Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species ½ Unknown
½ Gimlinopithecus
Body Sasquatch with Cricket features
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Jumping
High Voltage Electrokinesis
Hard Head
First Appearance Dillon Million: Omniforce.

 Smashocker is the combination of Smashhopper's and Sparksquatch's DNA. He can only be accessed by using the Biatomnitrix.


Smashocker has the chest, torso, and arm structure of Sparksquatch but instead of being yellow, they are greenish-blue. His upper head is the same as Smashhopper's and the chin comes from Sparksquatch. He has Smashhopper's legs but with two bolts on each of his feet. He retained Smashhopper's blue clothes and abdomen. He has three bolts on his neck and has his throat colored the same as his chin with his horn's design.

The Biatomnitrix symbol is located on his stomach.

Powers and Abilities[]

Having both Smashhopper's and Sparksquatch's DNA, Smashocker has the ability to release Sparksquatch' electricity when he jumps. He also has enhanced strength.


(Not revealed)


Dillon Million: Omniforce


  • His name is a combination of Smash and shocker.
  • Sparksquatch's name doesn't have "shock" in it, but the name had to make sense.