Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Shiretsu Ageo (上尾 熾烈, Ageo Shiretsu) is the Violence Mutantrix user and Rin Asuka's manager.


He is a weak willed man who loved her in spite of the abuse. Ageo is used by Wind Wave DJ Saeko Motoko in a scheme to force Rin off the air, giving him the Violence Mutantrix she buys. Overcome by the watch's influence, Ageo assumes the alias of Mister Question, targeting certain places of value to Rin and portraying himself as a stalker. Once discovered, he abducts Rin and is chased after by Cyber Four Arms. Before being defeated by Cyber Four Arms, he leads Rin to Motoko.




Violence! Mutant Up!

–Transformation announcement

As the brutish Violenceborg, his left arm is strong enough to destroy anything in its path, even enough to smash through cars. He can compress his body into a wrecking ball-like form called the Violence Ball (バイオレンスボール, Baiorensu Bōru) to cause more collateral damage.


Despite his enhanced strength, he is physically weaker than a Tetramand, as shown with Cyber Four Arms.
