Samurai Tales is a mini series of movies created by User:Dioga beta. They focus on the story of Samurai, the daughter of Ben 10,000 who has the ability to use alien powers without transforming into them, similar to Ultimate Human.
Main Story[]
In the time of Ben 10,000, an Appoplexian named Glacia attacks Earth with an army of Galvanic Techadons, along with a recreated Dalek-Malware. She kills Ben, Gwen and Kevin, taking over the Earth.
10 years later, Proctor Servantis is leading an army to fight Glacia, when his pupil Bolt discovers Samurai, a deaf girl with extraordinary powers. Samurai, Bolt and Root become friends, and help fight Glacia, though Samurai needs a lot of convincing, having spent 10 years in hiding after her parents were killed.
After the defeat of Glacia and Servantis, they still live in an apocalyptic world, with no real leader. Samurai and her friends live in a refugee camp. Servantis, trying to return to power, harnesses the power of Maltruant, but his attempts are stopped as Maltruant betrays him, and Samurai stops them.
Main Characters[]
- Samurai
- Bolt
- Root
- Captain Jack
These movies have appeared for Fanon Con Writing Contest entries. The first one for the Summer Con Writing Contest 2014, and the second on for the Winter Con Writing Contest 2014. The third one was for the Spring Con Writing Contest 2015.
- Events and characters in this series are highly influenced by Doctor Who.
- While originally was going to be a one movie series, it was given a sequel, which debuted for Winter Con Writing Contest 2014.