Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Rust Bucket 4[]

Rust Bucket 4 (Ominihero)

The Rust Bucket 4, also called "RB4", is a standard-issue Plumber jet that Rook brought to the team's journey across the universe. Just like he did with the Proto-TRUK, he most likely modified the ship using some extra gadgets and technology to tune the ship.


The Rust Bucket 4 has a forward-swept wingspan, a large cabin, a short and wider body, and an extrusion coming from the back of each wing. Its color scheme it similar to the Proto-TRUK's and the number '4' is printed on the sides of the cabin. The wings glow with a green energy on the outside.


  • The jet can interface with Plumber Badges.
  • It has a cargo area that holds Kevin's car and the Proto-TRUK, with tunnels leading to different emergency exits.
  • It has Extranet access, allowing anyone onboard to access any database on Earth, even secure government ones.
  • It is extremely fast, and because it functions underwater, it can be used as a submarine.
  • The jet has manual and autopilot settings.
  • Its weapons system includes laser weapons and missile launchers.



  1. And Then There Were 10 Again
  2. Quicksand
  3. Double Trouble
  4. It's Cool in the Cold
  5. Galactic Arena

