Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Buthidaxian
Home World Dromiones
Body Inordinately Large Scorpion
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Poison Ingestion
Venom-Based Ability Granting
Enhanced Strength
Classification Fauna
First Appearance TBA

Scorasting is an alien from Tech 10: Combalien Evolution.


Scorasting's abilities include:

  • Poison Ingestion
    • Scorasting can ingest any poison and incorporate it into his body without any negative side effects. This ability takes effect no matter how the poison enters his body, essentially making him immune to all toxins.
  • Venom-Based Ability Creation
    • Scorasting can create unique venoms that give those injected with them almost any ability of his choosing for a maximum period of 10 minutes. This ability has multiple caveats, which are discussed in the "Weaknesses" section.
  • Enhanced Strength
    • Scorasting's massive, muscular tail pincer can rip through solid steel like a wet paper bag.


Scorasting is a massive, 3-meter long scorpion-like alien with a green, black, and purple exoskeleton. He has four legs that end in spikes, two vestigial, claw-like arms on his chest, and two large arms ending in claws and stinger coming from the sides of his head. He has four eyes and a sideways mouth full of sharp teeth. The Ultimatrix symbol is on his chest.


Scorasting's ability-granting venom cannot grant "metaphysical" abilities, e.g. time, space, or reality manipulation. In addition, the timespan of these abilities depends on how much venom is injected into the target; any amount of venom that would grant the target more than ten minutes of these abilities would outright kill them.

Planet and Species information[]

Scorasting is a Buthidaxian from the jungle planet Dromiones. Buthidaxians are carnivorous, giant arthropods that have become the dominant race on the planet by defeating the other species in gladiator-style matches. To avoid conflict, they typically act benevolent, but if challenged, will fight fiercely and destructively.

They no longer hunt other creatures, switching to a vegetarian diet to avoid unnecessary conflict. They instead create protein-laden false meat, which is also sold to off-planet tourists. It is said to taste just like the real thing, though not every species has an appetite for baked Croach leg.
