Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Sketchmungousaur is a hypothetical fusion of Sketch and Humungousaur.


Sketchmungousaur has Humungousaur's body and has a mixture of Sketch and Humungousaur's colors. The Biomnitrix is on his sash.

Powers and Abilities[]

Sketchmungousaur has Sketch's transformation ability and Humungousaur's enhanced strength and ability to "grow".


As Sketch is already capable of transforming into a Vaxasaurian, this Biomnitrix fusion is arguably one of the most pointless fusions there is. Sketchmungousaur has all of Humungousaur's weaknesses and has the weaknesses of anything he transforms into.


When he's written into an episode.


Sketchmungousaur is a combination of Sketch and Humungousaur.


  • One could argue that this is a useless fusion, considering the fact that Sketch himself can already do this, but then again... any fusion is possible.
  • Sketchmungousaur (and any Sketch fusion) is considered by Ben 10,000 to be one of his most worthless fusions.