Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki


Rubix Dude
Rubix Dude K10
General Information
Species Cubixian Shaper
Home World Cubixis
Body Bunch of cubes
Powers and Abilities
Abilities See Powers
First Appearance TBA

Rubix Dude is an alien in Kurt 10


  • A highly dense and heavy substance that is nearly impervious to all forms of blunt damage and crushing force
  • Cube like form flys apart at will to avoid attacks as well as to flying piece by piece to another place
  • Capable of reconfiguring his cube like body into a large variety of shapes and forms.


  • Very Heavy and slow
  • Completely colorblind
  • Cube like form is held together by a type of magetic field and as such, a strong enough electrical charge, current, or pulse will short it out temporarily. Immobilizing him for a short while leaving and leaving him vulnerable to attacks



All credits go to Kjmarch on deviantart
