Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Neonzarro Skyfly
General Information
Species Harpy
Home World Earth
Body Harpy
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Flight
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Strength
Sharp Talons
Enhanced Stealth
Cold Immunity
First Appearance TBA

Skyfly, sometimes called Grounded Feathers is the Zombitrix's DNA sample of a Harpy from planet Earth.


Skyfly is a pale slightly malnourished young teenage girl or a petite young woman with medium-length, messy, purple hair and purple eyes with pupils, one strand of hair always standing upright. She has talons instead of feet, her left wings is somewhat feathered but some bones are shown, while the other wing is completely skinless showing the bones completely. Her wings have exposed thumbs like a bat, each ending in a sharp black claw. Her wingspan is about 4 meters. She wears a purple sleeveless straitjacket with a "10" sewed under her chest and a total of six buckles on the straitjacket. She wears black shorts with sewed parts.

She wears the Zombitrix symbol on her stomach.

Powers & Abilities[]

She can resist subzero temperatures due to her zombie status.

She has sharp claws.


The majority of her abilities like flying, egg-laying and grabbing with talons got removed due to her being a zombie.


  • Land Animal
  • Poultry
  • Raptor
  • Owl