Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Slopsopods are a sapient species from the Porridge Planet from the Trixters Universe.


Slopsopods are large-ish masses of porridge that clump together into a blobby, formless shape. A black stripe runs down the top of their body & down into their "backs", connecting their four eyes together with smaller, thinner lines. Their eye colours range from vibrant greens to pale yellows, but occassionally have bright blue eyes as well in the case of genetic defect.


The Slopsopods currently hold the record for the youngest sapient species in the Milky Way, and possibly the Universe, as they have only come into existence and gained sapience in the past month. This is due to the planet forming incredibly recently, with their bodies forming directly from their homeworld.


Due to the recency of the species & the lack of knowledge on their existence, our knowledge on their behaviour is incredibly limited. The only known people to have visited the planet are Fly and Ogrend Trolundi, who did not even come face-to-face with a Slopsopod. All that is known about them is that they hide their bodies within the surface of the planet by melding with it, letting them move across the planet incredibly quickly & camoflague from any potential threats.

Slopsopods are completely genderless because they are just big ol' lumps of porridge. It is speculated that they reproduce via large-scale mitosis, although this has yet to be proven.


it is unknown what a Slopsopod diet consists of. They are known to not eat the other species on the Porridge Planet & they do not eat each other, so it is speculated that they do not eat at all & instead produce their own sustenance.

Powers and Abilities[]

Slopsopods are composed entirely of porridge. This lets them shapeshift almost limitlessly, with the only thing holding them back is how much mass they have.

Slopsopods can re-attach any porridge that might have dripped off or fallen off of their body.

Slopsopods can absorb more porridge into their body to grow in size or to regenerate. Although, this is primarily used to avoid predators & to move quickly.

Porridge can also manipulate any porridge he's merged with as much dexterity as his own hand.


Slopsopods cannot naturally regenerate, meaning they have to absorb more porridge or reattach lost parts to regain mass.

Slopsopod bodies are edible to most species.

Slopsopods require mass to shapeshift, so less mass means more limited shapeshifting. This is circumvented, however, due to the fact that only a single Slopsopod has left their homeworld, so they can simply gain more mass from their planet.

Notable Slopsopods[]

  • Porridge (The Omnitrix, Ultimatrix and Flumpyflix DNA sample of a Slopsopod)
  • Nameless Slopsopod (Slopsopod depicted in the image above)


