - Tankia - Toxia - Reversia - Animalia
Omni-Revolution Atmostryke I - Khoru - White Ardor - Phichnomaa - Vee'Na
Pokémon Sky The Off-the-ground - Ultra Space
Evfnye.misx70's Planets Arthure - Aviaquila - Baltus - Chelys - Crateron - Dracontachia - E-arth - Fortmass - Frion - "Gasattck" - Hydroculum - Khliph - Litorna - Magmest - Opuntia - Scandia - Shataran - Talhunia - Tauron - Tensionsapien Homeworld
Other Planets From Other Series Enceladus - Phlegonia - Lexicon Delta - Viceroy VIII - Somnus - Planet of Mutated Stuff
Non-Planets Forge of Creation - Nosedeen Quasar - Aranea Supervoid