Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Shataran is the home planet of the Shataranjans, Meenaars and Haathee.


Shataran is a plain planet. It is tidally locked to its star. As such, one half is reflecting light, whilst the other is devoided of it, resulting in the planet being divided into two hemispheres. On the white hemisphere, the native Shataranjans have white skin, while the black hemisphere hosts black Shataranjans. Haathee and Ghodas also inhabit the planet.

The lit half of the planet is a vast desert with bones of dead scavengers scattered here and there. On the other side, the planet is covered with insects and radioactive plants, which feed on radiation. The poles are frozen wastelands devoided of life.


Place of eternal conflicts, Shataran is a planet-sized battle field, where the white and black races of Shataranjans battle. Due to both sides wanting absolute dominance, some Shataranjans started to tame Ghodas, horse-like species, and befriend Haathee, a less smart, but still sapient species. Also, Shataranjans created Meenaars, as battle machines.

Notable Inhabitants[]


Shataran comes from Shataranj, which is Hindi for "chess". This, like everything else about the planet, shows the similarity of it to the aforementioned boardgame.


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Evan Billion Goppicent - Dudle Gode - Spotlieta - Morearth - Balefeld - Attitudia - Herta - Japanapaji - Giantantania - Feldcort - Attracta - Earth - Osmos 5 - Veguiteatia - Foldania - Shokkasteelea - Hydraquack - Sonorosia - Shocaza - Sujellara - Shortflie - N'Turr Janejare - Janejare - Tempspour Regardleclan - Sightra - Junkleanyu - Sn'Geece - Exkursion - Nin'de Reloja - Gouchang - Mars - Rabite Zebaklewch - Geos - Flamme - Terebraulo - Antiqost - Robloxia - Slivnilata - Z'Richer Janejare - Zapoffia - Janejaren Meteor - Fl'kia - Wops - Dramp - Phl'mama - Viscosia - Hydros - Lataoll - Infernicus - Waungmal Sintog - Ralment - Tankia - Toxia - Reversia - Animalia
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