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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki


Snare-Oh (Battle Ben-OH)

Snare-Oh, formerly known as Benmummy, is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Thep Khufan from the planet Anur Khufos in the Anur System.


Snare-Oh's eyes and the gaps between his bandages glow green. He wears a black and gold pharaoh's headdress, as well as black, green and gold bracers and greaves, and the Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.

He maintains the gaps on his chest, and his bandages are more ragged, as well as more layers being visible. His upper chest and shoulders are covered by a large collar/wrap-like black and green garment.

Powers and Abilities[]

Being composed of bandages, Snare-Oh can reshape his body at will. This allows him to split himself apart to dodge attacks and reform to counter-attack. He can also generate more bandages for various needs. His body is completely hollow making him extremely flexible.

Snare-Oh can regenerate himself and recover from many types of injuries, including being torn into confetti by a large fan, almost instantly, and, similar to Wildvine, Snare-Oh can extend his bandages, from his fingers or from his body, creating a sturdy wall. He can also sever the bandages he extends.

Although Snare-Oh is frail, he has some degree of enhanced strength, allowing him to lift objects and people with his stretchable limbs, and can punch away a Squid Monster with ease. Furthermore, he is also strong enough to restrain even Fourmungousaur, who has the combined strength of Four Arms and Humungousaur, with his bandages.

Snare-Oh has a surprising amount of speed and agility for his size and bandages, even enough to scale walls and dodge attacks with relative ease.

By reducing himself down to single bandages, Snare-Oh can slip through extremely tight spaces or small openings. This allows him to escape various traps or maneuver through cramped areas. He can also break his body apart to create a pile of bandages to cushion a landing. His face is separated from the rest of the bandages in the process.

Snare-Oh is immune to the effects of purple Corrodium and can survive in the vacuum of space thanks to his composition; these feats were only demonstrated by the Mummy, but he can can block out Corrodium radiation with his bandages, allowing him to carry the dangerous crystal inside his body without irradiating anything nearby; this feat was also exclusively demonstrated by the Mummy.

24-year-old Snare-Oh now carries green corrodium, which gives him the ability to control humanoid and animalistic statues and figures.


When extending his limbs or other parts of his body, Snare-Oh becomes susceptible to strong winds and suction forces.

There is an upper limit to how much tension Snare-Oh's bandages can withstand before breaking.

Because he is made of bandages, Snare-Oh can be flattened by heavy objects, stopping him momentarily.

Snare-Oh can be frozen solid by liquid nitrogen, as demonstrated by the Mummy.

Snare-Oh can be tangled up in his own bandages, as demonstrated by Kuphulu.

Snare-Oh can be controlled and hypnotized by Vladats via their Corrupturas, as demonstrated by Kuphulu and many other Thep Khufan residents of Anur Transyl.





Older Versions:

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