Sacrifice is the fourth episode of Blank and the Omnigizer. It is supposed to be continued in Finally!.
Blank and the Omnigizer | |
Season 1, Episode 4 | |
Production Code: | 104 |
Airdate: | December 12, 2012 |
Credits | |
Written By: | Ahmad and Squire |
Directed By: | Ahmad and Squire |
Season 1 Guide | |
Previous "Nova Hero to the Rescue!" |
Next "Finally!" |
Malware and Dr. Psychobos were sitting on a table in the dark.
Malware: Finally, Dr. Psychobos! We will start our plan.
Dr. Psychobos: But we still need a few tactics...
Malware: like what? Kill Azmuth, getting Omnigizer to be able to get the Omnitrix!
Dr. Psychobos: We need a new plan! PLANT A NUCLEAR FUSION BOMB!
Theme Song!
Blank: So, you got the food?
Pip: Some of the Finest Galvan Foods! (reveals a plate of wasps)
Blank: WHAT?!! I think I'll pass.
Blank pukes
Pip: (eating wasps) Galvans are insctivores
Blank: TMI!
Blank transformed.
Blank: Hypno-D!
Pip: What will a Packrat do to get you food?
Hypno-D: THHIS! (hypnotizes Pip) Get me cheeseburgers!
Pip was levitated by Hypno-D to the kitchen. Pip levitated back to Blank with a Cheeseburger.
Blank: (Reverts back) Finally! (eats the Cheeseburger)
Pip: What happened?
Blank: (eating Cheeseburger) Nothin' much. (finishes)
Blank: I'm getting sick of this place. Are we ever gonna leave?
Pip: I haven't actually thought of that yet.
Blank: Oh nh..
A Plumber Badge beeped.
Through Badge: Pip, I am Myaxx, Azmuth needs your help.
Pip: What does he need me for?
Blank: Come on!
Myaxx: Just come and see!
Pip: K, what baout Ben Tennyson?
Myaxx: I don't know.
Meanwhile, Ben was at the beach throwing a ball to Kevin.
Later, Blank and Pip got into a Pod.
Blank: To where?
Pip: To Galvan B!
Blank: Why do those pods have to be so darn small?
The Pod arrived. Malware has planted a LARGE BOMB in front of them.
Blank: Malware! I always knew it! (transforms)
Malware: Nice try.
Malware shot a Laser at Electrocute.
Electrocute dodged.
Meanwhile, we see the Rust Bucket III flying by.
We see Dr. Psychobos. He looks at a watch.
Dr. Psychobos: The time finally! Azmuth! (destroys the door)
Azmuth: What are you doing here!?
Back to Pip, Blank and Malware.
Malware: You pitiful, insignificant fool!
Electrocute: Such new aliens are hard to control.
Electrocute: But this one isn't! (duplicates)
Electrocutes jumped into a Pyramind and shot Elecrticity sending Malware flying to the Bomb.
Electrocute reverted back and held up Malware.
Blank: How do we disarm that!?
Malware: Only Dr. Psychobos can.
Pip: Speaking of him? Where is he?!
Malware: What do you think? Heading to kill Azmuth!
Pip: What!?
Malware: (blasts Pip with goo balls) Yeah, this only a hard distraction!
Blank: What are you planning?!
Pip: Probably world domination.
Malware: Three options kido, Omnigizer, bomb, or Azmuth.
Blank: Oh yeah! (punches Malware to knock him down)
Malware: Oh, if you haven't choosen, this Glavan will die too. (points at Pip)
Blank: You can have him.
Pip: Blank!!!
Blank: I got one for you!
Blank: Defuse the bomb, stop Malware and get out of here.
Pip: And Azmuth?!
Blank: Oh...
Malware: How you gonna do that! The same time!
Blank: I won't! (frees Pip) Take it off!
Blank clicks the Omnigizer and it comes off.
Blank: Take the Omnigizer! And save Azmuth! Tell him to defuse this Bomb!
Blank throws Pip to the Pod and it launches.
Blank: Now You!
Blank dashed at Malware pushing them both into the Bomb engine.
To Be Continued...
- Blank
- Pip
- Azmuth
- Myaxx
- Ben Tennyson (cameo)
- Kevin Levin (cameo)
Aliens Used[]
- Hypno-D
- ElectroCute