Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Sachi Byokin is the Virus Mutantrix user.


She was kicked out by his family after she gets so many zero score on her exam and expelled from school. She was hired by DNAliens for revenge and becomes Virusborg. However, when Sachi uses the Virus Mutantrix after she gets hit by a car, the transformation into the Virusborg is interrupted leaving only her consciousness fully enveloped in the Mutantrix's corruptive influence. These events weaken the Virusborg, but also enables it to infect inanimate objects and electronics to compensate. This ability makes her possess her brother's Fairlady Z to killing all of her old friends and her idols and blamed him for murder. After she was destroyed, her brother's name was cleared and her Mutantrix was destroyed while she died in her coffin and buried.




Virus! Mutant Up!

–Transformation announcement

Virusborg gained the ability to possess.


Her powers are weak than Nanomites.
